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Fireballer last won the day on November 20 2021

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About Fireballer

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    FF Geek

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  1. I’m asking you because you’re the one making the assumption that the words about showering with Joe is what is being misinterpreted. You’re gobbling up this subjective letter just as they intended. They could be talking about anything in the whole diary being misinterpreted, and not technically be lying. It’s all intentionally vaguery
  2. You think she didn’t write that letter with legal assistance to divert attention from her words? LMAO. It’s intentionally vague. She confirms the diary is hers and she penned that Joe and her showered. What’s to misinterpret boyo? The definition of a shower? Stick to your other claims of expertise boyo, your legal acumen is elementary at best.
  3. The boyo is unhinged. What exactly do you think is misinterpreted from the diary? Is she lying about the showering with Joe and being hyper sexualized as a child?
  4. Your use of a vaguery like “recognition” is what allows you to, in your mind, diminish the issue. So sidestepping this isn’t shocking.
  5. Define “recognition” in this instance. And who is “we”?
  6. Fireballer

    Air Force airman fatally shot by police officer

    You do know the “reasonable officer” is hypothetical, right? They don’t bring a peer cop into court and pick their brain.
  7. Fireballer

    Air Force airman fatally shot by police officer

    This specific situation, I’m not sure. I haven’t dug into it past some news blurbs and edited body cam. My initial lean, if you will, is against the officer. This is a tough one though. Most interactions with an armed person don’t occur like this. There’s usually some type of brandishing, a threat, furtive movement, refusal to obey commands, etc.
  8. Fireballer

    Air Force airman fatally shot by police officer

    No they don’t. They’re judged by the reasonable officer test. If a reasonable officer would know that what they did was wrong, there’s no defense.
  9. Fireballer

    Air Force airman fatally shot by police officer

    Do you think there’s a special secret list of rights police can’t violate? I’d start with the Constitution as an “established” source. Are you saying people don’t know that police have to adhere to constitutional rights or are you saying people dont know what’s in the Constitution?
  10. Fireballer

    Air Force airman fatally shot by police officer

    Hold on, Ben Crump said it was “breached”. Are you lying?
  11. Fireballer

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    The OG strain? You mean when vaccines were still just a hope? We were on at least the 5th strain in Aug 2020.
  12. Fireballer

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    So, again, what was the point of people being fired/jobs threatened based on vax status?
  13. Fireballer

    Hey VAX Nazis, it was nice knowing you!

    What was the point of anyone’s job being threatened based on vax status?
  14. Fireballer

    The state of the Presidential race

    Who the hell is gonna be running mate?