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Seriously, if you believe there was some type of conspiracy involved in 9/11, please tell me the following...


1. Who was involved? (How many people knew)


2. Who benefits from it?


3. Please provide details of exactly what you think happened. (IE: There was no plane, the hijackers were in on it, etc)



Do not provide me with steel melting numbers and the like....just tell me who you think did it, how they did it and why they did it.

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Seriously, if you believe there was some type of conspiracy involved in 9/11, please tell me the following...


1. Who was involved? (How many people knew)


2. Who benefits from it?


3. Please provide details of exactly what you think happened. (IE: There was no plane, the hijackers were in on it, etc)

Do not provide me with steel melting numbers and the like....just tell me who you think did it, how they did it and why they did it.


doctor evil... using liquid hot mag-ma


and i think the only other guy that knew was a drunk former nyjet marty lyons who runs up bar tabs at chain restuarants then leaves without paying

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doctor evil... using liquid hot mag-ma


and i think the only other guy that knew was a drunk former nyjet marty lyons who runs up bar tabs at chain restuarants then leaves without paying


Sounds like Lyons.



Freeman McNeil would never leave a tab without paying! :dunno:

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Sounds like Lyons.

Freeman McNeil would never leave a tab without paying! :dunno:


so you know this guy??? yeah... tell him to come back to applebee's in iowa city cuz he owes like 40 bucks... that is if you can get to him... because apparently he can't even go downtown around here without mobs of people hounding him for his autograph... i can't imagine how it'd be in NYC :dunno:

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i believe terrorists crashed the planes into the wtc but as a precaution, i believe these sky scrapers have a built in system to take themselves down in case of emergency. otherwise you risk further loss of lives in trying to demolish tall buildings that are greatly damaged.

i could be wrong but it seems implausible that a plane crashing into the corner of the building would cause the entire building to fall. i mean, both buildings were not damaged equally and yet they both fell in the same manner.

my background is science and i'm not a believer in god and all that stuff so i tend to doubt things more than the average person.

also, i'm not a republican.



i don't mean the building took itself down-but that there is a way for someone outside the building to do so.

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"otherwise you risk further loss of lives in trying to demolish tall buildings that are greatly damaged. "


now, I am a mechanical engineer, not civil, but this is retarded. demolishing buildings has some danger, but not to lots of people. Also, the building were constructed to NOT topple, but there was no built in collapse button.

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well you would certainly know more than i would.

someone else wrote on another site that if a piece of plastic took down the space shuttle challenger, then a plane could take down a tall building.


i mean, it's something like your s.o. cheating on you. sometimes you don't have proof but you know when something is wrong. it doesn't matter how much they explain to you, you just have to go with your gut.

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i believe terrorists crashed the planes into the wtc but as a precaution, i believe these sky scrapers have a built in system to take themselves down in case of emergency. otherwise you risk further loss of lives in trying to demolish tall buildings that are greatly damaged.

i could be wrong but it seems implausible that a plane crashing into the corner of the building would cause the entire building to fall. i mean, both buildings were not damaged equally and yet they both fell in the same manner.

my background is science and i'm not a believer in god and all that stuff so i tend to doubt things more than the average person.

also, i'm not a republican.



i don't mean the building took itself down-but that there is a way for someone outside the building to do so.



I appreciate that response. However, here is my problem with it. You failed to address two of my three questions. If you truly believe that somebody made these buildings come down, who was it and how did they benefit from it? Not particularly you but others on this thread refuse to answer these questions. If you believe there was something sneaky about 9/11, you must have a theory as to who did it and how they benefitted from it.

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i believe terrorists crashed the planes into the wtc but as a precaution, i believe these sky scrapers have a built in system to take themselves down in case of emergency. otherwise you risk further loss of lives in trying to demolish tall buildings that are greatly damaged.

i could be wrong but it seems implausible that a plane crashing into the corner of the building would cause the entire building to fall. i mean, both buildings were not damaged equally and yet they both fell in the same manner.

my background is science and i'm not a believer in god and all that stuff so i tend to doubt things more than the average person.

also, i'm not a republican.



i don't mean the building took itself down-but that there is a way for someone outside the building to do so.



Yea so they just decided to let er rip when there were still thousands of people left inside. To save lives. Gotcha.

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i got this one...


hilary, al, feinstein, boxer, and all the other pot smokers from the sixties have this ideal utopia in their heads that john lennon sang about when they were defiant of the gubment back in the day of free love and free drugs and "everybody should just love everybody". they know gwb is a christian and a patriot, two things they hate, so they planned the attack by telling the ragheads they'd help them get free virgins and drugs if they killed themselves and a few of our citizens. it's only 3000, they think, not a big number. so, the planes hit the towers and the pentagon, yet avoid the white house cause it wouldn't help the cause if they killed the cowboy. bush reacts by avenging his fathers war on saddam and mires us down in iraq. the dems know the drive-thru mentality of americans will cause public opintion to turn us all into a bunch of sissies and scream about how america should lose to everyone at everything so the other losers around the world will invite us to cocktail parties again and watch the oscars. soccer moms and poosays heed the call and vote the libs into power in november as a statement that america has called for change. libs call pelosi to be their leader and algore to scare the soccer moms and poosays again by telling them how evil they are for killing the planet and how we should shut down our economy to let the others back onto the playing field. now, they talk treason with terrorists and allow rosie to be their mouthpiece. utopia can't be far off. soon we can all holler allah ackbar, or whatever-the-hell they say, at nascar races and football games, support our kids who aren't taught anything in school any longer, and thank the dope smokers from the sixties for nationalized health care and legalized marijuana. i'm sure there's more i missed...it's a big conspiracy. somehow, bill clinton takes over the united nations and soccer moms, poosays, and black people elect him ruler of the world, while hilary runs the world health care plan, and algore polices the environment and somehow shuts down the sun yet convinces people to still send him their money.

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I"m going with the "theory" from the other thread that both towers were initially built with tons of explosives and an self-destruct button to protect lives. :dunno:


It's easier and makes more sense than Gridass's nonsense. :unsure:

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Something maybe occured, probably, or pehaps not. But there was potential.

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Something maybe occured, probably, or pehaps not. But there was potential.



There it is. Thanks. :cry:

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Seriously, if you believe there was some type of conspiracy involved in 9/11, please tell me the following...


1. Who was involved? (How many people knew)


2. Who benefits from it?


3. Please provide details of exactly what you think happened. (IE: There was no plane, the hijackers were in on it, etc)

Do not provide me with steel melting numbers and the like....just tell me who you think did it, how they did it and why they did it.


#1- why does it matter? Like anybody could put a number on that - Strawman arguement (you can do better than this).

#2- here is a start: http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/FIT403A.html

#3-way too big of a question to answer here and no one can be exactly certain on all the details. Here is a great book that kicks the sh1t out of your popular mechanics debunking however and has a great idea of how and why:


Read it, you might learn something :banana:


By the way this is another weak strawman argument, you will just pick the weakest point i make and then link it to discrediting everything else i say. If you want to debate point by point sometime, let me know - i dont have enough time in my life right now to get deep down and serious about this. The point ive been trying to push since this conversation ever started is that there are way too many inconsistencies, shoddy science and physics, and insane coincidences in the official govt story to make it all believable. I dont understand how hard it is for people to believe that the govt could lie to you. It happens all the time...(dont make me have to post examples either :banana: )


Someone asked for people speaking out: here is the head of the largest 9/11 families group speaking out about how he believes the govt story is a bunch of crap http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2...ntcomplicit.htm

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#1- why does it matter? Like anybody could put a number on that - Strawman arguement (you can do better than this).

#2- here is a start: http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/FIT403A.html

#3-way too big of a question to answer here and no one can be exactly certain on all the details. Here is a great book that kicks the sh1t out of your popular mechanics debunking however and has a great idea of how and why:


Read it, you might learn something :banana:


By the way this is another weak strawman argument, you will just pick the weakest point i make and then link it to discrediting everything else i say. If you want to debate point by point sometime, let me know - i dont have enough time in my life right now to get deep down and serious about this. The point ive been trying to push since this conversation ever started is that there are way too many inconsistencies, shoddy science and physics, and insane coincidences in the official govt story to make it all believable. I dont understand how hard it is for people to believe that the govt could lie to you. It happens all the time...(dont make me have to post examples either :banana: )


Someone asked for people speaking out: here is the head of the largest 9/11 families group speaking out about how he believes the govt story is a bunch of crap http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2...ntcomplicit.htm


Can you just give us the Cliff's Notes version at least?


It's not up to us to prove a negative. The burden is on you naysayers. So, just answer the focking questions.

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You want proof? One of the firefighters said this:


"It sounded like a series of explosions...it went boom, boom, boom, boom!"


Are you gonna doubt a firefighter...our biggest heros?

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#1- why does it matter? Like anybody could put a number on that - Strawman arguement (you can do better than this).

#2- here is a start: http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/FIT403A.html

#3-way too big of a question to answer here and no one can be exactly certain on all the details. Here is a great book that kicks the sh1t out of your popular mechanics debunking however and has a great idea of how and why:


Read it, you might learn something :banana:


By the way this is another weak strawman argument, you will just pick the weakest point i make and then link it to discrediting everything else i say. If you want to debate point by point sometime, let me know - i dont have enough time in my life right now to get deep down and serious about this. The point ive been trying to push since this conversation ever started is that there are way too many inconsistencies, shoddy science and physics, and insane coincidences in the official govt story to make it all believable. I dont understand how hard it is for people to believe that the govt could lie to you. It happens all the time...(dont make me have to post examples either :banana: )


Someone asked for people speaking out: here is the head of the largest 9/11 families group speaking out about how he believes the govt story is a bunch of crap http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2...ntcomplicit.htm


You seriously do not want to go point by point...because everytime you have tried...you have been smacked back down because you don't bring an ounce of fact or anything resembling credible evidence to the table.


Nice book...nothing like a retired professor of religion and theology to break apart scientific evidence. :banana:

Much of his work has been shown to be easily refuted...yet, like you he lives in denial.



You want proof? One of the firefighters said this:


"It sounded like a series of explosions...it went boom, boom, boom, boom!"


Are you gonna doubt a firefighter...our biggest heros?


Your proof is that someone said "it sounded like"?


Yeah...good one.

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#1- why does it matter? Like anybody could put a number on that - Strawman arguement (you can do better than this).

#2- here is a start: http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/FIT403A.html

#3-way too big of a question to answer here and no one can be exactly certain on all the details. Here is a great book that kicks the sh1t out of your popular mechanics debunking however and has a great idea of how and why:


Read it, you might learn something :banana:


By the way this is another weak strawman argument, you will just pick the weakest point i make and then link it to discrediting everything else i say. If you want to debate point by point sometime, let me know - i dont have enough time in my life right now to get deep down and serious about this. The point ive been trying to push since this conversation ever started is that there are way too many inconsistencies, shoddy science and physics, and insane coincidences in the official govt story to make it all believable. I dont understand how hard it is for people to believe that the govt could lie to you. It happens all the time...(dont make me have to post examples either :banana: )


Someone asked for people speaking out: here is the head of the largest 9/11 families group speaking out about how he believes the govt story is a bunch of crap http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2...ntcomplicit.htm


First of all, the questions I asked were opinions. I know the facts. I am just curious about who you guys think was behind it, how many if you had to guess and who benefitted from it. I'm not looking to catch you in any lies. I will be happy to debate you on everything you wish, as long as we can do it above board and to the point. I don't need your sarcasm. I just need your opinion, based in facts and I will give you my opinion, based in facts. We can begin right now. Here is my first question.....(Please just answer them without giving me long winded excuses, etc and I will try and do the same, ok?)


1. Do you believe that the government knew that planes were going to fly into the buildings on 9/11? (By government, I mean President Bush, VP Cheney, etc)

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First of all, the questions I asked were opinions. I know the facts. I am just curious about who you guys think was behind it, how many if you had to guess and who benefitted from it. I'm not looking to catch you in any lies. I will be happy to debate you on everything you wish, as long as we can do it above board and to the point. I don't need your sarcasm. I just need your opinion, based in facts and I will give you my opinion, based in facts. We can begin right now. Here is my first question.....(Please just answer them without giving me long winded excuses, etc and I will try and do the same, ok?)


1. Do you believe that the government knew that planes were going to fly into the buildings on 9/11? (By government, I mean President Bush, VP Cheney, etc)


not that anyone asked...


but my opinion is that they knew well before the american public... like before the planes hit the towers... but not before the planes were in the air. My guess is that they had some idea that terrorist activity was on the rise, and were "expecting" some kind of attack, but what ensued i truly believe they had no idea until it was too late.


i mean could they have shot the plane down??? how would that have looked to the american public??? especially if it had been over a large city such as NYC... obviously they didn't want to tell the public a plane was high jacked and heading for a crash landing in NYC because then it'd be pandemonium...


i think you're question was did Bush and the gov't "let" the terrorists crash into the towers in order to give them justification to start a war in iraq... i'd like to give bush and our gov't some credit. I'd like to think they would have more decency than that... say what you want about bush and our gov't. How they are shady, dumb, greedy, and corrupt... but do you honestly think they could purposely allow an attack that they knew would kill tens of thousands of people??? i'd like to think. Our chosen elected officials would not let that happen... i mean what decent human being would???

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