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About Tuxedosam

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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    San Diego, CA

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  1. Tuxedosam

    Flex Help!

    Thanks for your help. Also, would you start Chestnut over Laporta if Pollard doesn't play??
  2. Tuxedosam

    QB and Flex WDIS ?

    Stafford for this week and Tracy Jr.
  3. Tuxedosam

    Tracy or Harrison? Help

    I'd roll Tracy. I have him starting in 2 leagues
  4. Tuxedosam

    Puka or Ladd Wk 9 PPR

    Ladd is iffy and can go both ways but Id stick with Puka if healthy
  5. Tuxedosam

    Pick 1 WR

    10 man Non PPR WR Mooney vs DAL WR Tillman vs LAC WR McConkey vs CLE
  6. Tuxedosam

    WR PPR Pick Two

    I like Puka and Mooney for this week
  7. Tuxedosam

    Flex Help!

    (12 man PPR) pick one for flex Waddle vs BUF Laporta vs GB Tolbert vs ATL or pickup Chestnut vs NE if Pollard is out? I had too many injuries this season. Thanks for your help!
  8. Tuxedosam

    PPR Flex - Mason or Achane

    I like Mason as well even with this tough matchup. Hope he stays healthy tomorrow
  9. Tuxedosam

    Defense-Jets or Steelers??

    Wilson playing for the Steelers. Kinda like the jets this week but not by much
  10. Tuxedosam

    Pick 3 WRs

    12 man PPR league pick 3 WRs C Kirk, Waddle, D. Johnson, Douglas, Downs Thinking Johnson, Downs for sure and maybe Kirk or Douglas?
  11. Tuxedosam

    Pick 2 RBs

    12 man PPR League, Pick 2 Mason, Moss, Tyler Goodon or Tracy Jr?? I have Pacheco & J Taylor on IR
  12. Tuxedosam

    Murray or Dalton??

    Murray ARI vs LAC OR Dalton CAR vs WAS??
  13. Tuxedosam

    QB decision

    This might be a shootout so you can't go wrong with either but leaning Hurts
  14. Tuxedosam

    Pick 2 out of 4 RBs (0.5 PPR)

    Hubbard and Moss this week
  15. Tuxedosam

    Need a QB backup

    10 man Non PPR I currently have Richardson and benching him this week. These QBs still available on waivers: Darnold, Fields, Dalton, Carr, Rodgers and Mayfield which do you guys recommend for my backup ROS?? Thinking maybe Dalton or Fields......Thanks!