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About Q.Lazzarus

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 05/26/1972

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  1. Q.Lazzarus

    Ryan Knight is dead

    That is all.
  2. Q.Lazzarus

    rough days at the geek club :(

    edjr and drobeski are the only two left LOL!!!!
  3. Q.Lazzarus

    This place has died since I left

    Still dead?? Sorry all. Didn't mean to make you all flee to FBG's!!
  4. Q.Lazzarus

    This place has died since I left

    Anyhoo. I'm out. Hope you all have a rock star like myself visit again in the next five years. Shake the dust off bitches! LOL!
  5. Q.Lazzarus

    This place has died since I left

    Wow this place only gets a handful of posts a day. Sad. We used to rock this ######!
  6. Q.Lazzarus

    This place has died since I left

  7. Q.Lazzarus

    This place has died since I left

    Glad I could spark some life into this graveyard!!! Hahahhhahahaha!
  8. Q.Lazzarus

    This place has died since I left

    Yep NOOB!!
  9. Q.Lazzarus

    Doctors choose Romney

    Same tools still grinding it out! LOL!!!
  10. Q.Lazzarus

    This place has died since I left

    No man is an island!!! LOL!!!
  11. Q.Lazzarus

    QLazz FF league #2

    I'm in SUX.
  12. Q.Lazzarus

    It's Friday! Who's drinking tonight?

    Good choice.
  13. Q.Lazzarus

    It's Friday! Who's drinking tonight?

    If I drink beer it will be Sierra Nevada. Love that stuff.