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Forum Member Survivor: Nominate your favorite douchebags

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I'll nominate you if you nominate me. :thumbsup:\

also, IB4TL


You don't need me for a nomination, but even I don't want you gone. I like that you have toned things down (a bit) and I know how to ignore people. Heck, that is half of the fun of this place. You have to know when to ignore the post and when to respond. It is not that easy to walk away from an idiotic post, but it can really save you a ton of aggravation and time.

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Find a post where I said that the Cowboys were better? Another typical post of yours where you make something out of nothing.


Why did you take your picture off your profile, you were so cool looking.... :overhead:



Funny, you were all over my thread about America's Team owning the league! You came onto my thread and started attacking me proclaiming America's Team would lose to the Steelers. You threw personal attacks at me and talked trash. Now you don't remember, and you are hiding because everyone knows the Steelers suck. I recall you started a thread with the sole purpose of bashing me, which is against the rules. It was funny, because you just went crazy after I mention the fact that, the Steelers only score 16 points against the Jets defense. You were bashing the Dallas pass defense in the Redskins game, and I hit back with an attack on the Steelers offense and you just flipped out and started an attack thread against me. :thumbsup:

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ooooohhhhhhh, compensating for other smaller body parts?



Making sure all the trash you talk online would never happen in person. :angry:

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First off I have been the brunt of many Mephisto's rants, and the fact is he is a riot.


Some personalities were built here long ago. If you cant beat em' and can't join em' , lurk and learn.


Too many people post here that should be watching.


Posting these kind of threads is actually a good way to get yourself "kicked off the island".



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How about my own personal gay stalker,NateBurleson81. He is pretty much worthless.

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This is what you get people, when you throw jet fuel in the fire.


Very good point, Evil Genius.

A few observations here:

1) I probably shouldn't have tossed gasoline at that pyre. :cry: (My mistake for not letting this issue die, with the exception that posters here who are as obnoxious as Mephisto deserve to be called out).

2) I don't see why Mephisto thinks he can be fire to the jet fuel (as opposed to jet fuel in the fire, as noted above). I asked a legitmate question in my post, in my opinion, and he responded in an amazingly antagonistic manner.


I also find it interesting that Mephisto ignores posts that demonstrate his inability to understand an issue or question raised by a post, while constantly being obnoxious in his responses to the ones that he apparently does.


How would you like to hear the following comments about you, Mephisto, and/or how do you think you'd react? "You're a total doucheass and asshat, and you're a complete focktard." I doubt very much you act this way in "real life", but if you do, I bet you have a very flattened nose.

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Very good point, Evil Genius.

A few observations here:

1) I probably shouldn't have tossed gasoline at that pyre. :overhead: (My mistake for not letting this issue die, with the exception that posters here who are as obnoxious as Mephisto deserve to be called out).

2) I don't see why Mephisto thinks he can be fire to the jet fuel (as opposed to jet fuel in the fire, as noted above). I asked a legitmate question in my post, in my opinion, and he responded in an amazingly antagonistic manner.


I also find it interesting that Mephisto ignores posts that demonstrate his inability to understand an issue or question raised by a post, while constantly being obnoxious in his responses to the ones that he apparently does.


How would you like to hear the following comments about you, Mephisto, and/or how do you think you'd react? "You're a total doucheass and asshat, and you're a complete focktard." I doubt very much you act this way in "real life", but if you do, I bet you have a very flattened nose.


Not an uncommon response from someone who likes to think that they know what they're talking about, but time and time again prove otherwise through their inane posts.

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Funny, you were all over my thread about America's Team owning the league! You came onto my thread and started attacking me proclaiming America's Team would lose to the Steelers. You threw personal attacks at me and talked trash. Now you don't remember, and you are hiding because everyone knows the Steelers suck. I recall you started a thread with the sole purpose of bashing me, which is against the rules. It was funny, because you just went crazy after I mention the fact that, the Steelers only score 16 points against the Jets defense. You were bashing the Dallas pass defense in the Redskins game, and I hit back with an attack on the Steelers offense and you just flipped out and started an attack thread against me. :bandana:

I never said the Steelers were better than the Cowboys? If I did, find the post. In fact I've said from the beginning of the year the Cowboys are better.


http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...t&p=3317879 So that being said, go fock yourself.


And I bashed you because you are a focktard, not because the Steelers lost. As I said at the time, I was more pissed about the Celtics losing their first game. :ninja:

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My chest and biceps are bigger than all the weak stickboy dorks on this site. I could care less about post count, but I had that crap used on me when I first joined this site. Just returning the favor and bringing balance to the force.

This may be the gayest thing I've ever seen on this board. Did you seriously just say your chest and biceps are bigger than anyone's on this board?


Wow. Just wow.

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I've been her for 7 years, told off numerous asshats and I don't get 1 single ###### vote? You are all homos. :pointstosky:

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I'll nominate you if you nominate me. :thumbsup:\

also, IB4TL


I nominate the artist you were formerly known as, is that close enough?


I've been her for 7 years, told off numerous asshats and I don't get 1 single ###### vote? You are all homos. :pointstosky:


I nominate you just for using the word asshats.

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He also has no posts claiming the Steelers are better than the Cowboys this year, like some punks on this site.


Did you like the Thanksgiving game? That is how you handle the Jets, and I bet you were hurting watching America's Team destroy them while the Steelers got owned. :pointstosky:


May I nominate ANYONE that uses the term "owned", "pwned", or any other variation of the word? GAY, overused, and just sad. Please let that one die. :thumbsup:

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How about my own personal gay stalker,NateBurleson81. He is pretty much worthless.



Sorry Kilroy, I already picked Nate....find your own d0uchbag to flame on



I nominate the following @sshats: NateBurleson81 and TheGambinoCrimeFamily.

Worthless, absofuckinglutly worthless :pointstosky:

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Not an uncommon response from someone who likes to think that they know what they're talking about, but time and time again prove otherwise through their inane posts.


Talk about irony. :pointstosky:

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How about my own personal gay stalker,NateBurleson81. He is pretty much worthless.


I don't read these forums enough to to follow your little quarrel with Nate....all I've seen is you calling him out, unprovoked, in several threads and calling him your stalker. I'm just wondering who is stalking who? :pointstosky:

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I'm surprised noone's mentioned jahrasta...


By the way, whatever happened to him?...Since the Chargers have fallen back into mediocrity he hardly ever posts on her anymore...



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I don't read these forums enough to to follow your little quarrel with Nate....all I've seen is you calling him out, unprovoked, in several threads and calling him your stalker. I'm just wondering who is stalking who? :pointstosky:

This IS a thread about douchebags right? The guy follows me around like a lost puppy/stalker guy and posts something stupid in damn near every thread I am in. Thats why I am calling him out as a gay stalker. I would be happy if he would just leave me alone.

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Sorry Kilroy, I already picked Nate....find your own d0uchbag to flame on

Awww come on man. You have a few you nominated. Can't I use nate.

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firstly, Macgee is far and away the biggest douche in the universe. I have never read a helpfull or even football related post from him. Just nonsensical shitstarting with Eagles fans. complete douche. bigger douche than John Edwards. megadouche.


Also everyone else in this thread is a whiny ######.


Happy Thanksgiving.

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I would like to nominate myself. I can't even stand reading my own material. :wall:

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This may be the gayest thing I've ever seen on this board. Did you seriously just say your chest and biceps are bigger than anyone's on this board?


Wow. Just wow.



They are and I can dominate all of you little weak punks. :unsure:

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I'm surprised noone's mentioned jahrasta...


By the way, whatever happened to him?...Since the Chargers have fallen back into mediocrity he hardly ever posts on her anymore...





Look on the bright side, we got rid of the Eagles fans as well. :unsure:

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I never said the Steelers were better than the Cowboys? If I did, find the post. In fact I've said from the beginning of the year the Cowboys are better.


http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...t&p=3317879 So that being said, go fock yourself.


And I bashed you because you are a focktard, not because the Steelers lost. As I said at the time, I was more pissed about the Celtics losing their first game. :wall:



Did you enjoy the Thanksgiving Game against the Jets? :unsure: Snootches :dunno:

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I'm surprised noone's mentioned jahrasta...


By the way, whatever happened to him?...Since the Chargers have fallen back into mediocrity he hardly ever posts on her anymore...



I believe he was shown the door a few months back. He said some really, really horrible things that cross the line beyond a stupid messageboard feud.

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It is pretty clear by reading this thread that Pimpdaddy is the biggest douschbag on this forum. He says his biceps and chest are bigger than everyone elses...wow.


He is the type of person who reads when people bash him, then does a ton of research...seraching for just one iota of info he can use against the person.


Pimpdaddy...you are a complete loser and the world and FFToday would be better if you were no longer living.


I bet you can't even refrain from responding to this....your the type who can't ignore people's insults, you have to try to have the last word no matter what....focktard.


If you DONT respond to this post, I will admit you are not a total waste of skin and won't mention you again.


BUt I know you can't do that you big-biceped SOB. You'll spout off at me in some way...proving your the pee stain everyone thinks you are.


So let's see it...can you resist??


What a piece of crap.

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It is pretty clear by reading this thread that Pimpdaddy is the biggest douschbag on this forum. He says his biceps and chest are bigger than everyone elses...wow.


He is the type of person who reads when people bash him, then does a ton of research...seraching for just one iota of info he can use against the person.


Pimpdaddy...you are a complete loser and the world and FFToday would be better if you were no longer living.


I bet you can't even refrain from responding to this....your the type who can't ignore people's insults, you have to try to have the last word no matter what....focktard.


If you DONT respond to this post, I will admit you are not a total waste of skin and won't mention you again.


BUt I know you can't do that you big-biceped SOB. You'll spout off at me in some way...proving your the pee stain everyone thinks you are.


So let's see it...can you resist??


What a piece of crap.

He can't respond right now. He's rubbing oil on himself and posing in his bathroom mirror.

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It is pretty clear by reading this thread that Pimpdaddy is the biggest douschbag on this forum. He says his biceps and chest are bigger than everyone elses...wow.


He is the type of person who reads when people bash him, then does a ton of research...seraching for just one iota of info he can use against the person.


Pimpdaddy...you are a complete loser and the world and FFToday would be better if you were no longer living.


I bet you can't even refrain from responding to this....your the type who can't ignore people's insults, you have to try to have the last word no matter what....focktard.


If you DONT respond to this post, I will admit you are not a total waste of skin and won't mention you again.


BUt I know you can't do that you big-biceped SOB. You'll spout off at me in some way...proving your the pee stain everyone thinks you are.


So let's see it...can you resist??


What a piece of crap.

I agree with you, but I gotta admit that's a pretty weak way to come at someone. Either he doesn't respond and looks like he has no comeback to you, etc. Or he goes back at you and proves you "right".


I'll agree that he's out of line, although he has toned it down a bit since getting back from suspension and is mostly just an annoying Cowboys troll, but at least give the dude a chance to go back and forth at you if you're gonna call him out. Plus, it's Saturday and I'm bored so I'd like to see you two go at it. :thumbsdown:

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I was gonna stay out of this, but feel compelled to nominate "Buckner" (aka BirdBradyBlahBlahBlahOrr). Nobody gives a shiite how many games the Pats starters missed during their superbowl runs, or any other friggin statistic about the team other than what they do from a fantasy football perspective. If you wanna dole out your homerism ala Monica Lewinsky style, do it on a Patriots fanboard or "ilovetombrady.com" or something.


First I'd like to thank Jesus Christ my Lord and savior for guiding me here today.


I'd also like to thank jgcrawfish and the Academy for the nomination.


Of course I wouldn't be where I am today without my loving parents and my family. For all those years of standing by me, driving to early morning typing classes and cooking for me during the long hours of lazy Sunday watching the NFL. Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad.


Thank you Tom Brady. Your 2001 Championship ended the Boston curse and 15 years of pain. You brought a whole city back off the ledge.


I'd also like to take a moment and ask that on a day like today we give thanks for the NFL and the game of fantasy football. There are millions of children around the world who don't have the internet, or who can't afford to play fantasy football, and I was once one of them. God bless the children.


I'd also like to congratulate all of my fellow nominees, even the asshats out of the group.


Finally, I'd like to thank BeantownBobbyD who guided me during my early years on FFToday.com.


Happy Thanksgiving!

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Guest _my_2_cents_
He can't respond right now. He's rubbing oil on himself and posing in his bathroom mirror.




good times....good times.

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Guest _my_2_cents_
I'd also like to take a moment and ask that on a day like today we give thanks for the NFL and the game of fantasy football. There are millions of children around the world who don't have the internet, or who can't afford to play fantasy football, and I was once one of them. God bless the children.


The Catholic Church finally settled that lawsuit from all those years of molestation, huh? :thumbsdown:





also :lol:

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I believe he was shown the door a few months back. He said some really, really horrible things that cross the line beyond a stupid messageboard feud.


Why does that not surprise me.


And here I thought he was in hiding because the Chargers were struggling...

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Did you enjoy the Thanksgiving Game against the Jets? :music_guitarred: Snootches <_<

Good comeback, you got me there. Wow.


Again, I prove that your little fantasy world mind was wrong, and you ignore the subject and throw out some lame comeback.


So basically let's recap:


Big biceps

Small pecker and brain.


Sound about right?

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They are and I can dominate all of you little weak punks. :headbanger:



The only thing you could dominate around here is the ###### and balls rolling around in your mouth. :pointstosky:


btw. This thread is what makes this board the best and the footballguys board a pile of ###### full of losers.

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Good comeback, you got me there. Wow.


Again, I prove that your little fantasy world mind was wrong, and you ignore the subject and throw out some lame comeback.


So basically let's recap:


Big biceps

Small pecker and brain.


Sound about right?


Big everything! I own you! :headbanger:

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The only thing you could dominate around here is the ###### and balls rolling around in your mouth. :pointstosky:


btw. This thread is what makes this board the best and the footballguys board a pile of ###### full of losers.



Do I have a new stalker? I have so many now. :headbanger:

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