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A new Federal agency has been created. Of course a Board must be assembled to run this agency. Qualifications are below:


III. Qualifications

Pursuant to Section 1014(B) of the

Dodd-Frank Act, in appointing members

to the Board, ‘‘the Director shall seek to

assemble experts in consumer

protection, financial services,

community development, fair lending

and civil rights, and consumer financial

products or services and representatives

of depository institutions that primarily

serve underserved communities, and

representatives of communities that

have been significantly impacted by

higher-priced mortgage loans, and seek

representation of the interests of

covered persons and consumers,

without regard to party affiliation.’’ The

determinants of ‘‘expertise’’ shall

depend, in part, on the constituency,

interests, or industry sector the nominee

seeks to represent, and where

appropriate, shall include significant

experience as a direct service provider

to consumers.

The Bureau wishes to ensure adequate

representation on the Board by women,

minority groups, and individuals with

disabilities and, therefore, encourages

nominations of qualified candidates

from these groups. The Bureau also

wishes to establish a Board that is

represented by a diversity of viewpoints

and constituencies and, therefore,

encourages nominations for qualified

candidates who:

1. Represent the United States’

geographic diversity; and

2. Represent the interests of special

populations identified in the Dodd-

Frank Act, including service members,

older Americans, students, and

traditionally underserved consumers

and communities.

The Bureau will not entertain

nominations of Federally registered

lobbyists and individuals who have

been convicted of a felony for a position

on the Board.

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Like all the other idiots here, I don't make it a habit of reading the legalese in legislation, but this looks pretty standard. Is this for the Consumer Protection board that Elizabeth Warren was supposed to chair?

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Like all the other idiots here, I don't make it a habit of reading the legalese in legislation, but this looks pretty standard. Is this for the Consumer Protection board that Elizabeth Warren was supposed to chair?


I read the first few lines and it did look like Elizabeth Warren's baby. This isn't really new though. It's been in the works for a while. She definitely got the shaft on this matter.

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She definitely got the shaft on this matter.


Is she hot ???

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Like all the other idiots here, I don't make it a habit of reading the legalese in legislation, but this looks pretty standard. Is this for the Consumer Protection board that Elizabeth Warren was supposed to chair?

Yes it is. It will be interesting to see if the composition of this Board truly has experts from both sides of the lender-borrower aisle. Also, what does community development have to do with financial services industry oversight?

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