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John Boehner lied about combing his hair

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Rumor has it he may have even spent a night at his uncle's house at some point in his life. How can we ever trust him again after this?

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Don't worry volty, the closet queers will be up shortly to high five you for your unfunnyness. Just a matter of their moms banging on the floor to wake them for cereal time.

In the mean time maybe you can pose for some selfies to emulate your pathetically embarrassing hero.

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I heard Boehner admit he stayed with his uncle. Even the worst pathological liar would have no reason to deceive people about something as trivial as that. :dunno:

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I heard Boehner admit he stayed with his uncle. Even the worst pathological liar would have no reason to deceive people about something as trivial as that. :dunno:



That's the sound of this thread going right over your head :lol:

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I read he was recently asked if he had just brushed his teeth, to which he replied YES.


When they checked his tooth brush, ...bone dry.


The man can't be trusted. Period.

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I read he was recently asked if he had just brushed his teeth, to which he replied YES.


When they checked his tooth brush, ...bone dry.


The man can't be trusted. Period.

Yup, next thing you know, he'll go to bed while his ambassador is being ass raped by mooslims

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Yup, next thing you know, he'll go to bed while his ambassador is being ass raped by mooslims


Boehner has ambassadors?. Wait a minute... are we really talking about the president again? Hush, hush, i'll keep it on thr DL. (Does everyone else know?)

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Don't worry volty, the closet queers will be up shortly to high five you for your unfunnyness. Just a matter of their moms banging on the floor to wake them for cereal time.

In the mean time maybe you can pose for some selfies to emulate your pathetically embarrassing hero.

I don't start many threads. I only have enough stamina to do one day's worth of ridiculous phurfer-like posting of stuff on page one. Speaking of selfies though, the Mitch McConnell selfie one was my favorite.

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Rumor has it he may have even spent a night at his uncle's house at some point in his life. How can we ever trust him again after this?


This thread is just plain dumb Volty........always thought you were smarter than this.





and Boehner blows btw

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This thread is just plain dumb Volty........always thought you were smarter than this.





and Boehner blows btw

Yes. It is dumb. Extremely dumb.


See, it's a spoof.


We get pelted around here with Obama-bashing. In fairness, plenty of it he deserves. But a lot of what he gets is nonsense, the worst example on page one being about the Obama spent the night at his uncle's house or some sh*t that people around here seem to think the rest of us are interested in. Don't all families do this? Who hasn't ever spent the night with relatives? If such a person exists, that would be the anomaly.


The another example on page one: he took a selfie at a Nelson Mandela event. WTF is the point? I mean c'mon. STFU with all this Obama obsession nonsense.


Going back a bit, I remember criticism of his itinerary schedule and dinner choices. People actually think it's worth posting this cr@p.

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Yes. It is dumb. Extremely dumb.


See, it's a spoof.


We get pelted around here with Obama-bashing. In fairness, plenty of it he deserves. But a lot of what he gets is nonsense, the worst example on page one being about the Obama spent the night at his uncle's house or some sh*t that people around here seem to think the rest of us are interested in. Don't all families do this? Who hasn't ever spent the night with relatives? If such a person exists, that would be the anomaly.


The another example on page one: he took a selfie at a Nelson Mandela event. WTF is the point? I mean c'mon. STFU with all this Obama obsession nonsense.


Going back a bit, I remember criticism of his itinerary schedule and dinner choices. People actually think it's worth posting this cr@p.


Dude, turds arguing in a toilet about who stinks worse is idiocy, but from afar it can be entertaining. Don't get too worked up. I thought it was a good thread.

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