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Can't find my stash . . .

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I'm renown for being generous with my dope - mi casa es su casa. But I think someone wandered off last nite with pretty much most of my stuff (mainly powder & smorgasboard of pills). The street value of what I had in that bag easily exceeded $5k (hey, I'm a collector).


I was hanging alone, watching the game last nite when a long time buddy showed up with two dudes: one I knew well the other I had never met. I busted out my shitt and said, "Do it up." No further encouragement was needed.


I am not one to judge or cast aspersions on another, but in light of the cirumstances, I'm thinking the new dude may be the culprit.


I have a call into my long time buddy and the other guy that I already knew, but they routinely sleep past noon.


My pinch is that I have an important presentation to make at 11am . . . there's no way I can pull it off straight (despite being half-drunk right now to compensate).


I'm thinking of riding over to my buddy's place to find out what he knows, if anything.

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Don't worry...I found mine. :thumbsup:


I would be :overhead: but I just got off the phone with another buddy who will be stopping by in the next hour to fix me up. I can wait that long . . . not much longer.

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Just got a call from my main buddy - he says I was "nodding off" and before they left he secured my shitt and stuck it in the cabinets in the garage.


I never looked there for it, as I always store my shitt in the freezer, for freshness and potency purposes.


At this point, I'm going to wait for my other pally to show up and get right. Then I will have him follow me to my place and I will reciprocate.


My 11am presentation is going to be focking awesome!!!! (It's a 7-figure deal hinged upon my "esteemed" opinion :D )


My audience knows me from living amongst them in 2007-08 - I have their respect for not focking their daughters.

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If half of what you post on this bored has any resemblance of truth. If I was you, I would first write a book, then immediately turn it into a screenplay. :D

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It would be at least NC-17, if not X-rated, and yes, it is all true (good, bad or indifferent, c'est la vie).


I've devised a plan to bring in product that does not comply with USDA regs. due to pesticicde - however, the so called "banned pesticide" is allowed on virtually every other commidity that comes in this country; it is only banned on this specific commodity as a BS trade protection for American growers of the same product. Focking bullshitt -I've tried six ways from Sunday to get it reversed, but for political reasons (short of an asassination :rolleyes: ) it won't happen anytime soon.


Thus the ingenious plan I have hatched (and will likely be implemented) and I will present it shortly to our overseas growing partners.


I'm headed to the gents room to do some rails, check my hair, pop my collar and head to the conference room,


One (1) hour from now, I will be getting glad-handed at lunch and have dudes who can't speak English wanting to buy me drinks (which I will readily accept).

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50 days without - I should be clean now - time to redo my life insurance - I've been drinking waay too much beer. I need to puff puff so I stop drinking so much :thumbsup:

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I was going to recommend that you go to Breckinridge, CO. :thumbsup:


Too focking cold there and I don't know who to score from there.


Presentation was very successful - smiles all around the room and a round of applause when I finished. I skipped out on lunch due to a "pre-existing commitment" - I wanted to go home and reload - mission accomplished.


Those focks are all still at lunch - probably guzzling overpriced wine - glad I skipped that as I'd take my buzz over that one anyday of the week :thumbsup:

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I keep envisioning the scene in Along Came Polly (do not laugh) where Philip Seymor Hoffman's character is givng that presentation to the insurance board.

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Not into "powder???" Oxycotin and Norco though :thumbsup: lemme know if I can score some off ya

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I keep envisioning the scene in Along Came Polly (do not laugh) where Philip Seymor Hoffman's character is givng that presentation to the insurance board.


Yeah, I almost had a coke-induced shart at the beginning . . . but seriously, I am a compelling and captivating speaker . . . I have what's been described by others as a "magnetic presence" and an ability to emote that draws sympathy. I used to do a lot of trial work, and that's just like being on stage.


ETA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I25e9bNNfgQ


Good call KSB! That's pretty much how it went - smoke & mirrors . . . smoke & mirrors . . .

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Not into "powder???" Oxycotin and Norco though :thumbsup: lemme know if I can score some off ya


I've got 80s & 30s in the oxys . . . . no norcos - not enough juice & too much acetomeniphen.

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I lost my stash one night. I was CONVINCED one of the guys that was there had taken it. To the point where I was actually accusing him of it.


Turns out I hid it from myself so good that I actually didnt even remember putting it there. (yea its cause im a stoner big whoop wanna fight about it sux?)


Now that I live alone I dont have that problem. Its always under the couch,or on the living room table. :overhead:

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I lost my stash one night. I was CONVINCED one of the guys that was there had taken it. To the point where I was actually accusing him of it.


Turns out I hid it from myself so good that I actually didnt even remember putting it there. (yea its cause im a stoner big whoop wanna fight about it sux?)


Now that I live alone I dont have that problem. Its always under the couch,or on the living room table. :overhead:



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Left my stash in my car today...so I can toke up as soon as I get off the train. :overhead:

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Back in the day, I knew this pothead that hid his lid out in the garage at his parents house. The mice chewed into his baggie of some "really Primo weed". They ate some and carried the rest off to make a nest. Smoking pot was all this guy did. ;)


He was so angry that he hit an antique table his folks had out in the garage with his fist and broke it into a bunch of pieces. :unsure: :overhead:


Naturally, us being his friends LOAO. :thumbsup:

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I've got 80s & 30s in the oxys . . . . no norcos - not enough juice & too much acetomeniphen.



:lol: Norco light me up for about 3 hours. 10mg hydrocodone. Then again i only dip into my stash like twice a week and when I am watching the games by myself at home.. Any more that though the constipation and feeling like I am pissing through stir straw is a b!tch :lol: If you space it out - you don't get dependant , side effects are limited and you don't build a tolerance up. :wub: not to mention it lasts longer.


what are 80's and 30's ? only oxy i have is generic oxycodone - 5 mg. decent but nothing special. I have to take 2 to equal a norco.

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this is the most entertaining thread ive seen here in years.

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