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Hey, FlaHawker

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Your postings have gone straight into the crapper lately. Why don't you step away from the computer take a deep breath and go outside with your guns, garden tools and tin foil hat. Try going for just a few minutes without thinking about Obama. The next day you go a little longer, now keep this up until you realize that their is more to life then spending your days researching right wing web sites and bashing Obama. We know you guys are bitter over losing the Senate, House and 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. You should direct your energy and ideas to help this country through these hard time. The constant drivel and nitpicking only illustrates you parties lack of ideas. :thumbsup:

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You should direct your energy and ideas to help this country through these hard time. The constant drivel and nitpicking only illustrates you parties lack of ideas. :lol:


Do as you do? Or do as you say?


This thread obviates there is indeed a difference.



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Do as you do? Or do as you say?


This thread obviates there is indeed a difference.






Quick, someone name a thread or post by the OP that wasn't political? Rememer that one? Oh, you know the one I'm talking about. What? There isn't one? Well I'll be damned. He looks rather foolish then, doesn't he?

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We know you guys are bitter over losing the Senate, House and 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


This is kind of my problem with alot of posters on here...it's like they just want their "team" to win. They fail to realize or ever admit any of their ideas were wrong, and they never evolve or truly think freely because they are too tied up on their team winning.


This leads to a failure to ever admit their team could possibly be wrong in any way...because that would be admitting not only that their team was wrong...but also the other team was right :lol:


Not that I'm some super intellectual free thinker or anything like that, because I'm far from that...but I'm just sayin

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I don't think this thread is turning out how DAVID wanted it to :thumbsdown:

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So you start a thread calling out a poster on a message bored no less and then proceed to tell HIM to get a life. Focking hilarious.

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So you start a thread calling out a poster on a message bored no less and then proceed to tell HIM to get a life. Focking hilarious.







Some of these tools wouldn't know it if it walked up to them and bag tag'ed them.. That's assuming these liberal phags still have their balls..

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So you start a thread calling out a poster on a message bored no less and then proceed to tell HIM to get a life. Focking hilarious.


This :thumbsdown:

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So you start a thread calling out a poster on a message bored no less and then proceed to tell HIM to get a life. Focking hilarious.



I have a life! Look at my post count. I mostly lurk around and get entertained by "yes he did", "No he didn't", "yes he did". I don't have the time to get into your pizzing contest. Once in a while I feel the need to comment. Mystery solved

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I have a life! Look at my post count. I mostly lurk around and get entertained by "yes he did", "No he didn't", "yes he did". I don't have the time to get into your pizzing contest. Once in a while I feel the need to comment. Mystery solved


And it :pointstosky: right over your head to boot.

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