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Wanted - thoughts about 3 Free Fantasy Football hosting sites

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League has been using ESPN League Manager for years.

Pro - familiarity, Offline draft app

Con - Limited customization


Thinking about 2 other sites


Yahoo and Fleaflicker


Wanted on your thoughts.


thanks in advance

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I've heard good things about Fleaflicker and I believe it has good options. I believe the site with the most customization is myfantasyleague.com

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Only ever used Yahoo and it's perfectly serviceable, and sufficiently customized for the most part, although they could have greater variation in mocks at the moment.


They do tend to overdo cosmetic changes on a yearly basis and try to fix what isn't broken.


The worst aspect is that their supplementary 'expert' advice stuff is pretty cookie cutter, reactive, superficial and often downright wrong, but it's easy enough to stay away from.


But the actual mechanics of the site work fine for what I need on draft day and for running a league.

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I was in a league that used fleaflicker last year. It was pretty good. Easy to use and navigate. No complaints.


My money league with friends use fanstar. Been using it for 18 years

Its not the best best its easy to use and since we are one of their oldest clients we get it super cheap each year.



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MFL > the rest.

Remember when we first got into an MFL league. Most of us were like WTF is this?? This site sucks!! I still probably don't use it right. Still it is the best.

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Those with experience. I have two critical elements of play that need to remain intact


First involves a Secondary Playoff. We call Toilet Bowl. Is an inverted bracket involving the teams which did not enter the playoffs. Inverted in the loser advance.

With espn, as commish. I can manipulate this to happen.

Anyone do this in Flea Flicker or Yahoo


Second is Free Agency.

Q. What is your thoughts on Free Agency

I have checked both Yahoo and FleaFlicker One appears to allow a more none restrictive FA. First come first served method. None of the free give you the setting to restrict the number per week. Although one of these two did have that for the playoffs.

Note ESPN doesn't either. Is the main point of monitoring I have to do as a commish. Yes I do reset FA moves when too many occur.


Thanks for your input thus far. Not certain either FF or Yahoo do anything differently, better etc to move the league. Neither does ESPN do enough for me not to want to move the league.


Fanstar. We used them long ago. Before CBS, Fanball. Our league used Fanstar. omg.

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