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TBayXXXVII last won the day on February 22 2023

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  1. Right, Biden's racist comments doesn't mean he's racist (even though, again, he put millions of black people in prison for smoking weed), but Trump is (even though he let a lot of those black people out of prison, with his Prison Reform Bill). Got it. Trump promotes racism, but Biden doesn't, even though he says things like "Poor people are just as smart as white people". Even though his policies are show that black people aren't capable of measuring up to white people, so standards are lowered. Got it. Good for me, not for thee. Joe Biden, is quite possibly, the most racist president we've ever had.
  2. Yup, got it. Biden's a racist too, but you don't want to agree to it because it puts him and Trump on equal footing.
  3. Heck, he's had a whole bunch just in the last 5 years!
  4. Got it, deny Biden's racism. Not a tweet, but how about a Bill. Biden wrote a bill that put millions of black men in prison for smoking weed. Does that count? Or are we ignoring that too?
  5. He literally SAID them. Or, are people only racist for what they tweet?
  6. And Biden is racist too, right?
  7. So I'll take that as a "Yes, Biden says racist things, I just don't want to admit it". Thanks. She supported the fund by tweeting it out. That's all that needs to be said. Way to prove me right on my prior post of you being ok when your side does it (because you have an excuse), but the other side isn't allowed. Well done King Hypocrite.
  8. I'll agree he did that if you agree that Biden said racist things more than once. Does that make Biden a racist?
  9. I don't make excuses for Trump, I know he's an idiot. The difference between you and I is that I know both are idiots, you don't. I know that both parties suck, you don't. I'm ok with Trump being held accountable, you don't with your party.
  10. She tweeted out a link to a fund that went to bail out criminals. That's "helping", any way you slice it. You are either willfully dishonest or ignorant. Take your pick.. What would your reaction be if Trump tweeted out a link to a gofundme account for bailing out Jan 6th people?
  11. Tweeting a link isn't "helping"? It is amazing how ironic the Left is. It's astounding.
  12. ...and then he, Kamala, and the rest of the DNC donated money for bail to people who were arrested.
  13. TBayXXXVII

    What’s your rookie WR board looking like?

    Agree with everything. It's my speculation that people are going to go after him in the 6th or 7th round early and by the time most of the country drafts, he'll be going somewhere in the 4-5 range. I'm not taking him in the 4th or 5th round. I'm not even interested in him in R8 or 9. If I took him, it would be R10. That's why I say he's on my DND list... because I'm not taking that high to get him, and he won't be there at the round that I'd consider him. In a keeper or dynasty league, that's a different story.
  14. TBayXXXVII

    MyPillow Going Belly-up!

    I'm guessing Mr. Peterson did some fancy filtering... or grabbed the photo from someone else who did.
  15. TBayXXXVII

    MyPillow Going Belly-up!

    The resemblance is certainly there.