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Carl Eller's Dead Liver

Joesph Addai

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Nagged by injury all last year and Manning having a sub-par year did not help him either. Does Addai rebound to top 10 form or does Donald Brown further reduce his value?


Personally I think Addai will be top 15 again this year in PPR. I think you can try to aquire cheaply right now in dynasty leagues. Others take?

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Yes I think Addai is a great buy low this season. I am not on the Brown coolaid. Last year I remember when everyone jumped all over Mendy and Stewart as taking FWP and DWills job and we know how that turned out. I think it will actually help Addai stay healthy having Brown their. I think Addai still touches the ball 20 plus times a game (13-15 rushes, 3-5 catches) which should put him in the 1,100-1,300 total yds range, 50+ catches and 10 total TDs. Just my thoughts and I know more people are not feeling that. I have scoped him up in a couple of leagues. Of course I also believe B.Edwards/Ochocinco are also great buy low candidates.



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Almost everyone you talk too says Addai is done. He is too wimpy and Donald Brown is the second coming of Gale Sayers. Everyone is down on Addai this year as he was a flash in the pan.


So we all know what that prolly means; Addai goes for 1300 and 13 tds.


It happens everytime.

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Honestly - I have probably followed Addai and the Colts closer than anyone else on here has...and he IS NOT the future back of the Colts. Everytime he takes a hit, he comes out...he doesn't have great break away speed, although he is a quality back. Problem is, with the trend of the league moving towards running back by committe, and the Cotls having a 2nd talented back (I actually think Brown is MORE talented that Addai), Addai won't be cracking the top10-15 this year. The Colts aren't going to be a GREAT running team to begin with, and the fact that D. Brown will see carries from day 1, and possibly see more touches by the middle of the year, I'd steer clear of J. Addai. He's never had a speactacular year yardage wise, and with Manning and their DEF still in tact, I doubt he sees more than ~200-220 carries, 8-10 scores with 1,000 total yards...TOPS. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he misses big parts of the year with a "nagging injury", or simply loses his time share to D. Brown....D. Brown is the RB to have on the Colts, considering he can be had in the 8th-10th rounds.

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This is an interesting situation.

I like Addai to bounceback this yr. say, 1200yds and 10TD's.

PPR, but low.


The concern I have is I actually like Brown too.

Solid at UConn and poised to contribute.

The key w/ Brown will be if he learns to pick up the block.

If he does, he could be in a position to steal 100-150 carries.


Not sure how ths plays out......

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Nagged by injury all last year and Manning having a sub-par year did not help him either. Does Addai rebound to top 10 form or does Donald Brown further reduce his value?


Personally I think Addai will be top 15 again this year in PPR. I think you can try to aquire cheaply right now in dynasty leagues. Others take?


I have had Addai on my team as my keeper since he came into the league.


I can tell you from watching him for three years that he's a product of the colts offense. Much like edge in his last season in indy. Neither was a great back, but when you can run 5 yards before anyone makes contact with you because the defense is dropping 8 guys into coverage you don't have to be great to rack up numbers.


Last year was a much better indicator of what Addai can do with an average O-line and Peyton struggling a little early in the season. You saw an unproductive Addai.


Another thing that tells me Addai isn't a great RB in his own right is that he has a hard time scoring inside the 5. Sure he gets his TD's but he fails to convert almost as many as he gets in short yardage when the defense isn't stretched by Manning.


There are a few reasons I don't expect Addai to be back to form this year.

1) I think Brown becomes the short yardage / goal line back as he seems more suited for this role than Addai. This will take away Addai's TD numbers. My projection this year would be 6-8 for him.

2) Without a healthy Harrison, I'm not sure the colts passing game is as dynamic as it was when Addai was posting big numbers. Thus allowing defenses to play the run vs Indy a little more aggressively.

3) As mentioned above, the guy doesn't seem to take hits well and thus will open the door for Brown to become the primary back if he doesn't stay on the field.


I'm certainly not making him my keeper this year and I doubt I'd draft him unless he really falls.

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I have had Addai on my team as my keeper since he came into the league.


I can tell you from watching him for three years that he's a product of the colts offense. Much like edge in his last season in indy. Neither was a great back, but when you can run 5 yards before anyone makes contact with you because the defense is dropping 8 guys into coverage you don't have to be great to rack up numbers.


Last year was a much better indicator of what Addai can do with an average O-line and Peyton struggling a little early in the season. You saw an unproductive Addai.


Another thing that tells me Addai isn't a great RB in his own right is that he has a hard time scoring inside the 5. Sure he gets his TD's but he fails to convert almost as many as he gets in short yardage when the defense isn't stretched by Manning.


There are a few reasons I don't expect Addai to be back to form this year.

1) I think Brown becomes the short yardage / goal line back as he seems more suited for this role than Addai. This will take away Addai's TD numbers. My projection this year would be 6-8 for him.

2) Without a healthy Harrison, I'm not sure the colts passing game is as dynamic as it was when Addai was posting big numbers. Thus allowing defenses to play the run vs Indy a little more aggressively.

3) As mentioned above, the guy doesn't seem to take hits well and thus will open the door for Brown to become the primary back if he doesn't stay on the field.


I'm certainly not making him my keeper this year and I doubt I'd draft him unless he really falls.


Good analysis.

When good, not great backs on a dynamic passing team takes a step back in the passing game, those good not great backs struggle when they see 8 in the box on a regular basis.

I think Addai will see alot of 8 man fronts this season.

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Honestly - I have probably followed Addai and the Colts closer than anyone else on here has...and he IS NOT the future back of the Colts. Everytime he takes a hit, he comes out...he doesn't have great break away speed, although he is a quality back. Problem is, with the trend of the league moving towards running back by committe, and the Cotls having a 2nd talented back (I actually think Brown is MORE talented that Addai), Addai won't be cracking the top10-15 this year. The Colts aren't going to be a GREAT running team to begin with, and the fact that D. Brown will see carries from day 1, and possibly see more touches by the middle of the year, I'd steer clear of J. Addai. He's never had a speactacular year yardage wise, and with Manning and their DEF still in tact, I doubt he sees more than ~200-220 carries, 8-10 scores with 1,000 total yards...TOPS. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he misses big parts of the year with a "nagging injury", or simply loses his time share to D. Brown....D. Brown is the RB to have on the Colts, considering he can be had in the 8th-10th rounds.


I probably follow them as close as you do. I agree, Addai isn't the future back of the Colts, Brown is, but they are not just going to hand him the job. I see Brown getting his carries this year, but Addai is the starter and as long as he can stay somewhat healthy the starter. Also, Addai's issues last year were due to the line also. Yes, he dances around too much sometimes, but he still is a decent runner behind our line when it is healthy.


I think Addai is still a top 15 back this year. I don't agree with people thinking teams are going to stack the line against the Colts though. Just because we lost Harrision, doesn't mean Manning can't deliver the ball to his other targets. Just like Farve, Manning makes Wayne, Clark, Gonzo, Addai, and the others better players. You drop 8 in the box and do single coverage on Wayne, Clark and Gonzo, I promise you, Manning will light up the sky with balls and be more than happy to do it. I am curious to see who steps up for the third WR job....He could easily see 40 to 50 grabs, 600 yards and 5 td's.


I think another think people need to consider is that our defense didn't allow the offense as much time on the field this last year, which hurts player stats. I think our defense is going to be a lot better this year and we won't be seeing teams getting 10 to 15 minute drives, like we have seen the last couple.

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I probably follow them as close as you do. I agree, Addai isn't the future back of the Colts, Brown is, but they are not just going to hand him the job. I see Brown getting his carries this year, but Addai is the starter and as long as he can stay somewhat healthy the starter. Also, Addai's issues last year were due to the line also. Yes, he dances around too much sometimes, but he still is a decent runner behind our line when it is healthy.


I think Addai is still a top 15 back this year. I don't agree with people thinking teams are going to stack the line against the Colts though. Just because we lost Harrision, doesn't mean Manning can't deliver the ball to his other targets. Just like Farve, Manning makes Wayne, Clark, Gonzo, Addai, and the others better players. You drop 8 in the box and do single coverage on Wayne, Clark and Gonzo, I promise you, Manning will light up the sky with balls and be more than happy to do it. I am curious to see who steps up for the third WR job....He could easily see 40 to 50 grabs, 600 yards and 5 td's.


I think another think people need to consider is that our defense didn't allow the offense as much time on the field this last year, which hurts player stats. I think our defense is going to be a lot better this year and we won't be seeing teams getting 10 to 15 minute drives, like we have seen the last couple.


I disagree with a couple of points. Yes Manning makes players better, but Harrison was, in my opinion, great on his own accord. Dallas Clark and Anthony Gonzalez do not threaten downfield like Harrison did.


While I don't think anyone will play the colts with 8 in the box, I don't thing the Colt O-line and Addai can run against 7 in the box. This has never been a power running team. When Addai was chewing up 100 yard games it was because Wayne and Harrison occupied at least 4 defenders. Leaving the others to cover a slot WR and/or a receiving TE. This allowed the zone blocking running game to flourish because everyone in the second level of defense was playing pass. Look at Edge his last season he had more carries for 5+ yards than any RB in the league, but less carries of 20+ yards than most. This was because all you had to do was block the D-line and you had 5 yards before you were even contacted. While I think Wayne is an elite WR, the entire dynamic of that offense is changed without another elite WR on the other side of the field. Can the colts have success running - sure, but its going to have to be the tougher between the tackles running, not always the stretch play that carried the play action pass threat. In my opinion, Addai isn't this type of runner as evidenced by his struggles in short yardage situations.


Finally, your defense has always been built to play with the lead. You have undersized, but extremely fast Dlinemen. Average LB and for the most part, Coverage safeties (Sanders excluded). Its a defense that is designed to give up the inside run and the short pass because the colts assume that Manning and company will score points early and often and once your team is down 21 - 0 you can't run and the DE's don't have to contain anything, they just get upfield. If you don't score points, your defense will continue to get pushed around, especially by the likes of Tennessee and Jacksonville. These teams were built to compete with you by grinding the game out and controlling the clock, which is something I think you'll continue to see as long as your offense isn't clicking.


I really am interested to see how this team plays without Harrison, especially since the made no real attempt at filling his role. I'm expecting a team that is better offensively than last year because you should get better o-line play, but I'm not convinced that this team will be as prolific on offense as they were several seasons ago.


All that said, as the colts go, so goes Addai. He's not a good enough RB to be on an average offense and be productive. I think he's a great role player in that offense if its clicking because hes a receiving threat and a good blocker, but he's not going to keep defenses honest with his running ability.

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I am also tore on Addai. I am in a position to get either Addai or Lynch. Lynch may be more expensive and he will be serving a suspension. A lot of people on this site seem real high on Addai this year tho....hmmmmm????

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Yes I think Addai is a great buy low this season. I am not on the Brown coolaid. Last year I remember when everyone jumped all over Mendy and Stewart as taking FWP and DWills job and we know how that turned out. I think it will actually help Addai stay healthy having Brown their.




i like the mendy and stewart comparisons altho Stewart was actually a fine back to own in his own right.


I disagree with Brown helping Addai stay healthy. Addai had Rhodes there and that didn't help him stay healthy. Addai's health problems have never really been about a heavy workload as much as they are about him just bieng soft.


I really like Brown. Im not even reading anything into why the Colts drafted him. They are a team notorious for taking BPA late in round 1. I take their drafting of Brown more as a sign that they think Brown is very good than a sign that Addai is totally done.


With all that said, I am on the record as saying Brown will be the majority shareholder of that backfield by week 4.

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Is Addai a first rnd pick?... I say no.. but a ok 2nd rb on a FF squad, but you better have a 3rd Rb to back him.


Addai is a handcuff RB.(Brown)

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Almost everyone you talk too says Addai is done. He is too wimpy and Donald Brown is the second coming of Gale Sayers. Everyone is down on Addai this year as he was a flash in the pan.


So we all know what that prolly means; Addai goes for 1300 and 13 tds.


It happens everytime.


Yea this does seem to happen. But before they drafted Brown IN THE 1ST ROUND people thought he would basically never be a stud RB because he is a B!itch. The guy is pretty overrated, any RB you plugged into that Colts offense a few years ago would have had solid stats. If they had never drafted Brown I still wouldn't take him in the 1st or early 2nd round. And now since thy drafted a Rb in the 1st round, it tells me they think he isn't the guy. Brown takes over as the starter by mid-season at the latest.


Like you said, maybe this will be a D-Will situation when they drafted Stewart in the 1st, but i don't see Addai as a Williams and I don't see the Colts as a power running team like the Panthers.

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