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naomi last won the day on March 22 2014

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About naomi

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    FF Geek

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    Nor Cal

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  1. naomi

    Sh1tfaced singer flubs national anthem

    Had no idea who she is, but curious to hear her stuff now. She sung poorly but has an interesting/could be beautiful voice.
  2. I'm not sure how to verify this. Hoping we have some finance geeks who can fact check. https://x.com/JHartley2/status/1813355170610266399 https://x.com/Jlasoon/status/1813395966151504263
  3. naomi

    Had to put our cat Ninja down yesterday. :(((((

    Same. Ugh, that's sad. RIP Ninja.
  4. naomi

    June 27 Presidential debate

    Not only is she being extremely patronizing to him (which has some merit), but she's being extremely patronizing to the audience. It legitimately sounds like she's talking to a kindergarten class.
  5. naomi

    June 27 Presidential debate

  6. naomi

    June 27 Presidential debate

    Newsom incoming
  7. https://x.com/mazemoore/status/1798826332257972257
  8. naomi

    Question for happily married geeks

    That's strange. I understand there's a lot of crappy people these days, and the internet tends to overrepresent them. But I'm not even a social butterfly and I still know a fair amount of truly decent women. I'm not really in environments where crappy ones would be though.
  9. naomi

    Question for happily married geeks

    Do you think it's because you and your second wife are a better match, so you just never have that inclination? Or, is it a conscious choice to shut down the hint of thoughts like that?
  10. naomi

    Question for happily married geeks

    By intellectual attraction, I mean it's a little more than appreciating what they look like. You enjoy their personality, too. Basically it's knowing you'd probably pursue/be open to a relationship with that person if you were single. Yet at the same time you're content with your husband/wife, grateful, and would never act on that attraction.
  11. Only answer if you're completely happily married. Since being married have you experienced the feeling of physical and intellectual attraction to someone besides your spouse? I'm not talking thinking about being with this other person often, but simply being aware that you're fond of this other person, and would be drawn to them, if single? Yet you're still happily married, and solidly desire to remain so; your spouse floats your boat.
  12. naomi

    I hate this commercial

    Yeah, that doesn't come across aspirational at all. Wouldn't want to be her. Most guys wouldn't want to be him. But even the ambience is bleak so they're sort of de-promoting this lifestyle.
  13. There's enough partisan animus that one side would always assume the other side is doing a "show me the man and I'll show you the crime." If we put aside the question of whether or not that happened here, the fact remains that it will always be the solid impression. And most people are too busy or just unmotivated to objectively parse through the details.
  14. naomi

    US missionary

    From a WSJ article, it sounds like the husband and the male colleague were shot and then burned. All 3 bodies found near each other. So the husband grew up in Haiti, his parents had started the orphanage, he spoke Creole before learning English. Not "tourist missionaries" like many assume.
  15. naomi

    You know what's ever not going to be Trashy?

    Very anecdotal but the very young moms I've known have eventually done well for themselves. Choosing to keep the baby is the first sign they have drive. And then the needing to put yourself aside that comes along with parenthood was ultimately to their benefit. They leapfrogged over a lot of counterproductive navel gazing. But this is a different profile than the intentionally having kids out of wedlock/living off the state type.