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Alex Smith Sucks!

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Arizona is stacking the line and blitzing every play... forcing Smith the beat them and he can't. Is this going to be the case for the whole season? Teams are just going to stack the box and force Smith to air it out.... Arizona is focused on only stopping Gore and getting to Smith. SF is too one dimensional.....

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... is going to miss norv.


I didn't think I'd ever hear that phrase. :mad:

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I didn't think I'd ever hear that phrase. :mad:

hey, he's a shitty head coach but he's had decent offenses as a cordinator. :shocking:

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Ruh Roh! I'm in a PPR league and playing agaist D-Jax. I'm about 6 points up still, but this isn't going well. I need Alex Smith to pull a Rex Grossman here and fumble the snap. :mad:

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Norv's track record for the RB on the team he is the HC or OC speaks for itself. Emmitt. T. Allen. S. Davis. RW. LT. Lamont. Gore. Etc.


Gore may suffer a LaMont type of decline.

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of course now that I made this post, Smith is playing half decent on the final drive cause Arizona's defense is playing prevent.

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Smith sucks, but Gore's problem tonight appeared to be his sore hand.


I think Gore will be fine (at least I hope so...I'm counting on him). :music_guitarred:

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Smith sucks, but Gore's problem tonight appeared to be his sore hand.


I think Gore will be fine (at least I hope so...I'm counting on him). :music_guitarred:


looks like gore got out of the game injury free....19 touches to shake the rust off...hopefully he will have a better week next vs stlouis def.....

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First game for the new offensive coordinator - When it came down to the wire and they had to play to win and not to lose Smith showed up.....


I'd expect the play calling for Smith to be much better in the next couple of weeks which will free up Gore....and yes they played prevent on the first part of that drive but the OLine picked up the blitz once the niners crossed the 50 -



Great game - oh and anyone playing in a IDP league - get on your ww NOW - Willis is a mother fing beast!!




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First game for the new offensive coordinator - When it came down to the wire and they had to play to win and not to lose Smith showed up.....


I'd expect the play calling for Smith to be much better in the next couple of weeks which will free up Gore....and yes the played prevent on the first part of that drive but the OLine picked up the blitz once the niners crossed the 50 -

Great game - oh and anyone playing in a IDP league - get on your ww NOW - Willis is a mother fing beast!!



Agreed - it looked like Alex Smith stepped it up on that final drive. Instead of panicking and heaving it on 4th and 1, he found the opening to keep the drive alive, and that throw to Jackson in the end zone was right on the money - the defender just had excellent coverage. Obviously the offence struggled for most of the game, and that is a concern. But the left side of the line looks solid with Allen and Jennings, so knowing his blind side is covered should hopefully give Alex Smith (and the coaching staff) a confidence boost.


I really liked what I saw with the defence, especially the pass defence. They were able to pressure Leinart at times with just a three man rush but more importantly, even when Leinart had time he had no one to throw it to. Harris and Clements were huge in shutting down Fitzgerald and Boldin, and Willis looked like he will fit in quite nicely. Hopefully this was a sign of things to come this year, because it looks like the Niners might have to rely on their defence more than anticipated - at least until the offence can get rolling.

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Guest _my_2_cents_

1. The AZ defense is better than you think. They have a top secondary and good speed to rush the passer. Adrian Wilson is a beast. They called a very good game, especially in the second half with the adjustments they made.


2. The Niners D, as great as it was, commited 2 inexcusable and unecessary penalties. The roughing the kicker was stupid - free 3 points. The fumble by Alex Smith was bad, but on the resulting play on a 3rd and 9 Leinart was sacked regardless, but the defender grabbed his facemask. Automitic 1st down, 15 yds. AZ scores on the next few plays. That tied it at 10. So really this game should not have been as close as the nail biting finish it was.


3. As for Alex Smith "sucking" - it's game 1. Plenty of QBs sh!t the bed, and I notice Leinart has escaped all of your collective attention? How odd. He was taken 5-8 rounds higher than Alex Smith in every one of my leagues and started in all, where Smith was only started in 1 (against me :banana: ) - that said, the play action BOMB to DJax was spot on the money perfect pass. Tip your cap to the AZ secondary because if you watch the replay that was a basket catch where the defender got his arm up in between DJax arms. My friends and I replayed it a dozen times. Hell of a play by the defense - sure-thing TD broken up. DJax gets no ire from me for a non-drop. It was a pass defended. It's ok to not like DJax and be angry....but watch the replay before you trash the guy so you aren't angry and wrong too. And the last point about Alex Smith's "suckiness" is that he practically won the game single handidly at the end.


Did it somehow escape you that the Niners got the ball back with 2:58 on the clock, 1 time out (which they never used) and on their own 14 or 15 yd line? :blink: That Alex Smith executed the 2 minute drill extremely well? That he threw a PERFECT TD pass to Battle who fumbled it into the end zone (also punched out by the defender - really, really impressed with AZ secondary). But before that bomb which eventually won them the game, Alex Smith was in a series of bad playcalling - the only play calling I questioned all game, really...pass, pass, pass. You have the 2 min drill, and 1 TO, and Gore and you pass every down? Hrm. Anyway, the 3rd and short play where Smith was just set up to fail by the call, he evaded the sack, surveyed the field, reversed direction and took it 30 yds for the 1st down. That play won the Niners the game. It made the pass to Battle possible and it made the eventual end around for the TD possible - and by the way that was a fantastic play call. I don't mind the new OC at all.


I am hardly a Smith apologist - he looked nervous out there at times, throwing heavy handed and high. Were it not for a terrific DJax leaping catch for 10 and a 1st down, that last drive might not have stayed alive either. But I'll say this about Smith...when many teams have 1 TO and 48 seconds on the clock and your team gets nailed for a false start, to come back poised and make a throw like he did to Battle was nothing short of fantastic.


I would be surprised if they aren't talking about Alex Smith and how he's a winner on SportsCenter. Again - look at Matt Leinart and tell me this wasn't a horrible game for the golden boy too. Please. Stop bashing - it's game 1. Give it 4 games and we'll see what Smith looks like. The Niners are 1-0 and the reason is the brain and legs of Alex Smith on that 30 yd scramble/broken play. That is why Alex Smith is a good QB. Gore will be fine too - 100+ combined with a TD is not a bad day considering how rough this game was and that he'd been out all preseason. Gore will get his. Smith will have better games and Gore will have more room to run. The Niners need to address the right side of the line. The left with Allen/Jennings is rock solid, but the right side kept getting beat. That had something to do with it too. Hard to blame one guy when 2 other guys aren't doing their jobs.


Time will tell...I'm optimistic. Looks like a real Nolan team though - mediocre offense, great defense. Ravens west. :banana:

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1. The AZ defense is better than you think. They have a top secondary and good speed to rush the passer. Adrian Wilson is a beast. They called a very good game, especially in the second half with the adjustments they made.


2. The Niners D, as great as it was, commited 2 inexcusable and unecessary penalties. The roughing the kicker was stupid - free 3 points. The fumble by Alex Smith was bad, but on the resulting play on a 3rd and 9 Leinart was sacked regardless, but the defender grabbed his facemask. Automitic 1st down, 15 yds. AZ scores on the next few plays. That tied it at 10. So really this game should not have been as close as the nail biting finish it was.


3. As for Alex Smith "sucking" - it's game 1. Plenty of QBs sh!t the bed, and I notice Leinart has escaped all of your collective attention? How odd. He was taken 5-8 rounds higher than Alex Smith in every one of my leagues and started in all, where Smith was only started in 1 (against me :banana: ) - that said, the play action BOMB to DJax was spot on the money perfect pass. Tip your cap to the AZ secondary because if you watch the replay that was a basket catch where the defender got his arm up in between DJax arms. My friends and I replayed it a dozen times. Hell of a play by the defense - sure-thing TD broken up. DJax gets no ire from me for a non-drop. It was a pass defended. It's ok to not like DJax and be angry....but watch the replay before you trash the guy so you aren't angry and wrong too. And the last point about Alex Smith's "suckiness" is that he practically won the game single handidly at the end.


Did it somehow escape you that the Niners got the ball back with 2:58 on the clock, 1 time out (which they never used) and on their own 14 or 15 yd line? :blink: That Alex Smith executed the 2 minute drill extremely well? That he threw a PERFECT TD pass to Battle who fumbled it into the end zone (also punched out by the defender - really, really impressed with AZ secondary). But before that bomb which eventually won them the game, Alex Smith was in a series of bad playcalling - the only play calling I questioned all game, really...pass, pass, pass. You have the 2 min drill, and 1 TO, and Gore and you pass every down? Hrm. Anyway, the 3rd and short play where Smith was just set up to fail by the call, he evaded the sack, surveyed the field, reversed direction and took it 30 yds for the 1st down. That play won the Niners the game. It made the pass to Battle possible and it made the eventual end around for the TD possible - and by the way that was a fantastic play call. I don't mind the new OC at all.


I am hardly a Smith apologist - he looked nervous out there at times, throwing heavy handed and high. Were it not for a terrific DJax leaping catch for 10 and a 1st down, that last drive might not have stayed alive either. But I'll say this about Smith...when many teams have 1 TO and 48 seconds on the clock and your team gets nailed for a false start, to come back poised and make a throw like he did to Battle was nothing short of fantastic.


I would be surprised if they aren't talking about Alex Smith and how he's a winner on SportsCenter. Again - look at Matt Leinart and tell me this wasn't a horrible game for the golden boy too. Please. Stop bashing - it's game 1. Give it 4 games and we'll see what Smith looks like. The Niners are 1-0 and the reason is the brain and legs of Alex Smith on that 30 yd scramble/broken play. That is why Alex Smith is a good QB. Gore will be fine too - 100+ combined with a TD is not a bad day considering how rough this game was and that he'd been out all preseason. Gore will get his. Smith will have better games and Gore will have more room to run. The Niners need to address the right side of the line. The left with Allen/Jennings is rock solid, but the right side kept getting beat. That had something to do with it too. Hard to blame one guy when 2 other guys aren't doing their jobs.


Time will tell...I'm optimistic. Looks like a real Nolan team though - mediocre offense, great defense. Ravens west. :blink:




:banana: ... for the most part - it was the first game and within the coming weeks we will know - The niners did use that TO though and I don't see this offense as mediocre yet...too many weapons.


And for the dumbass that just repeated the title of the post - I suppose by your logic that Drew Brees sucks too and that Reggie Bush will suffer - ITS THE FIRST WEEK - ALMOST ALL OF THE RB'S THAT TOOK PRESEASON OFF LOOKED RUSTY...GORE, LJ, LT AND JACKSON DIDN'T EXACTLY LIGHT UP THE SCOREBOARD....



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Guest _my_2_cents_
The niners did use that TO though and I don't see this offense as mediocre yet...too many weapons.


Actually I meant that tonight's game reminded me of the Ravens that way, not that the Niners are indeed a mediocre offense. I think they will become a very, very good offense when they get clicking.


But if they don't shore up that right side of the line, it's going to be a long focking season. :banana:


go niners. :banana:

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But if they don't shore up that right side of the line, it's going to be a long focking season. :angry:


We should remember that this was Staley's first game as a pro, and even so I think he did fine - he wasn't eaten alive and didn't look lost or anything (Kwame Harris, anyone?). I think that as the season moves forward, Staley will justify the trade and subsequent first round pick. :lol:

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:rolleyes: ... for the most part - it was the first game and within the coming weeks we will know - The niners did use that TO though and I don't see this offense as mediocre yet...too many weapons.


And for the dumbass that just repeated the title of the post - I suppose by your logic that Drew Brees sucks too and that Reggie Bush will suffer - ITS THE FIRST WEEK - ALMOST ALL OF THE RB'S THAT TOOK PRESEASON OFF LOOKED RUSTY...GORE, LJ, LT AND JACKSON DIDN'T EXACTLY LIGHT UP THE SCOREBOARD....




The same logic isn't used for Drew Brees because he has proven his skills in the past. Alex Smith sucks because he is unproven in the NFL and was a average QB in college. Last year was his first full season and he didn't even pass for over 3,000 yards and had 16 ints. This is his 3rd year in the league and with new offensive weapons and more experience, he still shows why he sucks against the Arizona defense. Granted, it came up big in the final drive. But how he played the other 55 minutes shows you how he'll be playing most of the year.

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The same logic isn't used for Drew Brees because he has proven his skills in the past. Alex Smith sucks because he is unproven in the NFL and was a average QB in college. Last year was his first full season and he didn't even pass for over 3,000 yards and had 16 ints. This is his 3rd year in the league and with new offensive weapons and more experience, he still shows why he sucks against the Arizona defense. Granted, it came up big in the final drive. But how he played the other 55 minutes shows you how he'll be playing most of the year.


I guess this site is mostly for fantasy, and in that respect A. Smith wasn't very good. But give some credit to the AZ secondary, who played well against our average receiving weapons. We still have two games against the Rams -- loving it -- and games against the Giants, Atlanta, and Cleveland.


As for the non-fantasy take, I'm all over this kind of game. It's nice to see a S.F. defense that only gives up 100yds passing. A refreshing change to our swiss-cheese secondary of the past decade.

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I am hardly a Smith apologist...Looks like a real Nolan team though - mediocre offense

:banana: Mediocre offense run by a mediocre QB

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Guest _my_2_cents_
As for the non-fantasy take, I'm all over this kind of game. It's nice to see a S.F. defense that only gives up 100yds passing. A refreshing change to our swiss-cheese secondary of the past decade.


Amen brother. The house I was at was 3/4 niner fans and we were all saying the exact same thing: 80 million well spent - secondary rebuilt. voila! Been 10 years since I've seen a defensive performance like that. And as predicted, the secondary looked even more impressive for Lawson and Willis' presence (mostly Willis!) rushing the passer and putting that constant pressure. Going against a trio of Harris, Clements and Lewis is brutal for any team. Shutting Boldin & Fitz to 42 Receiving yards combined with 1 TD between them? I don't know if that happened once last year by any team. Hell, has anyone ever held AZ's WRs to 42 combined receiving yds since Boldin/Fitz were on the team? :overhead:



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I just hope Vernon Davis produces just a bit more than 2 catches for 5 yards like he did this week.


I reached a bit for him in BOTH my leagues thinking he was going to bust out. I figured Smith might have some difficulty with deep passes thus benefiting Davis. But that wasn't at all the case in week 1.

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Guest _my_2_cents_
I just hope Vernon Davis produces just a bit more than 2 catches for 5 yards like he did this week.


I reached a bit for him in BOTH my leagues thinking he was going to bust out. I figured Smith might have some difficulty with deep passes thus benefiting Davis. But that wasn't at all the case in week 1.


For you I hope he's top 5 the rest of the season - but not this week. I face him this week. lol

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By continuation of your logic...


Drew Brees sucks McAllister and Bush will suffer.

Marc Bulger sucks Steven Jackson will suffer.

Matt Lienart sucks Edge will suffer.

Donovan McNabb sucks Westbrook will suffer.

Jason Campbell sucks Portis and Betts will suffer.

Phillip Rivers sucks Tomlinson will suffer.


All of these QBs had less than stellar games, guess we should give up on all of them and their supporting casts. There are 16 games in a season, let's at least get to half way before we decide who sucks and who doesn't.


Josh McCown looked pretty good maybe I should deal Gore for Lamont Jordan. :thumbsdown:

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By continuation of your logic...


Drew Brees sucks McAllister and Bush will suffer.

Marc Bulger sucks Steven Jackson will suffer.

Matt Lienart sucks Edge will suffer.

Donovan McNabb sucks Westbrook will suffer.

Jason Campbell sucks Portis and Betts will suffer.

Phillip Rivers sucks Tomlinson will suffer.


All of these QBs had less than stellar games, guess we should give up on all of them and their supporting casts. There are 16 games in a season, let's at least get to half way before we decide who sucks and who doesn't.


Josh McCown looked pretty good maybe I should deal Gore for Lamont Jordan. :pointstosky:

The original poster simply made an observation about Alex Smith. You decided to extend the "logic" to other players :nono:

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