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Why is the right wing angry about 3 subpoenas?

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Republicans said the Democrats were using their new majority to support "fishing expeditions" and "witch hunts" solely to embarrass President Bush.


Representative Tom Davis of Virginia, the committee's ranking Republican, said the subpoenas were "an effort to get high-profile administration figures under oath, before the cameras, for the sake of political theatrics."




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Republicans said the Democrats were using their new majority to support "fishing expeditions" and "witch hunts" solely to embarrass President Bush.


Representative Tom Davis of Virginia, the committee's ranking Republican, said the subpoenas were "an effort to get high-profile administration figures under oath, before the cameras, for the sake of political theatrics."


Actually everything would settle down if the Cards could get some wins at home :dunno:

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Nothing new, politics as usual. The Dems are trying to play gotcha and are still fuming from Slick Willy's impeachment, the only difference is.....Clinton stuck a cigar up a chicks ###### and got his pole smoked by an intern in the White House...all while married....and then lied under oath about it. All is equal in this world of selective moral outrage and moral equivalence you Dems force onto society, except of course the Reps broke no laws. So other than that is basically the same thing.


Got it?

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What did they do that was illegal again?



They want to get Rice under oath and ask her questions about the bogus claims made during the lead up to the Iraq invasion. They also want to offer immunity to Gonzo's aide to get all 71 questions that he claimed he either couldn't recall or didn't remember the details to. They also want to question Rove's aide to find out about how or why all those emails got deleted.

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They want to get Rice under oath and ask her questions about the bogus claims made during the lead up to the Iraq invasion. They also want to offer immunity to Gonzo's aide to get all 71 questions that he claimed he either couldn't recall or didn't remember the details to. They also want to question Rove's aide to find out about how or why all those emails got deleted.




I don't see a problem with it. The Gonzales thing made me absolutely sick. I am not sure what they are expecting to hear from Rice other than "at the time, that was the intelligence we had".

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I don't see a problem with it. The Gonzales thing made me absolutely sick. I am not sure what they are expecting to hear from Rice other than "at the time, that was the intelligence we had".



It would be nice to finally hear somebody have to testify under oath. Settle that issue once and for all, and if there were shenanigans, deal with it, if not then move on. The Rove thing looks dirty, but that can be deceiving. The Gonzo thing is disturbing. You really want to keep the AG from looking like partisan.

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It would be nice to finally hear somebody have to testify under oath. Settle that issue once and for all, and if there were shenanigans, deal with it, if not then move on. The Rove thing looks dirty, but that can be deceiving. The Gonzo thing is disturbing. You really want to keep the AG from looking like partisan.

I agree he looks terrible. My whole problem is that the probe should have never happened. It is not a new phenomena to fire attorney's. You don't have to have a reason...so therefore what does it matter what the reason was. That said...he has acted like a total tool--I personally don't care what happens to him. I am against any probe into things that aren't illeagal. That includes Clinton's escapades...who cares who he has sex with--lets move on and quit wasting tax dollars.

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I'm going to give you credit for starting your own thread Paul instead of posting in Rusty's, et al, threads keeping that lunacy high on page 1 for the past few years.

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Much as I think Gonzalez is a total focking focktard, this investigation is a waste of money. No crime was committed. At worst they make the White House look like a bunch of hypocritical liars and reconfirm what most Americans already know. The NSA wiretappings or even the deleted emails are much more worthy of subpeonas. I do support investigating prewar intelligence and compelling WH officials to testify under oath - too bad the GOP Congress didn't have the balls to do this years ago when it might have mattered.

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They want to get Rice under oath and ask her questions about the bogus claims made during the lead up to the Iraq invasion.


Why don't they get Bill Clinton, Algore, John Kerry, Hitlery, and the rest of the Demwits who made similar claims under oath as well? I can post the qoutes for you once again if you like. :lol:


Could it be for purely political reasons?


ETA: You have already admitted we are in Iraq for legitimate reasons. (see below) :banana: :P :lol:




Shouldn't they be trying to get some of their promises about their "First 100 hours" in front of the President for his signature or veto?

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I love the blatant hipocrasy of our partisan system. Both parties b!tch up a storm when the othe guys have the power and abuse it with worthless crap like this then they get teh power and do the same. Ds and Rs :banana:

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I love the blatant hipocrasy of our partisan system. Both parties b!tch up a storm when the othe guys have the power and abuse it with worthless crap like this then they get teh power and do the same. Ds and Rs :banana:

Actually, this is exactly how the system is supposed to work. For the past 6 years the GOP has had carte blanche to run this country as they see fit, which is why we're in the crappy situation we are today (even though the right-wing hacks' will continue to post frantic claims about the stock market and so forth).


Having Congress and Executive in the hands of different parties encourages compromise instead of fostering extremism. :P

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Nothing new, politics as usual. The Dems are trying to play gotcha and are still fuming from Slick Willy's impeachment, the only difference is.....Clinton stuck a cigar up a chicks ###### and got his pole smoked by an intern in the White House...all while married....and then lied under oath about it. All is equal in this world of selective moral outrage and moral equivalence you Dems force onto society, except of course the Reps broke no laws. So other than that is basically the same thing.


As opposed to lying to start a war that has killed over 2,500 U.S. soldiers and wounded another 20,000+?! There is not even a comparison here! :dunno:


Much as I think Gonzalez is a total focking focktard, this investigation is a waste of money. No crime was committed. At worst they make the White House look like a bunch of hypocritical liars and reconfirm what most Americans already know. The NSA wiretappings or even the deleted emails are much more worthy of subpeonas. I do support investigating prewar intelligence and compelling WH officials to testify under oath - too bad the GOP Congress didn't have the balls to do this years ago when it might have mattered.


The crime is in the cover-up. Firing U.S. attorneys mid-term is not illegal (though in extremely poor taste), but covering up an investigation by lying under oath and dissapearing e-mails is quite illegal. They call it perjury and obstruction of justice.

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