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Better Lucky Than Good

Two wide receivers from the same team

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In one of my drafts I took B. Marshall/A. Jeffrey with the 1.12/2.1 picks. I am very bullish on the Bears offense and see both finishing top 10 or better again this year (PPR league).


Upside : They're bad games should be cancelled out by the other guy doing well = More consistant Fantasy Points per Game for my team


Downside: Jay Cutler gets hurt ---> Jimmy Clausen?? McCown did good in the Trestman offense, can this be repeated?


Anyone else have success with starting the two top receivers on a high powered offense?


Others scenarios I see this working with:



J. Jones/R. White







Obviously if you tried this with Jones/White or Nelson/Cobb last year it would've been very painful. But that seems to be an outlier.


And yes I know I reached for Jeffrey....

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Who else was still available for receivers? I am a bears fan and i wouldnt do that. It may work out, but cutler prefers marshall over jeffrey. Would have rather gone bmarsh with any of the other top 6 wrs

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normally, I would say there is no reason to over think it although I normally try to diversify since there are generally other recievers I like in each group. example: if i have Marshall , i'd likely grab Nelson or Cobb over Jeffery.


If Julio is the best option in round 2 and then early round 4 you feel roddy is the best, take them both. The downside is the potential for the Falcons offense to get totally shut out.


In your case, I can't really see taking Jeffery at 2.1 especially already owning Marshall.... you're saying Dez, AJG, Julio, Anotnio Brown all gone?

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For what it's worth, I won my league in 2008 with Fitzgerald and Boldin. Won another league in 2012 with Roddy White and Tony G (TE).

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Had a guy 2 years ago have the entire falcons offense. Ryan, Julio, white, and Gonzales. Worked out really well for him. Plenty of targets to go around

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Years ago I had darn near every Vikings player:

Smith, Carter, Reed, B.Johnson (yeah I'm showing my age) - most weeks it worked out ok but I'd never do it to this extent now.

Obviously it depends on the offense but I wouldn't be too happy about it. I guess it depends on round (s) selected.

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Luckily marshall and jeffery dont play the seahicks every week.

Luckily not any week in the regular season this year! That's one thing that helped my thought process, schedule is pretty favorable.


I can't really see taking Jeffery at 2.1 especially already owning Marshall.... you're saying Dez, AJG, Julio, Anotnio Brown all gone?


A. Brown was still there and all the 2nd tier RB's, but I kinda decided this strategy once I saw my position as long as Megatron/Graham/DT weren't still there for some reason just to see how it worked out. (It's the last of 9 teams I'm fielding this year and I definitely wouldn't necessarily recommend doing this) I just wanted to see what other's thoughts were on the concept in general and how it has worked for them. I do have to say that I felt the most nervous doing this out of any draft I've ever done, but we'll see how it goes...

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I would not have done it . Brown would have been the better pick .

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First, too damn early to be drafting a bear wr, much less both.

Must be a homer draft.

Worst thing to do in a draft is to draft on hype.


Second, I have doubled up oftern in the past.

This will date me, but then my member # does this already.

I used to draft Ed McAffery and Rod Smith, Broncos wr in the day when Elway was the QB and whats his face was the #1RB in the league. BTW not a Broncos homer.


Anyways, Smith was always ranked higher for drafts, etc. He had higher up side. Would have multi td games a couple of times a season. Always makes some over value them. McCaffery, he was the position guy. 75 yards and a td every game. While ranked lower, if I had to bench a guy, it was Smith.


You have to know how to manage what you have got.

Some cannot.


Last season, I had both Bush and Bell at RB.


Key here is not to force it.

Take it if it falls to you at the right value.

But don't go in so closed minded that you pass over better values.

Likewise don't be afrarid to be open minded to take them both, at the right value.


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I would try and avoid it. With all the stud wr's this year you should be able to get two great ones of similar value from different teams. A bad game by the team will usually mean a loss for you. Plus, most of the time you won't get two stellar games from both. It's not horrible if it happens, but is easily avoidable. I don't like the "too many eggs in one basket" idea.

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The logic states that it doesn't matter if you own both top receivers on an NFL team. Their stats aren't going to change based on whose fantasy teams they are on. Work with your projections and ADP and just draft the best available.


That said, you have much more risk going with too many players on the same team. If they lose their QB or key spots on the O-line, then both player drop in potential and your team is pretty shot. You have less risk with having two studs from two different teams than you do from one. But that gets into the idea of predicting injuries - which is almost impossible to do in this game

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With the bears defense they will be playing from behind a lot. With cutlers injury history Jeffery will get his fair share.

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