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TBayXXXVII last won the day on February 22 2023

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  1. No I'm not jackazz. I never defended Trump. In this very focking thread I said I don't care if he goes to jail. I'm calling out the people with the air of superiority when their guy literally did the same focking thing or worse. So, as I said a little while ago, gtfoh. Feel free to not respond, because I'm done with your childish bs.
  2. Now you're pretending his daughter didn't write that in her diary? Or are you contending that she's lying?
  3. Because you're acting like a child when everything is here. The answer is YES. Did Biden physically take baths with his daughter? The answer is YES. It's not a whataboutism (hypocrisy... either way), to call out Trump for saying something about his daughter when Biden physically did things with his daughter that are unacceptable? The answer is YES. Then here you come calling me out for whataboutisms, when I'm calling him out. Give me a break dude.
  4. Why don't you just say that you're ok with the white man who ACTUALLY put black men in prison then claimed the other side will put you in chains?
  5. Watch, she'll say "yeah but, what about white nationalism"? LOL
  6. So I guess you're voting for Trump then: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/trump-has-condemned-white-supremacists/
  7. I know... he literally focking quoted my calling out Worms and then said, "where did he do that". I mean, come on.
  8. Sorry, didn't realize I accidentally deleted the word independent. Worms literally was doing a "whataboutism", on Trump and I called him out on it. Yet you, "Mr. Independent" asked my a hypothetical question about Trump and said "I don't understand your whataboutism". GTFOH dumbazz.
  9. LOL, I thought you were supposed to be an independent.
  10. Your answer is the same as mine... his answer is different. That's my point.
  11. How do we know Joe didn't tell his daughter that he wanted to have sex with her?