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Big Guy

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Big Guy last won the day on May 29 2021

Big Guy had the most liked content!

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1,405 Excellent

About Big Guy

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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    America's Team
  • Interests
    Let's Go Cowboys!!!

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  1. Big Guy

    SB halftime show

    Since there are so many black players, halftime entertainment should be all white and sponsored by Oreos
  2. Big Guy

    21 Teams Have Had a Black Head Coach

    There goes the neighborhood
  3. Pam Bondi Fockin' Rocks!!!
  4. How 'Bout Them COWBOYS!!!
  5. Big Guy

    NFC Beast 2022 & Beyond

    it comes and goes I'm sorry Daniel Jones didn't work out and it's looking like Barkley was holding back. I really wished the Cowboys picked up both of them.
  6. Big Guy

    NFC Beast 2022 & Beyond

    How 'Bout Them Cowboys!
  7. Big Guy

    Worse NFL Team Fail This Season ?

    Man, I guess you have be an Eagle hater to notice how they skate with refs. Also, immobile QB's are a dying breed. Go Bills!
  8. Big Guy

    STAND UP and laugh!

    Let's do a Stand Up Comedy thread! This guy is my new favorite.... https://www.youtube.com/@QuinnDale
  9. Big Guy

    Worse NFL Team Fail This Season ?

    the Lions sleep tonight but not well
  10. Big Guy

    Why Was Pacific Palisades Reservoir Empty?

    there's plenty of reasons, just listen to INFO WARS any one given day and you'll find out
  11. Big Guy


    There's a HUGE difference between Contrails & Chemtrails fyi I posted plenty about CHEMtrails here about 10 or so years ago
  12. Big Guy

    LA Wildfires, 100K people evacuated and counting

    these 2 are complete morons! if they don't die before the end of the video I'll be surprised