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I'm calling it now: Jets vs Cowboys in Superbowl

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I have to say that you Titans supporters are pretty sensitive.

There was that thread last week about the "lack of respect" the team gets. Is this your second year of watching football? Do you think that just because you are were 10-0 that you should be considered an all time team like last year's SB champs runners up?? Go find the number of 10-0 and 9-1 teams that faltered and lost before making it all the way. Its not a lack of respect, its just a healthy understanding that the playoffs start a new season, and we'll see what teams are made of when they get there. Maybe people are waiting to see how this team reacts to getting punched in the mouth (at home) by what is arguably the best team they've played all season.


A lot can change in a month of football.

If we learned anything last year, its that a team can come from nowhere to win it all.


Stop worrying about respect and focus on beating the lions.


No, not sensitive. I just love the disparity in treatment.


Tennessee goes 10-0, playing great D, and mistake free, ball control offense. A recepie that has been followed for any number of super bowl titles over the years. All you hear from the talking heads is "they haven't convinced me" and "they need to prove this, that or the other."


All of a sudden, the Jets win two impressive road victories, and they are immediately annointed the prohibitive favorites. Why? Because they are from NY? Because they are QB'd by Favre?


Look, the Jets smacked Tennessee in the mouth on their home field Sunday, no denying that. Tennessee had a bad game. It happens to all teams once in a while. I hardly think that should invalidate the 10 consecutive victories before that.


Yes, the playoffs are the second season. Are the Titans the favorite in the AFC? I dunno. I figure at this point, you have five fairly even teams at the top, in Ten, Pit, NYJ, NE, and Ind, and then whichever patsy the AFC west sends.


All I know is this. The Titans are almost certainly going to have a first round bye. In all liklihood, the AFC playoffs come through Nashville. It will be cold, and possibly sh!tty weather, which plays to the Titans stregnths. There will be no complacency when the stadium is packed with the first home playoff game in years. At that point, the Titans will be a very very tough out. They have as good a chance as anyone.


Personally, it suits me just fine to put all the perfection nonsense to bed, and to have everyone doubting the team in the media. Let's let the defense get back to the nasty, blue collar ways that got them 10 wins.

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I think the way Tennessee is built, you can see them having success in the post season. They're well coached, tough on defense, they run the ball, and they can win the close ones. Combine that with the (likely) advantages of the number one seed, and you have to see them as a good bet for post season success.


That said, my gut puts my money on Indi in the AFC. As much as I like Fisher and the Tenn defense, Manning just gives them too much of an edge, IMO. The Jets are certainly tough, but between Mangini and the chance that the bad Brett Favre could crash their party at any time, I just can't jump on that bandwagon. The Steelers have some pieces in place, but I don't see them making it all the way through the playoffs with that o-line.

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Let me know your predictions for this week's playoff games. I'm going to take the other team in every game.

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I always love people ripping on those that make predictions. If you don't have the balls to make predictions then you should just shut your piehole.


DOD, it's part of the fun of both making predictions and not. If you don't want to be bitchslapped for a major FAIL such as this one, then you should shut your piehole. :thumbsup:

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While we are making random prediction threads to clutter up the bored, I thought I would add one more. Cowboys 28 Jets 24


Are the Boys and Jets playing next preseason?

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DOD, it's part of the fun of both making predictions and not. If you don't want to be bitchslapped for a major FAIL such as this one, then you should shut your piehole. :nono:


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