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Post a player and I'll tell you what I think he'll do this year.

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Business-wise, my foresight borders on extra-sensory perception. I will now apply my gift to fantasy football and we will all profit from it.


Joseph Addai



Steven Jackson



Peter Warrick



Deshaun Foster



Larry Johnson



Domanick Davis



Terrell Owens



Donovan McNabb



Marion Barber



Deion Branch



Brett Favre



Aaron Brooks



Chester Taylor



Kellen Winslow




Jeremy Shockey



Jabar Gaffney



Chad Johnson



Ashlie Lelie



Tatum Bell



TJ Duckett



Priest Holmes



LenDale White



Duce Staley



Edgerrin James



Reuben Droughns



Willie Parker



Kevin Jones



Ronnie Brown



Samkon Gado



Ladanian Tomlinson



Cadillac Williams



Koren Robinson



Cedric Benson



Drew Brees



Kyle Boller



JJ Aarington



Randy Moss



Eli Manning



Isaac Bruce



Santana Moss



Laveranues Coles



Steve Smith



Ahman Green



Jamal Lewis



Corey Dillon



Curtis Martin



Shaun Alexander



Matt Jones



Drew Bennett



Chris Chambers



Roy Williams



Anquan Boldin



Marvin Harrison



LJ Smith



Brain Westbrook



Brandon Lloyd



Willie Parker



Deunce McAllister



Kevin Curtis



Julius Jones



Frisman Jackson



Torry Holt



Larry Fitzgerald



Taco Wallace


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Joseph Addai - RB - Indianapolis Colts


There's much controversy surrounding this young man and his role in the Colts offense. Even though Addai may very well be the better runningback, I believe Rhodes will enter the season as the starting runningback simply because he is productive when he is healthy, and I believe as long as he stays healthy he will be productive in the Colts offense. Any runningback in the Colts offense is going to be productive. You see, teams don't change things around when they are winning, and the Colts should be winning next year. I see Addai getting about 100-150 carries this year and Rhodes getting about 200-250 carries on a Barlow Garrison Hearst type deal from a few years back or a Priest Holmes, Larry Johnson when Vermeil was trying to keep Holmes healthy.


Verdict: RBBC


In most leagues, he'll get drafted in the 4th, but should probably be drafted in the 6th on Rhodes injury potential.


Steven Jackson



I love everything about Steven Jackson. People keep saying things like, "Steven Jackson doesn't hit wholes well," but I tell you what, he runs that stretch play beautifully, but what will really allow him to put up good numbers is his situation. His only competition is Marshall Faulk who I don't think will get more than 100 carries all year. he has a great offensive mind coaching the team with Linehan, and great passing attack to keep defenses honest. I think he will be a top 8 runningback. In Fact, the Rams as a whole might surprise alot of people this year.

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Peter Warrick, WR, Seattle Seashawks


The great thing about Warrick is that if you like him, you can get him late in almost any draft, so he should always be decent value. He's in a contract year. He's in a good offense, but unfortunately he's the fourth wide receiver on the team. Darrell Jackson is entrenched in the number 1 spot. Nate Burleson joins the team and should get the number 2 spot, but it's really Bobby Engram's spot should Bureson falter. I don't see any value in Warrick this season.

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DeShaun Foster, RB, Panthers


The Panthers cornered the market on runningbacks that have a name and then put "De" in front of it for some reason. I really think it would be in Carolina's interest to limit DeShaun to under 20 carries a game, but I don't think it will be the traditional RBBC, that we see most places. I think DeShaun will be the man in between the 20's and Fox will pull him, on the goalline limiting his TDs. He will be a yardage monster though. Look for 1500 yards easy, but a little less TDs than you might think. Let's say 5 or 6 TDs.


Larry Johnson, RB, Chiefs


He will break the TD record and probably rack up 2300 all purpose yards. I'm thinking of making it illegal to draft him this year.

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Domanick Davis, RB, Houston


I'm concerned about his knee. It hasn't healed yet. That means he's going to be out of shape. Couple that with his crappy offense, I would stay away from him until the third round of any draft. He's a very talented runningback, but that offense is just putrid. Maybe they soould have drafted Bush afterall. Let's say he gets healthy over the next two months. The offense is only going to score what maybe 25 touchdowns all season. We'll be generous and give him a third of those and then, ok, he has a decent season, but it's much more likely that he has a subpar year. Let someone else gamble on him early.

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Terrell Owens, WR, Cowboys


What I like about TO here is that you get the all-pro receiver without the attitude for the at least the first year. The only problem, however, is you also get him without an NFL caliber quarterback. That will be the problem. I still think he's a top 5 wide receiver, however, strictly based on his run after the catch ability. He can be had late and he'll perform. I'm bullish on Owens.

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Donovan McNabb, RB, Eagles


McNasty is done I'm afraid. What made him dangerous when he was younger was his ability to get out of the pocket, now he never runs the ball so he's just another Kerry Collins. Plus, I don't think that gimmicky offense the Eagles run where instead of running the ball they just throw short passes is going to work for another year. I see a significant decline for the Eagles and everyone on their roster, and McNabb will go far too early in drafts to get value for him.


Marion Barber III, RB, Cowboys


He could very well end up being the best value of this draft. The only problem is how do you keep a guy like JJ on the bench, and the offensive line ain't that great. But I would much rather draft Barber in the 7th then JJ in the 2nd. I don't have faith he can keep the job away from Jones, but I think he'll be the third down back and goalline guy. I just think coaches fall in love with the "homerun threat" too much to not have Jones keep the job even though I honestly believe Barber is the better football player. Let's say 5 TDs 400 rushing and 300 recieving, but he can get Tonya Harding to smash Jones on the knee. The sky's the limit baby!


Deion Branch, WR, Patriots


Alot of times I think guys hold out to make a statement and then sometimes they just don't feel like going to camp. How anybody except maybe Brady can think they actually have a shot at strong arming this organization into giving them more money is mind boggling. Therefore, I think Branch is holding out just for show. He'll show up around the second preseason game, and he'll crack the top 12 in receiving. 1100 yards and 7 TDs, but the offense is too balanced to expect too much out of him.

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Brett Favre, QB, Packers


I think Brett is the suck this year. He's too old. They have a brand new offense that everyone has to learn. He's old. They still have a craptastic offensive line. The receivers can barely get open. Although this "Greg Jennings" guy intrigues me. Then I hated his attitude this offseason. I get the feeling that he thinks he can do no wrong. That translates into poor work ethic everytime. Plus he's old. I would hate to have him on my team. He could have more turnovers than Touchdowns this year. I'll give him 2800 yards 15 TDs and 17 ints


Aaron Brooks, QB, Raiders


I watched Aaron Brooks on the Saints for many years. He makes slow decisions and is possibly the worst qb in the league at managing a game. I also don't understand why he gets credit for being a good runner. He's good at eluding the rush, but he is a horrible runner. This situation in Oakland reminds me of the situation in New Orleans. He has plenty of weapons. The defense kind of sucks. He'll put up decent numbers on his way to losing every game. Let's say 3400 yards, 22 TDs, and 14 ints.


Chester Taylor


I don't know what to do with Chester. He's showing up to camps out of shape. He's missing workouts. I really think the runningback that gets the bulk of the playing time can really be productive especially with their revamped offensive line, but Chester seems lazy, and I was never that impressed with him in Baltimore. On the otherhand, Mewelde Moore has looked impressive everytime I've seen him play. I really believe he is the better player, and he fits that Westbrook mold that Childress built an offense around in Philly. I say best case is Chester gets the starting job but is limited by Mewelde as the third down back. Worst case is Moore steals the job outright. In reality, he probably ends up becoming the starter. Mewelde's the third down back, and to add insult to injury, Ciatrick becomes a TD vulture.



Ok I need to go to some club in Hollywood and be a poser. I'll be back later.

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Jabbar Gaffney in Philly

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Brett Favre, QB, Packers


I'll give him 2800 yards 15 TDs and 17 ints


so let me get this straight... favre is going to finish 500+ yards and 4 TDs lower than his previous career lows during a 14 year career?

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Tell me about Edge this year. Will he step up and pull the Cards out of the cellar or should I give up hope in him?

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Terrell Owens, WR, Cowboys


What I like about TO here is that you get the all-pro receiver without the attitude for the at least the first year. The only problem, however, is you also get him without an NFL caliber quarterback. That will be the problem. I still think he's a top 5 wide receiver, however, strictly based on his run after the catch ability. He can be had late and he'll perform. I'm bullish on Owens.

Bledsoe is no Manning, but to label him as not being an "NFL caliber QB" is plain silly. Stop it.

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Bledsoe is no Manning, but to label him as not being an "NFL caliber QB" is plain silly. Stop it.



I'm not here to argue, but what I was doing there was called exaggerating. The point I was making is that TO's production is limited by Bledsoe. Sorry for offending you. ;)

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I'm not here to argue, but what I was doing there was called exaggerating. The point I was making is that TO's production is limited by Bledsoe. Sorry for offending you. ;)

your obviously not here for anwsers either. Dont start a topic saying you will give your opinion of players and stop doing it. I understand its time consuming and there are many but maybe you should not have started the topic.

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Kellen Winslow, TE, Browns


I don't feel comfortable commenting on Winslow's situation since I haven't seen a Browns game in about 2 years, but he's played what? 1 game in 2 years. He's got a young qb, a bad attitude, and a crappy offense. I don't see why anyone would trust him.


your obviously not here for anwsers either. Dont start a topic saying you will give your opinion of players and stop doing it. I understand its time consuming and there are many but maybe you should not have started the topic.


relax friend, I'm back. Late night.


Jeremy Shockey, TE, Giants


I don't think he'll ever be of the Gonzales or Gates mold, but I do think he will be a consistent 2nd tier tightend for years and years. Coincidentally, I think Eli Manning is starting to get his act together. This, of course, will lead to greater production from everyone on the offense. The thing that I think really holds Shockey back has nothing to do with his athletic ability, and more to do with his maturity.


Jabar Gaffney, WR, Eagles


I actually liked this guy his rookie year. He's a very talented football player. I know his is sacreligious, but I truly believe he can be the number 1 receiver for the Eagles. My prediction is for Reggie Brown and Gaffney to develop into the same ole 1 and 1a tandem. Of course, the number 1 receiver for the Eagles is probably only good enough to be a third receiver, unfortunately. Make no mistake, though, the Eagles have two very good receivers.

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Chad Johnson, WR, Bengals


Mr. Consistency if Palmer is back. I would be extremely surprised if Palmer was back for the first month of the season. That downgrades him a smidge, just because the offense as a whole is more effecient with Palmer back there. The good news is though Anthony Wright will probably try to force the ball to Johnson all day long, so the fact that they are losing won't effect CJ's numbers. I only see two wide receivers outpacing Johnson. Torry Holt and Larry Fitzgerald.


Ashley Lelie, WR, Broncos


I don't get this clown. He might not even be the third best receiver on the team and he has the nerve to try and holdout? And what's worse is that he's just not a very good receiver. I wouldn't touch this guy this year. There's no way inhell he supplants Rod Smith or even Walker coming off an injury. And as far as wnating a trade. There is really no reason why the Broncos should cave.


Tatum Bell, Ron Dayne, Cedric Cobbs, Mike Bell - RBs - Denver

Ron Dayne is going to get carries, I'm sad to say, but I think Tatum Bell pulls the role of Mike Anderson last year as the featured guy, and Dayne comes in as the change of pace guy. Dayne will probably get the goalline carries though. The fact that everyone is afraid of Denver's situation will make Tatum a reasonable value in the draft, but his value is in yardage. I liken him to Willie Parker last year. He'll have a couple of big games that will hype him up a little more then he deserves. It'll be feast or famine. I know alot of people are calling Cedric Cobbs' name, but let's be real. Cedric couldn't even get playing time against the likes of Kevin Faulk last year when Dillon went down. I actually think Mike Bell is a better dark horse candidate than Cobbs, but its really going to be Bell and Dayne all season.

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TJ Duckett, RB, Falcons


I know there are rumblings that Norwood is taking Duckett's job, but if doesn't get traded he's not going to lose his job. I also don't think it's unrealistic that he can still be traded. Runningbacks are going to start going down in preseason and he can get moved, but if he ends up staying in Atlanta, it's just going to be same old Duckett. TD vulture and 45 yards a game.


Priest Holmes, RB, Chiefs

At the very best, he comes back as Larry Johnson's backup. In reality he's probably done. He hasn't been working out. He's injury riddled. I guess that deal with devil for the '01-'03 seasons is coming to a close, but let's remember him fondly for the three of the most amazing football seasons we've ever seen.


Lendale White, RB, Titans

I hate this guy. I think the giant holes the USC line made for him made him look far better than he was. He's Ron Dayne junior and he's playing along side two very capable guys when they are healthy. Does anyone think he's better than Chris Brown? I don't see why anybody would. PLus he keeps talking about the huge chip on his shoulder. Give me a break. No one advertises that they have a chip on their shoulder. They just secretly stew about it. He will be a big fat busty bust.


Duce Staley, RB, Steelers

Duce might be surprisingly productive this year. I say this because he will be the goalline back and Willie Parker showed signs of breaking down last year. He actually lost weight over the season. The coaching staff was actually worried a little. Willie is the best back, but I think they will try to limit his carries to around 15-18 carries a game. THat means Duce gets whole series to put up a few yards and he gets the goalline carries. 800 yards and 10 TDs is sort of a strange stat line but I think that's doable.




Edgerrin James, RB, Cardinals


Associating Edge with the Cardinals seems a little strange, but I think he will actually do well. An over the hill Emmitt was able to put up a decent year there under Denny, and I think people look at last years putrid running stats and don't think it can change. They simply didn't try to run the ball. The Cards had the least number of attempts last year, and then they sign Edge early into free agency. Make no mistake. They are serious about running the ball in Arizona, and Edge will be a top 8 back pretty easily.

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Does anyone think he's better than Chris Brown?


Considering he'll still be suited up by week 6 while Brown will be out with the next in his long line of injuries, I'd say yes.

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whats your gut on Koren Robinson....and Cedric Benson if you can squeeze him in ? I like your stuff, No. But break it to me gently on these 2 cats.......

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