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Outrage after student lunches thrown out at Utah school

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School officials in the US state of Utah have apologised after an employee confiscated and discarded the lunches of about 30 children whose parents were in arrears on meal payments.


Outraged parents in Salt Lake City said the students at Uintah Elementary primary school had been humiliated.


The school system has launched an inquiry into the Tuesday incident, blamed on a sole "nutrition manager".


The children whose meals were put in the rubbish were given fruit and milk.


"This was a mistake. This was handled wrong,'' Jason Olsen, a spokesman for the Salt Lake City school system said on Thursday.


According to Salt Lake City school officials, on Monday a nutrition manager arrived at Uintah Elementary to investigate what it described as a high number of negative balances on the accounts students use to pay for lunches prepared and served by the school.


The nutrition manager and another school employee began calling parents with negative balances in an effort to recoup payment, the school system said.


Then, on Tuesday, students who had queued up and were served lunch only to arrive at the tills and show negative balances were told to give back the lunches.


The lunches were thrown in the rubbish, because once food is served it cannot be given to another student, the school officials said.


"People are upset, obviously, by the way this has been handled because it's really needless and quite mean," said parent Erica Lukes, whose 11-year-old daughter reported that the school had taken away her pizza.


Some parents reported their accounts were not, in fact, in arrears, and the official had made a mistake.


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It's ok for schools to throw away lunches put together by parents and kids who want to eat on their dime but not ok when the school puts together lunches that the kids don't want. I'm not sorry your kid is forced to eat sh!t if you're on the public dime. Your kid doesn't want to eat Michelle obamas mandated lunch but mine has to and because of it my kid may want to starve?FAWK YOU!!! I'll feed my child whatever I Fawking want to. It's none of your Fawking business.


If poor Johnny is stuck eating grapes and rich Johnny can afford snickers, let them eat it. This class warfare bs is what it is...... Class envy!

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Obviously not the way to handle it. Contact the parents and let them lnow their kid can't get lunch that day. But don't serve the food to the kids and then take it out of their hands in front of their peers. You might as well make them wear a scarlet letter at that point. :rolleyes:

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Ya know, I was always trusted to bring my lunch money to school every day.



But then again, I was also trusted not to shoot up the focking lunchroom.



Why can't these focking retread partents check their kid's lunch balances at a minimum?


How focking hard is that? Most of their kids could do it for them.


Or, here's a thought - bring your own focking lunch to school.


Or, alternatively, show me those puffy nurples and earn your snickers bar like all the other good little girls do.



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It's ok for schools to throw away lunches put together by parents and kids who want to eat on their dime but not ok when the school puts together lunches that the kids don't want. I'm not sorry your kid is forced to eat sh!t if you're on the public dime. Your kid doesn't want to eat Michelle obamas mandated lunch but mine has to and because of it my kid may want to starve?FAWK YOU!!! I'll feed my child whatever I Fawking want to. It's none of your Fawking business.


If poor Johnny is stuck eating grapes and rich Johnny can afford snickers, let them eat it. This class warfare bs is what it is...... Class envy!


Drink much? Did you even read the article. It's not about kids/parents not digging the food. It's about parents letting their kids lunch accounts fall into the negative. Happens with me from time to time, but I get an email and deposit another 100 bucks in the account. They don't yank the food out of my daughter's hands.

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Drink much? Did you even read the article. It's not about kids/parents not digging the food. It's about parents letting their kids lunch accounts fall into the negative. Happens with me from time to time, but I get an email and deposit another 100 bucks in the account. They don't yank the food out of my daughter's hands.


can size?

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Another red state failure.


It's a Mormon state. Apparently these kids' parents didn't pay their tidings to the Church.


I blame Mitt Romney.

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