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Guess what I used to have in my mouf

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10 marshmallows


Are you really this focking stupid. ITS PARTLY NON BIODEGRADABLE!@#!#!@

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Which is exactly why marshmallows are an appropriate guess.

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A condom? still in the wrapper




fixored :clap:

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Are you really this focking stupid. ITS PARTLY NON BIODEGRADABLE!@#!#!@


Stupid... maybe.... I failed to read all the posts.


Ok... a pack of 10 marshmallows...... there, happy.. the package would be non biodegradable



.... still haven't read all the posts.

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One of my uber fantasical nips?


QUOTE(DuckStupid @ Mar 6 2008, 11:09 AM)


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we are trying to keep it clean and you post something completely disgusting :doublethumbsup:

I'll be honest. I'm not the biggest TNG fan, but I'm sportin' some serious chub after reading her post. :mad:

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I'll be honest. I'm not the biggest TNG fan, but I'm sportin' some serious chub after reading her post. :doublethumbsup:



Aw...I was noticing yesterday that you were one of my favorite posters...you've been bringin' the funny pretty often around here.

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I'll be honest. I'm not the biggest TNG fan, but I'm sportin' some serious chub after reading her post. :doublethumbsup:



With regret, I must still say no to all guesses to this point.

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a straw which is inserted on the other end to your venti half caf soy latte extra hot half whip cinnamon spinkles and room for sugar?


you pansy

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The non biodegradable part ... and of course it's still in my mouth. :doublethumbsup:

you sure it's not a pencil???

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The non biodegradable part ... and of course it's still in my mouth. :doublethumbsup:




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A little bit of vomit after TheNewGirl's nip comment?

no, no, no, no, no, no, no ... to this point.

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Patrick Swayze's pancreas on a stick?

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Okay, okay we need to regroup here:


1. Its smaller than bread box

2. part of it is not biodegradable, the other part is eatable

3. It is not candy, marshmellows, or a popsicle

4. It is not Toro, poo, anal beads, or TNG's uber nipple


Please carry on...........

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A pretzel carved into a 3X scale model of Vic_Rattlehead's peemus. On a stick?

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