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Someone take Brady's head off

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God I'm really starting to hate this team with a passion...


I know it.


How DARE they have Heath Evans RAM the ball down their throats!!


He's the 3rd string RB for crying out loud!!


Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

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God I'm really starting to hate this team with a passion...


Belichick is the biggest a-hole in sporting history.

NO CLASS.. look at his clothes!.. embarassing jerk.. someone needs to jack up Brady too

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I'm all against cheap shots, but I've never wanted one against Brady now so much just to sent a message to Belichick.


Just send in a 3rd stringer. It might be worth the fine and suspension at this point...

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I hope Brady and Belichick both die on the way home...



Sniff... snifff


Brady beat the crap outta my fantasy team all by himself....... sniff sniff.........



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We have another thread from a FF owner who drafted Bulger or Palmer ahead of Brady. LET IT GO!

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Yeah right...then why start this topic then when there are many just like it already? I think we all know the strong majority of these anti Brady and anti NE threads were created by those who have been burned by these late TD's or drafted the likes of Palmer or Bulger ahead of him. We will see them again next week around this time..bank on it.


And most assclowns defending this embarrassing ###### have Brady on their teams... the same guys whom complained about Manning a couple of years ago...


In the 4th quarter up 38-0 and going for it on 4th down with 9 minutes left in the 4th quarter and well within range of a field goal was ridiculous...


comn guys, lets be real... if you consider that sport then you have obviously never played any...

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Yeah right...then why start this topic then when there are many just like it already? I think we all know the strong majority of these anti Brady and anti NE threads were created by those who have been burned by these late TD's or drafted the likes of Palmer or Bulger ahead of him. We will see them again next week around this time..bank on it.



How can you prove that? You can't.


I could care less whether or not I have Brady, or play against Brady - it doesn't matter.


The fact is, is that I am a fan of the NFL. I'm a fan of watching good football. Watching New England run up the score every week is not what I consider good football - therefore is getting on everyone's nerves. Watching the same classless garbage every week, by a team who was caught cheating earlier in the season, obviously seems to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. It's not good for the league, it's chickensh*t football at it's most exaggerated level.


Even before this season Belichick was always known for not having any sportsmanship, by cheating, hurrying players back from injuries, holding grudges against coaches for leaving his staff, stealing other teams signals, running up the score, and whatever else I can't think about off the top of my head. It's very apparent what kind of people run this organization. It doesn't matter how many games they win this year, if they've lost all respect from the rest of the league - then what is it worth? Nothing.

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Congrats you have become like the 5th person to create the same thread


Ive been coming to these fourms since i started FF in 05, I know i haven’t posted in a wile but i have just been reading.


#1 All you guys want to talk about how Brady has no "class" Yet here you guys are wishing someone gets hurt or killed.........Is their something wrong with that?


#2 "Lets all hate on the best player in the NFL cause he killed my fantasy football team”, It was the same thing wit manning last year.

Just because you and probably all the other people on this forum, including me were not able to make it in the NFL, You come here and waste space with UNCLASSY posts.


#3 Bill is the bad guy for keeping Brady in, how many super bowls has he won??? Just because NO other defense this season has come close to figuring them out, i thought that the redskins secondary was among the best in the NFL.....I guess that just shows how GREAT Brady really is. If he takes out Brady, and all the other starters (who without them Brady would have nothing) at half time or the third quarter, what happens when they come to a game were it dose come down to the wire, and they haven’t played at all in the fourth quarter.


#4 This board use to be the best place to go for RELIABLE and respectful help with FF, But after reading posts and not posting for most of the year, ive come to the conclusion that not many people here are interested in helping themselves or other people, but are more interested in making fun of someone, and posting pointless Immature messages that most the time make 0 sense. You all just sound like a bunch of pissed off teenagers that have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.


#5 I TRADED FOR BRADY TWO WEEKS AGO, and it was the best thing i have ever did :pointstosky: :pointstosky:


#6 FANTASY FOOTBALL IS ABOUT SCORING POINTS, and Brady is doing just that, so ive come to the conclusion that you most of u all are just jealous because the guy that has Brady in your league is either in first place or beating you.



P.S. Im not a Pats fan, im a bears fan.

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comn guys, lets be real... if you consider that sport then you have obviously never played any...


This isn't pop warner or little league, like you played...This is big-time sports...Its not Belichick or Gibbs or any other coaches job to teach his players about "gamesmanship", etc...You play until the game's over.


I hope when the Jets come to town the Pats are up 75-3 late in the 4th and not only throwing, but also running play action/flea-flicker/etc, etc...


Having said all of the above, I relinquish my right to complain when and if Brady (or any other starter) goes down in the 4th quarter of a blowout...Unless of course its on a cheap hit. The problem with sending in some 3rd or 4th stringer to purposely injure someone is there would be obvious retribution (Granted sacrificing Brady for Campbell or Portis isn't equal, but the NFL from a business standpoint would come down on that type of thing because seeing 1, 2 or more of their stars go down to an injury that happens on a blatant cheapshot is not good for business...)

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Congrats you have become like the 5th person to create the same thread


Ive been coming to these fourms since i started FF in 05, I know i haven’t posted in a wile but i have just been reading.


#1 All you guys want to talk about how Brady has no "class" Yet here you guys are wishing someone gets hurt or killed.........Is their something wrong with that?


#2 "Lets all hate on the best player in the NFL cause he killed my fantasy football team”, It was the same thing wit manning last year.

Just because you and probably all the other people on this forum, including me were not able to make it in the NFL, You come here and waste space with UNCLASSY posts.


#3 Bill is the bad guy for keeping Brady in, how many super bowls has he won??? Just because NO other defense this season has come close to figuring them out, i thought that the redskins secondary was among the best in the NFL.....I guess that just shows how GREAT Brady really is. If he takes out Brady, and all the other starters (who without them Brady would have nothing) at half time or the third quarter, what happens when they come to a game were it dose come down to the wire, and they haven’t played at all in the fourth quarter.


#4 This board use to be the best place to go for RELIABLE and respectful help with FF, But after reading posts and not posting for most of the year, ive come to the conclusion that not many people here are interested in helping themselves or other people, but are more interested in making fun of someone, and posting pointless Immature messages that most the time make 0 sense. You all just sound like a bunch of pissed off teenagers that have absolutely no clue what they are talking about.


#5 I TRADED FOR BRADY TWO WEEKS AGO, and it was the best thing i have ever did :pointstosky: :pointstosky: #6 FANTASY FOOTBALL IS ABOUT SCORING POINTS, and Brady is doing just that, so ive come to the conclusion that you most of u all are just jealous because the guy that has Brady in your league is either in first place or beating you.

P.S. Im not a Pats fan, im a bears fan.



i'm not sure how u actually pulled that one off. guy in my league wouldn't give me brady even if i threw in my two nuts and he's a recovering testicular cancer surviver.

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i'm not sure how u actually pulled that one off. guy in my league wouldn't give me brady even if i threw in my two nuts and he's a recovering testicular cancer surviver.



The guy who had Brady in my league needed depth due to injuries... So i traded him Brain Westbrook, Steve Smith, Eli Manning, and Tatupu for Tom Brady, Brandon Jacobs and Kirk Morrison. I also made another trade with him...I traded Fitz for Graham, who i traded for Maroney. He ended up taking those players, plus a few dif ones from his team and trading for LT.......

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This isn't pop warner or little league, like you played...This is big-time sports...Its not Belichick or Gibbs or any other coaches job to teach his players about "gamesmanship", etc...You play until the game's over.


Thats the key... the game was effectively over... and Im sorry to offend you since its obvious you have played "big-time sports" so often...


I have never played at any professional level or for that matter even come close to it... but, in the sport that i have played, i have never just ran up a score in order to embarrass someone... when the game was in-hand, game management took over as it should be with an authentic sports athlete or leader...


Like others have said, SD could have ran up a ton of points on Houston; but were good enough sports to not treat fellow athletes in such a lowly disgraceful manner...


nuff said...

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Yeah right...then why start this topic then when there are many just like it already? I think we all know the strong majority of these anti Brady and anti NE threads were created by those who have been burned by these late TD's or drafted the likes of Palmer or Bulger ahead of him. We will see them again next week around this time..bank on it.


In two leagues I am in...I am 1-1 vs. the Brady owner. And even he was not the reason I lost. I would have lost that week with almost nothing from Brady.


Though, Im not concerned about this game. Brady played a little longer (and the last TD pass was not a big deal anyway).


He finished that drive and that was that.


Not sure why they don't try running down the clock with a running game, but not their style I guess.

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I could care less either way, but why call pass plays in the 4th quarter when you're up by so many points? If you're gonna call pass plays, at least have the courtesy of running a screen or something.


It's like stealing bases when you're up by 12 runs. :overhead:

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I could care less either way, but why call pass plays in the 4th quarter when you're up by so many points? If you're gonna call pass plays, at least have the courtesy of running a screen or something.


It's like stealing bases when you're up by 12 runs. :overhead:

Except, if you pull that crap in baseball, either the guy who stole the base or his team's best player will end up getting a fastball between the eyes.

In football, it's not so easy to make the opposition respect the game, but it's not impossible. Good times are coming. Bet on it.

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I am never one for unsportsman like activity. But I could not say, that if this happened again and a defensive player put a serious lickin on Brady after a pass, that it would bother me. Not necessarily go for his knees, but something along those lines. Straight up shyte on Bellibitch and Brady.

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In football, it's not so easy to make the opposition respect the game, but it's not impossible. Good times are coming. Bet on it.




I actually found myself hating the Pats more than I hate the Redskins yesterday, and seeing d!ckhole actions like going for it on 4th down up 7 TDs found me wondering if a vigilante 'Skin would take it upon himself to "remedy the situation". I'm not saying I condone actions like that, but....:banana:

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Except, if you pull that crap in baseball, either the guy who stole the base or his team's best player will end up getting a fastball between the eyes.

In football, it's not so easy to make the opposition respect the game, but it's not impossible. Good times are coming. Bet on it.


I think players around the league respect Brady enough not to go after him with a cheap shot. I've said it countless times before: these guys are apart of a union and they don't feed on each other. They make a very good living together. Now it doesn't keep someone from going after Brady after an INT, and I can see that happening, that is if Brady ever throws another INT.


However, I do feel there's animosity starting to build up between BB and the rest of the league, coach-wise.


The visiting headset having problems? C'mon now.


Karma's a b!tch, and she'll show up at the most inopportune time for the Pats.

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I think players around the league respect Brady enough not to go after him with a cheap shot. I've said it countless times before: these guys are apart of a union and they don't feed on each other. They make a very good living together. Now it doesn't keep someone from going after Brady after an INT, and I can see that happening, that is if Brady ever throws another INT.


However, I do feel there's animosity starting to build up between BB and the rest of the league, coach-wise.


The visiting headset having problems? C'mon now.


Karma's a b!tch, and she'll show up at the most inopportune time for the Pats.

I'm sure the players respect Brady. Hell, up until this year, I had tremendous respect for him. It's not jealousy over his success. I was a big Brady fan, even when they were winning all those Super Bowls.

It's just different this year. There's an arrogance and smugness in that franchise.


I would have to think that the opposing players are feeling it, too. I thing a very ugly incident is in the very near future.

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I'm sure the players respect Brady. Hell, up until this year, I had tremendous respect for him. It's not jealousy over his success. I was a big Brady fan, even when they were winning all those Super Bowls.

It's just different this year. There's an arrogance and smugness in that franchise.


I would have to think that the opposing players are feeling it, too. I thing a very ugly incident is in the very near future.


Agreed. Besides Montana, Brady's the best QB I've ever seen. Determination and concentration is one thing, but consistently kicking your opponent when you have them down is another.


You can't ask players to take downs off intentionally but you can change the playcalling. That's the real issue here.

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I'm sure the players respect Brady. Hell, up until this year, I had tremendous respect for him. It's not jealousy over his success. I was a big Brady fan, even when they were winning all those Super Bowls.

It's just different this year. There's an arrogance and smugness in that franchise.


I would have to think that the opposing players are feeling it, too. I thing a very ugly incident is in the very near future.


I still have a lot of respect for Brady, even now. I really think that he's just doing what he's told - Belichick said "we pay you to score points, so if you don't score points, you're not doing your job". I'd be a little worried if I were a Pat fan that Brady may pay the price for Belichick being a smug ######.

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I'm a Packer fan, but have always enjoyed watching the Pats play these past few years, superbowl wins and all. I always like Brady, how calm he was under pressure. That whole team was just the definition of professional. Even after mocking Merriman in the playoffs last year I liked them, because I think Merriman's a douche.


But this year...eh...I wouldn't mind seeing a douche like Merriman take out Brady's knees then run to the sideline and beat the fock out of BB.

I don't mind the running up the score so much, it's just their arrogance that has started to annoy me. His press conference after he was caught cheating and the team's overall attitude.

I don't understand the whole "BB is mad at the rest of the league, so he's going to run up the score on everyone" conversation.

He cheated...why is he mad at the other coaches?


Because of this?--------> *

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So many haters out of team and coaching envy.


How do you think us Patriots fans feel? We can't even watch a good game because of the domination week in and week out.


Oh thats right we just won the world series too! Hate on, hate on.

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I'm sure the players respect Brady. Hell, up until this year, I had tremendous respect for him. It's not jealousy over his success. I was a big Brady fan, even when they were winning all those Super Bowls.

It's just different this year. There's an arrogance and smugness in that franchise.


I would have to think that the opposing players are feeling it, too. I thing a very ugly incident is in the very near future.


Keep passing with 40+ leads late in the 4th quarter, keep embarrassing roided up proud guys out on the field, keep running up that score BB. It's just a matter of time. :pointstosky:

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God I'm really starting to hate this team with a passion...


Belichick is the biggest a-hole in sporting history.


Funny, the post is essentially about how little class the patriots are not showing while, at the same time, asking another player to take Brady's head off...

ROFL, this thread really shows how much class the Patriot haters DON'T have.


"We can't beat them, they run up the score, their coach cheats, so let's go take their QB's head off."


Now thats classy. :blink:

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So many haters out of team and coaching envy.


How do you think us Patriots fans feel?



Uh... Embarrassed?

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And most assclowns defending this embarrassing ###### have Brady on their teams... the same guys whom complained about Manning a couple of years ago...


In the 4th quarter up 38-0 and going for it on 4th down with 9 minutes left in the 4th quarter and well within range of a field goal was ridiculous...


comn guys, lets be real... if you consider that sport then you have obviously never played any...

And to quote the hawks from Mighty Ducks: the original


"It ain't worth winning if you can't win BIG!"

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Uh... Embarrassed?

Nope, more a sense of domination and joy. The rest of the league looks like borderline JV/Freshman football teams.


The rest of the league should be embarrassed.

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NO CLASS.. look at his clothes!.. embarassing jerk.. someone needs to jack up Brady too



Just reading your post shows you have no idea what CLASS is.

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