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Déjà vu

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According to a wiki entry 70% of the population has had a deja vu experience at some point. I was standing in a friend's new apartment the other night and had a really powerful one. Not hazey familiarity but everything including action was perfectly familiar. It was incredibly eerie since I had never been there before. There's one theory that when you're having a detailed, very impactive-every sense and action involved kind of one (deja vicu) it's because there's a notable delay in your brain piecing together the environment around you in the moment. So you are 'remembering' what you were just sensing but it's all coming together a bit late. Once you put all the pieces together, it's familiar, because you already individually dealt with the sensations as they came on their individual fronts. That delay is probably like a 40th of a millisecond but it matters. I lean towards that explanation over the more spiritual ones as I did feel dazed, completely sober, just tired.

As for hazier deja vu experiences which most everyone experiences at least once, it's probably a combination of real memories/dream/imagination/movies, etc.

Discuss, especially if you've ever had a gripping one :pointstosky:

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Wow. I wish I had read that 12 years ago. I was tripping my balls off and felt like I was having deja vu for about 8 straight hours. I seriously thought I was gonna die that night. A little knowledge would have come in big help.

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According to a wiki entry 70% of the population has had a deja vu experience at some point. I was standing in a friend's new apartment the other night and had a really powerful one. Not hazey familiarity but everything including action was perfectly familiar. It was incredibly eerie since I had never been there before. There's one theory that when you're having a detailed, very impactive-every sense and action involved kind of one (deja vicu) it's because there's a notable delay in your brain piecing together the environment around you in the moment. So you are 'remembering' what you were just sensing but it's all coming together a bit late. Once you put all the pieces together, it's familiar, because you already individually dealt with the sensations as they came on their individual fronts. That delay is probably like a 40th of a millisecond but it matters. I lean towards that explanation over the more spiritual ones as I did feel dazed, completely sober, just tired.

As for hazier deja vu experiences which most everyone experiences at least once, it's probably a combination of real memories/dream/imagination/movies, etc.

Discuss, especially if you've ever had a gripping one :wall:


I dont buy the explanation. Mostly because I can generally remember where and when I was that I had the 'first' vision. And, it's oftentimes been months before the 'real' experience comes to pass. Dunno what the explanation is, but I've had a ton of Veja Du's throughout my life - enough to believe it's a real phenomenon. :overhead:

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Yeah I watched that movie on StrzHD on Saturday. Not bad.

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What about feelings of Vuja De, the feeling that none of this has ever happened before. Does this ever happen to you guys?

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if i had ever been here before i would probably know just what to do. don't you?

if i had ever been here before on another time around the wheel,

i would probably know just how to deal with all of you..


and I feel like i've been here before. feel like I've been here before.

and you know it makes me wonder what's going on under the ground.


do you know? don't you wonder what's going on down under you?


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.


we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

we have all been here before, we have all been here before.

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I dont buy the explanation. Mostly because I can generally remember where and when I was that I had the 'first' vision. And, it's oftentimes been months before the 'real' experience comes to pass. Dunno what the explanation is, but I've had a ton of Veja Du's throughout my life - enough to believe it's a real phenomenon. :banana:


Were those detailed deja vu experiences? When you have the vision is it just in your head, or do you feel like you actually experienced setting and action and then really experience it again later?


I stopped what I was doing and thought about it, took in more of the environment and couldn't shake it. So eerie. I've been puzzled before with hazier ones, but never as profoundly jolted with inexplicable familiarity.

Déjà vécu


Usually translated as 'already lived,' déjà vécu is described in a quotation from Charles Dickens:

“ We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time – of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances – of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remember it


Déjà senti

This phenomenon specifies something 'already felt.' Unlike the implied precognition of déjà vécu, déjà senti is primarily or even exclusively a mental happening, has no precognitive aspects, and rarely if ever remains in the afflicted person's memory afterwards.


Dr. John Hughlings Jackson recorded the words of one of his patients who suffered from temporal lobe or psychomotor epilepsy in an 1889 paper:

“ What is occupying the attention is what has occupied it before, and indeed has been familiar, but has been for a time forgotten, and now is recovered with a slight sense of satisfaction as if it had been sought for. ... At the same time, or ... more accurately in immediate sequence, I am dimly aware that the recollection is fictitious and my state abnormal. The recollection is always started by another person's voice, or by my own verbalized thought, or by what I am reading and mentally verbalize; and I think that during the abnormal state I generally verbalize some such phrase of simple recognition


Déjà visité


This experience is less common and involves an uncanny knowledge of a new place. The translation is "already visited." Here one may know his or her way around in a new town or landscape while at the same time knowing that this should not be possible.


Dreams, reincarnation and also out-of-body travel have been invoked to explain this phenomenon. Additionally, some suggest that reading a detailed account of a place can result in this feeling when the locale is later visited.

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Wow. I wish I had read that 12 years ago. I was tripping my balls off and felt like I was having deja vu for about 8 straight hours. I seriously thought I was gonna die that night. A little knowledge would have come in big help.

No offense intended, but were you on anything that night?

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I dont buy the explanation. Mostly because I can generally remember where and when I was that I had the 'first' vision. And, it's oftentimes been months before the 'real' experience comes to pass. Dunno what the explanation is, but I've had a ton of Veja Du's throughout my life - enough to believe it's a real phenomenon. :shocking:




ITA. I've had several of these moments, most of them being very powerful to the point of all the detail in the room or surrounding environment. That's what defines it for me is all the details. And the "first" encounter is usually 6-8 months in advance, and comes in the form of a dream. I usually can't remember anything about the dream,except the "scene."


I think it's a definite phenomenon because I just don't see any other valid explanation.... :mad:

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According to a wiki entry 70% of the population has had a deja vu experience at some point. I was standing in a friend's new apartment the other night and had a really powerful one. Not hazey familiarity but everything including action was perfectly familiar. It was incredibly eerie since I had never been there before. There's one theory that when you're having a detailed, very impactive-every sense and action involved kind of one (deja vicu) it's because there's a notable delay in your brain piecing together the environment around you in the moment. So you are 'remembering' what you were just sensing but it's all coming together a bit late. Once you put all the pieces together, it's familiar, because you already individually dealt with the sensations as they came on their individual fronts. That delay is probably like a 40th of a millisecond but it matters. I lean towards that explanation over the more spiritual ones as I did feel dazed, completely sober, just tired.

As for hazier deja vu experiences which most everyone experiences at least once, it's probably a combination of real memories/dream/imagination/movies, etc.

Discuss, especially if you've ever had a gripping one :music_guitarred:


It simply means you are one of the 48 castaways on the Lost island, but you haven't been written into the script and been featured yet. Patience. But for fock's sake, look out for the monster.

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I get Déjà vu all the time....course I took a lot of acid in my day, too. :music_guitarred:

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I did feel like I posted about it before. Don't remember what I said. This will be interesting.

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I did feel like I posted about it before. Don't remember what I said. This will be interesting.

so a little different

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Hmmm. Interesting. Weird saying this to my own post.


It seemed so fluid that it's hard to believe that would be the explanation, but I've been tired for sure.

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