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EternalShinyAndChrome last won the day on January 1

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2,491 Excellent

About EternalShinyAndChrome

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    FF Geek

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  1. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Best Harvard Plagiarism story yet!!!

    So, basically, a lot of these useless morons got to their position by copying others and no one looked into it? Until now? Jesus, what a f'n grift.
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    They don't call him fnretard because he's a smart guy.
  3. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Now THIS is journalism!!!!

    Quality Journalism right here too! https://mychive.com/chivettes
  4. Standard SOP for liberals and Democrats: Rules for thee, but not for me. There's a reason that they word "Hypocrite" is synonymous with "Liberal" and "Democrat" and it's not because they're honest.
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Now THIS is journalism!!!!

    God Bless, America! Our resident angry and hate-filled liberals, liberal tranny-lovers and liberal DEI checkboxes are probably blowing a gasket over this too.
  6. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    If I provide ZERO value, you're into negative numbers.
  7. Waiting for BeachGhey to show up and post right after his fellow boyosexual.
  8. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Liberalism Is A Mental Illness

    Yeah, liberalism is not only a mental illness, it's a cult. Seriously, when we look at actual cults and the behavior of cult members you can't tell the difference between them and liberals. It's literally the same thing. For all their talk about God being a magic man in the sky, all they've done is replace the Christian God with their own liberal God. Make no mistake: they're just as religious as the Christians they make fun of and persecute all day long except they are the zealots beholden to dogma.
  9. He believes whatever his masters on the far-left plantation tell him to believe. No thinking necessary on his part.
  10. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Puff daddy. House raided. Sex trafficking

    Is that the guy Will Smith's wife pines over?
  11. The will identify as "slaves". That's all you need to say. You don't actually ever need to be one.
  12. EternalShinyAndChrome


    Weepaws compared himself to Jesus above. Remember when Jesus was persecuted online? Yeah, that's what weepaws is going thru.
  13. Dozer POS being his standard piece of sh#t. He shuts down forums and reports people. He got the last one shutdown because that's what pieces of sh#t like him do. His TDS has eaten his brain away. He's TRUMP TRIGGERED!!!
  14. EternalShinyAndChrome


    No need to go on here. You compared yourself to Jesus so we know exactly what you are. You're not a Catholic, that's for sure.
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome


    Not only are you wicked and fake catholic, you're an idolater. Comparing yourself to Jesus - THINKING you are Jesus himself. Get thee away from me, Satan.