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About LaChup

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  1. LaChup

    Gojira plays at Opening Ceremony

    Anything French is ghey.
  2. LaChup

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    The Real Timdouche is delusional. We have video. Is it fake?
  3. Hey Real Timdouche......what color is your lipstick?
  4. LaChup

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    She asked for people to donate to the BLM riot perpetrators in Minnesota. Yeah, that's the prosecutor we are looking for.
  5. LaChup

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    She supported that f'd up bill.
  6. LaChup

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    She also made it a misdemeanor to steal anything under $1000 in California, leading to a massive increase in crime in what used to be a great place to live. The only people she has prosecuted is innocent victims.
  7. squistion just read "harry butts" and decided to chime in.
  8. LaChup

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    Good thing there is video of her, them, they, all saying it. Just goes to show how crooked the MSM is in trying to scrub her liberal record. If she is such a good choice, why do you have to get rid of this? Because they know her real record is not what people want. Shame on the sheople who can't see what has been known way before she was even the VP.
  9. LaChup

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    "The propaganda press working so hard to erase the fact that Kamala Harris was put in charge of the border shows not only what a vulnerability her role in the border is but also what a huge vulnerability her general incompetence is," The Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway reacted on X.
  10. LaChup

    Wayne Brady is a Pansexual 🌈 WTF IS A PANSEXUAL?

    His mental illness is on flique!
  11. LaChup

    Greetings from Hot Springs!

    Thanks mom.
  12. LaChup

    Greetings from Hot Springs!

    Dudes do not brag about getting facials. Just an FYI.
  13. LaChup

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    I think it might actually be true, because czars would normally do something about it not look the other way. She really was never the border czar regardless of what Joe assigned her.
  14. LaChup

    Happening Now! Hamas/Liberal Insurrection

    I've never seen so much cultural appropriation in all my life. It's interesting seeing these paid for white, entitled protesters wearing picnic table cloths over their faces. Bunch of clowns.