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Let Da Big Dog Eat

The Theory Of Everything

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Saw it today.

In reality, basically a chick flick. Focuses on the relationship with Hawking and his wife and watching his disease as he degenerates. Was expecting a lot more about his work. Not worth the time.

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My daughter (16) saw it and loved it. She has tested gifted in math and science but hasn't shown a lot of interest to date. After the movie she has been researching a lot of Hawking's theories.

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My daughter (16) saw it and loved it. She has tested gifted in math and science but hasn't shown a lot of interest to date. After the movie she has been researching a lot of Hawking's theories.

It's on my netflix cue..I think.

Either way, I'm looking forward to a sober night to watch it. :thumbsup:

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here is a guy who invented nothing, solved nothing, but merely posited a bunch of unprovable theories. And yet still can't wipe his own arse.


most useless human being and that's using the term lightly, ever

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most useless human being and that's using the term lightly, ever

Second most useless human being :wave:

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