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Downward spiral.

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Kansas City is a popular one. I dont think so for three reasons. Contrary to popular opinion, the O-Line will be improved. The defense is now clearly in the top half of the league, and could improve another notch. Second year coaching staff will have things running more smoothly. Of course, if you dont like Herm Edwards, that would not be an advantage.


Cincinatti. One of the elite teams two years ago. Last year they reverted to old ways. The O-Line has problems, and the D is questionable IMO.


Washington. This is the "hits the floor and shatters" candidate. Good chance for them to go from mediocre to awful.


Seattle. I think 2005 was a fluke, because this team does not impress me. If SA is hurt, what have they got?


Atlanta. Everyone knows about Vick and his troubles. I think the D is even worse off.


NOT in contention, because they are already down to their level of underachievement: Cleveland, Detroit, Oakland, GB, Minnesota, Miami.



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Kansas City is a popular one. I dont think so for three reasons. Contrary to popular opinion, the O-Line will be improved. The defense is now clearly in the top half of the league, and could improve another notch. Second year coaching staff will have things running more smoothly. Of course, if you dont like Herm Edwards, that would not be an advantage.


Cincinatti. One of the elite teams two years ago. Last year they reverted to old ways. The O-Line has problems, and the D is questionable IMO.


Washington. This is the "hits the floor and shatters" candidate. Good chance for them to go from mediocre to awful.


Seattle. I think 2005 was a fluke, because this team does not impress me. If SA is hurt, what have they got?


Atlanta. Everyone knows about Vick and his troubles. I think the D is even worse off.


NOT in contention, because they are already down to their level of underachievement: Cleveland, Detroit, Oakland, GB, Minnesota, Miami.





GB ?? They overachieved last year. They could take that division with no TJones to take pressure off Rex


Colts Downfall starts this year

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Disagree strongly about GB. Their defensive core is young and improving. Favre is steady, and the NFC Central sucks.


Will not even comment on whoever wrote that NE will have a poor year, that team has at least 12 wins.


My picks.


Giants, with Eli regressing last year, I see this team in big trouble. Lots of old veterans and an underperforming franchise QB + a coach that everyone hates = bad year and mid-season firing.


Redskins. No QB, aging RB, and sloppy defensive play + old school coach with same old plan.


Steelers. Everyone expects a rebound, but isn't it more likely that Big Ben just sucks. Losing Cower means something doesn't it?


Raiders. Can not wait to see. But this team may actually have a future. Al Davis has to die soon...


Seahawks. Entire team getting old at once + better SF and Arizona Teams = 8-8 season

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Chicago: Super Bowl hangover and can Benson handle the load as he's very fragile? Briggs is very unhappy which could cause problems.


Indy: Lost starting CB's, June to mention a few. Can their run D be as good as it was in the playoffs or is it as bad as it was in the regular season.


Giants: Eli has really struggled the 2nd half of the last 2 seasons and you wonder if he's regressing instead of getting better.


Ravens: McNair is another year older and can the D have another great season? Will McGahee be able to find running room behind the ok o-line?

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Disagree strongly about GB. Their defensive core is young and improving. Favre is steady, and the NFC Central sucks.


Will not even comment on whoever wrote that NE will have a poor year, that team has at least 12 wins.


My picks.


Giants, with Eli regressing last year, I see this team in big trouble. Lots of old veterans and an underperforming franchise QB + a coach that everyone hates = bad year and mid-season firing.


Redskins. No QB, aging RB, and sloppy defensive play + old school coach with same old plan.


Steelers. Everyone expects a rebound, but isn't it more likely that Big Ben just sucks. Losing Cower means something doesn't it?


Raiders. Can not wait to see. But this team may actually have a future. Al Davis has to die soon...


Seahawks. Entire team getting old at once + better SF and Arizona Teams = 8-8 season

I can buy into much of this.

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i agree with the bears. the last time they won a lot of games playing great defense with rickety offense they mailed it in for like 2-3 seasons afterwards. 2 yrs ago they did the same, and got exposed by the panthers. i felt last yr was due for the meltdown, but hester's huge plays and sporadic great at play qb moved the offense from rickety to sometimes sturdy. with tjones gone, are they as solid at hb? i dont think so. this potential problem has a high liklihood of beomcing a reality, which puts grossman in a bad position; when he is in a bad position, he makes bad decisions. i see them falling from grace.


teams like indy and san diego have had defections, either by players or coaches. i just think they have enough superior talent at key positions (qb, hb, wr, te, de) to win enough games and get to the playoffs, where anything can happen, esp when u have superstars.


baltimore seems to be getting older, and they overachieved last yr. how much does mcnair have left? can he make top level, playoff important plays anymore? he didnt last yr, and i dont he can this yr.


in the nfc, i think philly is losing its grip on the conf. mcnabb's health is a huge issue, as he hasnt completed 3 of the past 5 seasons. they lose the deep threat reliability, and they seem to losing a step on defense (they need the $90 million in defensive ends kearse and howard to produce in a big way). in the end, i think mcnabb's health or lack thereof will make it a tough road. i know they have persevered before, but i think feeley had the benefit of a better defense and last yr they had the benefit of a better backup in garcia.

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The Giants look troublesome. With Tiki gone and Eli's progression in state of flux along with an aging team, I think they will play sub .500 ball.

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Disagree strongly about GB. Their defensive core is young and improving. Favre is steady, and the NFC Central sucks.


Will not even comment on whoever wrote that NE will have a poor year, that team has at least 12 wins.


My picks.


Giants, with Eli regressing last year, I see this team in big trouble. Lots of old veterans and an underperforming franchise QB + a coach that everyone hates = bad year and mid-season firing.


Redskins. No QB, aging RB, and sloppy defensive play + old school coach with same old plan.


Steelers. Everyone expects a rebound, but isn't it more likely that Big Ben just sucks. Losing Cower means something doesn't it?


Raiders. Can not wait to see. But this team may actually have a future. Al Davis has to die soon...


Seahawks. Entire team getting old at once + better SF and Arizona Teams = 8-8 season


I would throw in the Cowboys and the Ravens.


I think Romo is decent, however he's not the guy who's taking that team to a SB, especially when he's gotta put up with TO unbridled this season. TO blows up that locker room this year when things don't go his way.....again.


I think this is the year that the wheels finally come off the Ravens. They have no one on that offense who can carry them if/when that defense breaks down from age. I think the salary cap has finally eroded that defense enough to where there are weak spots.

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I would throw in the Cowboys and the Ravens.


I think Romo is decent, however he's not the guy who's taking that team to a SB, especially when he's gotta put up with TO unbridled this season. TO blows up that locker room this year when things don't go his way.....again.


I think this is the year that the wheels finally come off the Ravens. They have no one on that offense who can carry them if/when that defense breaks down from age. I think the salary cap has finally eroded that defense enough to where there are weak spots.


Agreed on both counts. The Cowboys woeful pass defence has not improved at all, and the Ravens will miss A. Thomas.

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Redskins. No QB, aging RB, and sloppy defensive play + old school coach with same old plan.



Not that I like the Redskins, but this is just wrong.


Who is the aging RB? Clinton Portis? He's 25 years old.

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history says the bears.


not saying they'll completely tank but they might struggle more than people who deny the history as being relevant, think.

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Steelers- new coaches, some players gone,and New Offense scheme will set them back.

Seems there is disunity about the new coach by the players.

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Agreed on both counts. The Cowboys woeful pass defence has not improved at all, and the Ravens will miss A. Thomas.


I read about all kinds of vets missing the mini-camps, about big bonuses being thrown around, about the confidence of Tony Romo, about how they're getting a new stadium, etc.


The truth is, they act like a team (as in the current roster not the organization) that's actually done something. 10 years without a playoff win now being coached by a guy who's also never won a playoff game. Romo is completely unproven and he sh!t the bed last year in the playoffs.


There is talent on that team, but I don't think the team's desire matches that of Jerry Jones.

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What is the definition here?


Is it expectation of team from this time last year?

Is it expectation of team post last season?


I still do not know which way the bowl is swirling at Winter Park.

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Steelers- new coaches, some players gone,and New Offense scheme will set them back.

Seems there is disunity about the new coach by the players.


Very diplomatic to throw your own team under the bus, but I don't think it's merited. There was a measure of dissension when Cowher came too. The difference is that they sucked then. Alan Faneca is disgruntled; that does not a divided locker room make.


And Joey Porter will likely be decent, but Pittsburgh will once again be proven to have made the wise decision for the ball club in the face of adversity from the fans.



Natural Lights -


No one ever said the Patriots would be poor. But anything less than 13 wins is a measured disappointment this year. They'll win their division, more than likely, as the Jets are probably a year away and the others are just not anywhere near that level. But they are definitely a candidate for failing to meet expectations.


I hear the Ravens and would be happy with that but I just think Billick is too good a coach to see them collapse. Slip? Possible. But below expectations? That's probably a stretch. They're in a tough division. Note here, folks. Someone is bound to be right about an AFC Central team, as all three contenders have been named. So unless they all make the playoffs, someone's going down. Are they really underachieving then? Think on it.


I think Seattle takes the plunge. They dipped drastically last year, and only avoided the "Super Bowl losers' curse" by being in a bad division. San Francisco has closed the gap, and I think that they will take the division. Further, Arizona is improving and St. Louis could give them grief. Still not a great division, but Seattle could find themselves on the other side of it in a big hurry.


And of course you have to watch the Bears. They are the Super Bowl loser. Recent history says that the downturn is harsh. The question marks at QB and RB don't help either. But the defense is still solid. Then, so was Pittsburgh's before they all decided to stop playing.

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With the exception of Manning, look for the Colts to take the year off mentally.


Manning will eventually get frustrated with his performance because everyone else will quit.


So, in general, the Colts will struggle...I wouldn't be surprised if they go .500 or less.

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Seattle. I think 2005 was a fluke, because this team does not impress me. If SA is hurt, what have they got?







what does seattle have if SA is hurt? well, last year he WAS hurt as well as the qb...and it equalled a division title..a playoff win and they were a bobble on 4th and 1 from maybe beating the bears...SA ran wild on the bears with a crack in his foot...


sorry people werent impressed with 05..if they get hurt again, then yeah, same old story like last year....but u cant expect ANY team to fly high without their top QB and RB..it wasnt as if they went 6-10..


but if they get healthy..people would be silly to write them off...

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AFC Fall: San Deigo. New coach, new system. They will not be as dominant as last year.


NFC Fall: Chicago. Chicago breezed through the NFC last season. Don't think it will happen again.


Doesn't mean these teams won't make the playoffs. But they will fall from their lofty perches to become more mediocre than dominant.

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It's very hard to say because injuries often factor very heavily in those situations. Plus, unless you know a team well, you usually don't know what they've got developing under the radar. But my pick to come up shy of expectations is the Patriots.

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It's very hard to say because injuries often factor very heavily in those situations. Plus, unless you know a team well, you usually don't know what they've got developing under the radar. But my pick to come up shy of expectations is the Patriots.


What, you don't think they're going 16-0? :cheers:

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What, you don't think they're going 16-0? :D


No, they'll go undefeated and win the SB, I just see them losing the final pre-season game when their starters sit. :blink:

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Chargers, Broncos, Raiders




Teams on the up and up: Chiefs

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As bad as the Skins are, I don't see them getting even worse. Last year was abysmal due to an aged QB, no depth at the secondary positions, a poor DL, and awful coaching. They improved drastically in the secondary and they at least have a QB that can throw it 10 yards. The last two issues remain unfixored. I see them floating around 7-9 or 8-8 just like last year.



I think SEA is primed for the big fall. Hasselback seems to be getting worse (slower and losing arm speed). Alexander keeps getting injured and is like 30 now...prime age for RBs to disappear. Holmgren is losing his schtick.

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Chargers, Broncos, Raiders

Teams on the up and up: Chiefs

Got a theme here?


I like KC this year, but I am seriously worried about the workload on LJ. The O-line should be better, and the defense could be MUCH better.


The one often mentioned team that I strongly disagree with is Dallas. Granted Romo is no Pro Bowler, dispite the stamps on his ticket, but few people are counting heavily on him. However, to call the pass defense "woeful" is a stretch. I give you it ended the season that way. Losing Ellis hurt badly, and they never found a replacement. Partly the poor results were Parcell's choice, since he played a fairly passive, no mistakes, style. Phillips is the extreme opposite: attack, attack, attack. Its the easiest transition to manage, since it involves less thinking.


In any event, I expect the Dallas D to be top half of the league, at least, about where they were 2005. They added a player in Spencer, and plugged a hole at S with the Hammer. The offense will be very good at running the ball, and could be good throwing. Add it up, and I dont see a big fall.


I must admit the Steelers were not on my radar. I'll have to check them out in camp. To the GB people, I had the Pack on the NOT falling list. Ditto the 'Skins.



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AFC Fall: San Deigo. New coach, new system. They will not be as dominant as last year.


NFC Fall: Chicago. Chicago breezed through the NFC last season. Don't think it will happen again.


Doesn't mean these teams won't make the playoffs. But they will fall from their lofty perches to become more mediocre than dominant.



San Diego may have a new coach but they have the same exact system, its the system Norv Turner put into place when he was the OC

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I would throw in the Cowboys and the Ravens.


I think Romo is decent, however he's not the guy who's taking that team to a SB, especially when he's gotta put up with TO unbridled this season. TO blows up that locker room this year when things don't go his way.....again.


I think this is the year that the wheels finally come off the Ravens. They have no one on that offense who can carry them if/when that defense breaks down from age. I think the salary cap has finally eroded that defense enough to where there are weak spots.



Oh...? What "things" are you speaking of? You mean, when you play your ass off for a team and they nickel and dime you? Look, I'm no fan of ballplayers not honoring the contracts they sign but the NFL is different. How many times have we seen teams not honor those same 'non guaranteed' contracts and kick a veteran player to the curb to get some cap relief?


And how conveniently does the Philly fan forget that your miser club was playing the same nickel and dime chickensh*t with Westbrook before T.O.'s 'antics' began? Yeah, they got wise and signed Westy in a hurry didn't they?


Just calling them like I see them, but oh, you can now correct me and give me the official party line if you'd like.


BTW, Romo didn't cost the Boys last year, it was that matador defense they played down the stretch. Again, any lucid arguments here either? I didn't think so.


Philly fans, and their ever present spin on life in the NFL... :thumbsdown:

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