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patweisers44 last won the day on January 25 2017

patweisers44 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

724 Excellent

About patweisers44

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 11/21/1967

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  • Location
    Canton, MI
  • Interests
    2024 Edex Champion

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  1. patweisers44

    Wayne Brady is a Pansexual 🌈 WTF IS A PANSEXUAL?

    "Pan" means he likes Goats and Men. From Greek mythology, i believe.
  2. patweisers44

    Who will be the Kamala Harris pick for VP?

    It will be interesting to see if the switch from biden to harris will swing it back to the dems. It will come down to the Metro Detroit area as it usually does.
  3. patweisers44

    Who will be the Kamala Harris pick for VP?

    He wasnt going to in 2024.
  4. patweisers44

    ***EdEx 2024 Hole in One Challenge***

    Does this reset to zero or does it continue to roll next season?
  5. patweisers44

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Granted, Vice President isnt that great of a seat of power, but what has she done since 2020 to think she has "learned a thing or two" ?
  6. patweisers44

    Time to pay up Timmy!!! $3,200 to Geeks

    While i disagree with you on everything, i respect this. Far smaller wagers have been welched on by other Geek Club losers. Piece of sh1t Chronic Husker is the first one that comes to mind...there may be more.
  7. patweisers44

    ***2024 EdEx Finale - The Open Championship***

    Pure jealousy on their part IMO.
  8. patweisers44

    ***2024 EdEx Finale - The Open Championship***

    I updated my profile and will be back to defend in 2025.
  9. patweisers44

    **2024 British Open (Open Championship) Thread**

    @Cruzer has an opinion on Billy Horschel.
  10. patweisers44

    Lets Play Majic Bunny 8 Ball

    Will the revolution be televised?
  11. patweisers44

    ***EdEx 2024 Hole in One Challenge***

    Si Wooooo Kim with an Ace today. @Fumbleweed
  12. patweisers44

    ***2024 EdEx Finale - The Open Championship***

    Jinx activated...lol
  13. patweisers44

    ***2024 EdEx Finale - The Open Championship***

    Weather allowing a bunch of people to get inside the cut line.
  14. patweisers44

    ***2024 EdEx Finale - The Open Championship***

    Looks like late/early is gonna be the better half of the draw. Projected cut went from +3 to +4 already amd might go a shot or two higher.
  15. patweisers44

    ***2024 EdEx Finale - The Open Championship***

    Scheffler started the round in a mumu and now looks like he is wearing something from the Rob Halford collection.