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Matt Jones for Doug Baldwin

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Two teams in my league just did a Matt Jones for Doug Baldwin trade.


It's the first trade I've ever voted no on in any league.


Fantasy Pros had Jones at #33 RB and Baldwin at #65 WR.


Hardly seems close to even.


Thoughts? Am I being too harsh?

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The FanDuel salaries for week 4 are 6300 for Matt Jones and 5700 for Doug Baldwin. That's pretty close.


A Baldwin owner would have a higher snap count confidence in his man than he might for Matt Jones - especially after Chris Thompson was stealing the show in week 3. Also, Russell Wilson has been throwing the ball more this year.

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Two teams in my league just did a Matt Jones for Doug Baldwin trade.


It's the first trade I've ever voted no on in any league.


Fantasy Pros had Jones at #33 RB and Baldwin at #65 WR.


Hardly seems close to even.


Thoughts? Am I being too harsh?

You voted no because you wanted matt jones?


Maybe he had rb depth and needed a wr, why you so salty

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I got to watch Matt Jones since he was the Thursday night game last week. I have him too.


My concern with his performance in week 2 was that all the highlights I saw were of him bouncing to the outside. I wanted to see how he ran in week 3. He definitely tends to try to bounce outside with nearly every run. When he did stay inside his vision didn't seem to be the greatest. That'll come with time and experience but in the short term teams will adjust to that. You might be able to bounce everything outside in college, but pros are too fast when they know it's coming.


I like him too, but I can see how someone might be looking to sell into the early hype.

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I dont think the jones owner got nearly enough for him. But its not something that should be vetoed. Trades should only be vetoed if theirs colusion involved, or if the deal is detrimental to the league. A trade should never be vetoed just to save another owner from making a presumably bad deal.

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A lot of teams in our league was up in arms when CJ Anderson owner (1st round pick) traded him for Lamar Miller (3rd round) and Ryan Mathews (9th round and Demarco owner) before the season started. As commissioner, I didn't like the trade but there was no collusion/cheating going on...

Well, who'd have thunk that Mathews was the best player in that deal (so far...)


Also, Doug Baldwin is rostered/started in our 12 teamer...

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It's the first trade I've ever voted no on in any league.



Did you suspect they were colluding? If so, okay. If not, then you should not have voted against.


Is your job to be the Quality Trade Police? Should we be allowed to veto drops and adds too? "I'm not going to let you drop Chris Johnson for Rawls, because Johnson had a great game last week!"


If you don't think these two owners are conspiring to make one of their teams better at the expense of the other team (collusion), then it's your duty to let people ruin their teams if they want to. The other owners should be free to make bad decisions--decisions YOU don't like--without you meddling in their ownership.

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Hey guys, thanks for all of the feedback. Even the smarmy/lecturing ones.


The trade seems lopsided, I was just asking for feedback because Baldwin is basically 5th tier at best and Jones is up and coming. Is there collusion? Possibly.


Mr. Mile High dude, no reason to call me stupid. I know how my league works and the people in it and you do not. So, chill out.

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Hey guys, thanks for all of the feedback. Even the smarmy/lecturing ones.


The trade seems lopsided, I was just asking for feedback because Baldwin is basically 5th tier at best and Jones is up and coming. Is there collusion? Possibly.


Mr. Mile High dude, no reason to call me stupid. I know how my league works and the people in it and you do not. So, chill out.


For my part, I know I got lectury, but I wasn't trying to be smarmy or insulting, sorry if I sounded that way.


But...this is a touchy point for a lot of us. I've been in leagues in the past where people would bring up all kinds of reasons for vetoing trades--one guy was in a trade negotiation (nothing formally sent through the league site yet) for a player, and the other guy went ahead and traded him to someone else. First guy wanted us to veto it because 'he had first dibs'.


Vetoing a trade because you think one person is getting taken, though--again, not trying to be a jerk, but it's not your job to manage someone else's team. If this guy starts dumping all his good players in a series of lopsided trades, particularly to one or two people, that's something to look into. Someone throwing their season (at any point, but in week 3?) is a form of collusion. But someone making a bad trade is just that, a bad trade.


I'm against Do Not Cut lists as well, for the same reason. So it's not like you're some freak who's doing something no one else ever does. But I think these sort of vetoes go against the purpose of the game. It's supposed to be you against me, not you against you+me, where you have to help me not make bad decisions.


Anyway, hope my post before didn't sound too dickish.

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"Anyway, hope my post before didn't sound too dickish."


No worries, dude and I agree with almost all of your points and think do not cut lists are lame as well.


It turns out that the guy who accepted the trade, getting Baldwin, has been in Ireland the past week, wasn't paying attention and was probably drunk when he accepted it. He actually voted No on HIS OWN TRADE and the trade is off.


Both guys involved in this trade know a lot about Fantasy that's why I questioned it. Also, the guy getting Matt Jones has never made a trade in 8 years.


Anyway, thanks for all of the input!

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"Anyway, hope my post before didn't sound too dickish."


No worries, dude and I agree with almost all of your points and think do not cut lists are lame as well.


It turns out that the guy who accepted the trade, getting Baldwin, has been in Ireland the past week, wasn't paying attention and was probably drunk when he accepted it. He actually voted No on HIS OWN TRADE and the trade is off.


Both guys involved in this trade know a lot about Fantasy that's why I questioned it. Also, the guy getting Matt Jones has never made a trade in 8 years.


Anyway, thanks for all of the input!



LOL, that's a great story. :) Some guys come home with tattoos, some guys sleep with random strangers. This dude comes home with Doug Baldwin.


Btw, after "had been in Ireland for a week", it was redundant to say "was probably drunk" ;)



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" Some guys come home with tattoos, some guys sleep with random strangers. This dude comes home with Doug Baldwin."


- Contender for quote of the year.

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Is this a dynasty league or something? Because in redraft Matt Jones is basically not start able until he shows otherwise. I guess that makes him slightly more valuable than Doug Baldwin -- who isn't startable, period -- but only slightly. It's certainly not a horribly lopsided trade at this point in time even though it's not one I'd make myself.


More importantly: do you have reason to suspect collusion? If not then you can't veto and frankly you'd look like a jealous whiner for getting worked up over it

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ETA: voting on trades is stupid and your league is a joke. Yeah I said it



I guess one man's joke is another man's tragedy.


Shouldn't you be guarding a bridge or something?

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Voting needs to be abolished. Why in the hell would I want my opponents to get better? If course I'd vote to veto a trade if it means someone gets better and not me. It's just dumb. All trades go through unless it's collusion or tanking. Bad deals are fine.

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