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About jocstrap

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 07/31/1972

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  1. jocstrap

    stock talk

    Always cash out some and make them deposit money into your account via a check or direct deposit. Then you actually make a profit that comes out of their bottom line. Wolf of Wall Street says so - one of the greatest movies (true story) of all time.
  2. jocstrap

    NFL Helmets to honor names of police shot victims

    Brees is going to be forced to kneel for the National Anthem. Then he's going to have to wear the name of a criminal on his jersey that was a bad dude in general. I wonder how that's going to make him feel?
  3. https://www.theblaze.com/news/nfl-helmets-names-victims-police-violence WOW - please be sure to add their criminal record, if they were currently wanted for a crime, and list what drug(s) the victims were on when the incident occurred. Also, why couldn't a taser stop them, and most of all...Why did you disobey the police?
  4. Joe Biden 2nd guess Donald trump
  5. jocstrap

    Lebron James

    I spent so many nights in traveling tennis tournaments with my son the last 8 years. We would go to Buffalo Wild Wings (sports bar) or other restaurants with TVs to watch sports. I remember when Lebron announced the big move to Miami when he left Cleveland the first time. I was So happy cheering for him when he won his first championship. Then I was so much more excited when he won it for Cleveland! now I boycott him
  6. NFL will be next I’m afraid once the season begins. They will feel too much pressure from all the other professional sports. Jeesh I hope not...we shall see
  7. jocstrap

    Kenosha next?

    Well crap - I am part of the problem. In my previous post I went white/black/Latino/woman in that order... “Dear Police: if Joc happens to get pulled over by a white/black/Latino/ or a woman officer of the law, I will do what I’m told.” so what is the politically correct way to reorder the Latino/woman/black/white/plus others I’m leaving out! hmmm
  8. Didn’t roger goodell just recently say they he wishes he would’ve listened to keeper nick sooner? he’s kissing arse all the sudden now. what’s the Vegas over/under on nfl cancelling a week b/c of a league protest? i do agree that there are several players on many teams that like their weekly paychecks. They just can’t say it. Wonder how they would feel about losing 2 paydays in a row? I bet the wifey ( . ) ( . ) 38 double D’s would be b!tching at you all day long for no income!
  9. jocstrap

    Kenosha next?

    Ahhh, so refreshing reading your guys posts! Thank you! I agree in so many ways... especially Dear Police: if Joc happens to get pulled over by a white/black/Latino/ or a woman officer of the law, I will do what I’m told. if I tackle and throw you to the ground, try to grab your taser or gun, or run back to my car and reach to the seat for who knows what...I hereby give you permission to shoot me as many times as possible to handle the situation. one dumbarse Joc rightfully dead. Thank you law enforcement for protecting our city.
  10. ...just waiting and wondering if the NFL is going to pull this crap? No Fans Left
  11. jocstrap

    I have Cancer :/ -- still doing well

    Wishing you the best from Alabama USA Jerry’skids - jeesh good luck man. Im remember the day several years ago where a scorpion was in your shoe and stung you. You gave us a play by play description through the day. Classic
  12. jocstrap

    Anyone gone to a social gathering during this

    Daughters dance recital in large dance theater; flew on two packed American Airline flights, casino, convenient store; grocery store all the time, restaurants, and a 19,15, 11 year old and all their friends over since March. And I teach tennis to large groups weekly as my job. i do wear a mask though:-)
  13. jocstrap

    Defund the police

    And getting close in Texas and North Carolina and Georgia
  14. jocstrap

    Thinking of switching from mask to neck gaiter.

    Wait if my face mask says “this face mask sucks” yo that sounds like joc wanting to give bj’s. Not happening here in jocstraps world after 23 years of marriage and 3 kids. “Face masks suck”. Is no longer on option.
  15. jocstrap

    Thinking of switching from mask to neck gaiter.

    Excellent! I want two more masks now 1 - this mask sucks 2 - this mask is worthless