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sportscenter is unwatchable...

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From mid June through late August, that is.


seriously, how many fcukin times can i see a second baseman dive and catch a stupid little ball. :doublethumbsup:


I cannot begin to describe how much i hate Baseball, Nascar, WNBA, and all other sorry excuses for sports that they cover in the summer.


i know i'm not the only one....

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I have grown to despise baseball for this very reason. I can still go to a game and have a good time, but I can't watch it on tv and I cant follow all 400 games in a season. This even pissed me off as a kid. I'd wake up on my summer break and turn on sportcenter, and it was pretty much baseball tonight in the morning. Baseball is without question, the most boring of the major sports. I just don't get how people follow this crap. Thank God Football is back, I'm can't wait for the World Series to be over so we don't have any more highlights screwing up my mornings.

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I get pissed when I wait all year for football season, it seems to go for a few months and then ends. Meanwhile baseball starts up, seems to trudge on for 10 months, they take a 2 week break, and they're in Spring training.


Slight hyperbole I admit...but...


It does make me appreciate football season that much more. I am entering a euphoric state for the next 4+ months!

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I'm can't wait for the World Series to be over so we don't have any more highlights screwing up my mornings.


Can i get an amen? preach on. i used to LOVE beisbol (yeah, its not our game anymore). Then, the stirke, then the steroids, and of course...its boring. Screw MLB, unless i have a kid who likes the game, they will never see another dime from me.

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Playing Fantasy baseball helps. Two guys in are league hated baseball before they started playing. It's something to keep you busy and something to look at everyday.

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Playing Fantasy baseball helps. Two guys in are league hated baseball before they started playing. It's something to keep you busy and something to look at everyday.


Some might disagree, but I hate baseball so much that this year I tried Fantasy Golf as a fix until football, had a blast...and it's once a week from February to October (me thinks)


More simple too

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Playing Fantasy baseball helps. Two guys in are league hated baseball before they started playing. It's something to keep you busy and something to look at everyday.


If fantasy baseball is anything like fantasy basketball...then fock it. Basketball got annoying with the roster changes every week, figuring out who played more games and all that crap. And with baseball I have approximately 649 games I have to pay attention to on a weekly basis?...it's just too much. I just can't get myself psyched up to draft Alex Rodriguez...I mean honestly, I don't care about the sport, it's just so incredibly boring. It would be convenient though, I'd just have to take the rosters of the 4 or 5 teams that try and buy the World Series every year and choose my players from those teams..cause nobody else is worth anything...


Baseball = :banana:

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The only time I like watching boringball I mean baseball is the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs in game 7 of the world series and the team at bat is down by 10 runs. Until then its not worth watching. :bandana:

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fantasy basketball is great too...but there's nothing to do until football starts again.... :bandana:


Totally agree, I think Fantasy Basketball is totally underrated. You get to track your head to head stats all week, but with only 5 players to start it isn't that time consuming. And once Shaq became human the draft became very fair (Shaq was so unfair to have the #1 pick with, it made SA's season seem like a blip on the screen.)

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I don't watch baseball until the World series. I just look at the stats everynight on what my players did.


Totally agree, I think Fantasy Basketball is totally underrated. You get to track your head to head stats all week, but with only 5 players to start it isn't that time consuming. And once Shaq became human the draft became very fair (Shaq was so unfair to have the #1 pick with, it made SA's season seem like a blip on the screen.)



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All of ESPN stinks! The stupid 'insider' on their website, pay to read their articles? The only commercials on ESPN are promoting ESPN crap, like their phone or when the next X-games three hour highlight reel is on AGAIN. Their radio programs are no better except for Dan Patrick. They suck up to all the major sports leagues to get the highlight rights and then overcharge the hell out of your local cable company. But relax, they already lost hockey by trying to screw them and I firmly believe that they are at the beginning of their downfall. Yes, they have MNF but nobody watched it on ABC. Also, the NFL channel will start broadcasting their own games this year, bad for the evil ESPN empire! Soon, they will only have that boring steroid summer league left.

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I love baseball..


You do know that Mid June to Late August is baseball season.. What are they going to talk about? NFL Players getting arrested or beating their wives?


Baseball is exciting this year with the AL west coming down to the wire, the NL West, The wild cards and the race between the Tigers, Sox, and Twins..


Sorry I love baseball..

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If you want to watch sportscenter, just record it with your DVR/Tivo/whatever, then FF through all the crap (anything not football related).

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I think baseball is okay, but I'm a Yankee fan and they'reusually in the mix. IMO the problem is oversaturation. It's a huge commitment to watch every game, even for the home team. Since ESPN, WGN and the Turner network started broadcasting baseball 7 days a week, it's like who cares. When you know even the best teams are going to lose 60 games it's kind of hard to swallow. When I was a kid I couldn't wait for the Saturday game of the week. It meant something back then. Now we know too much about our heroes flaws and it's not pretty. Football, on the other hand, is perfect. It is primarily on Sunday for 17 weeks plus the playoffs so the commitment and time away from the family isn't as overwhelming.


However, I've grown weary of ESPN in general. They have become an arrogant Disney channel whose announcers are boorish, self-righteous and arrogant, even the beloved Dan Patrick. I do enjoy Mike & Mike in the Morning when Greenberg and Golic are hosting. But, I've started switching off Sportscenter more regularly and I'd rather listen to Jim Rome than Colin Hurd or Patrick and Olberman.


By the way, baseball is a game best listened to instead of watched.


Hang in there, it won't be long now.

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Grew up in the 60's when baseball still ruled the roost. Dad loved baseball above all other sports, so ours was a baseball household. I've watched and discussed a lifetime of baseball.


It's not baseball I've come to hate. It's the major league variety. Too long, too slow. I'll watch the Little League world series and enjoy it as much as any other sports event. But I haven't seen a major league game this year and I don't intend to.


As for Sportscenter, you're wasting your time looking for sports there. Remember, it's the 'Entertainment and sports network', and SC is the cornerstone of their entertainment package. It's about sports sarcasters trying to out-catchphrase each other, steroid/doping/spousal abuse recaps, Make A Wish stories; basically, it's the People magazine of the sports world. Watch ESPN News; you'll get all the same stats in :30 minutes and be able to do something positive with the time saved.

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sportscenter=boston red sox 24-7

every telecast revolves around this team in live games,the 1st highlight of the night,fact or fiction,budweiser hot seat,peter gammons,etc. i would love to see the % of games aired vs.red sox % of games aired. espn does kick but on nfl match up and nfl live though.

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football is in my heart and football season is far and away the best time of the year. but baseball is still a great game and i like it a lot. and dont even get started on the steroid stuff because that is garbage. if congress ever, and i mean ever, decides to start looking into the steroid issue in football the sport would go under. PERIOD! im sorry but its true, i just have to hope that it never happens!!!




BASEBALL :ninja:




TENNIS :unsure:



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All of ESPN stinks! The stupid 'insider' on their website, pay to read their articles? The only commercials on ESPN are promoting ESPN crap, like their phone or when the next X-games three hour highlight reel is on AGAIN. Their radio programs are no better except for Dan Patrick. They suck up to all the major sports leagues to get the highlight rights and then overcharge the hell out of your local cable company. But relax, they already lost hockey by trying to screw them and I firmly believe that they are at the beginning of their downfall. Yes, they have MNF but nobody watched it on ABC. Also, the NFL channel will start broadcasting their own games this year, bad for the evil ESPN empire! Soon, they will only have that boring steroid summer league left.

Any network that considers darts, and hotdog eating contests as sports can`t be long for this world. :huh:

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It doesn't help being from Pittsburgh because the Pirates suck and are the league *****. Everyone in contention for the mlb playoffs takes one of our players and gives us a minor leaguer.


It's pretty sweet going to the games because around the 6th of 7th inning when the Pirates have no chance of winning all you hear is "HERE WE GO STILLLERS HERE WE GO"

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All of ESPN stinks! The stupid 'insider' on their website, pay to read their articles? The only commercials on ESPN are promoting ESPN crap, like their phone or when the next X-games three hour highlight reel is on AGAIN. Their radio programs are no better except for Dan Patrick. They suck up to all the major sports leagues to get the highlight rights and then overcharge the hell out of your local cable company. But relax, they already lost hockey by trying to screw them and I firmly believe that they are at the beginning of their downfall. Yes, they have MNF but nobody watched it on ABC. Also, the NFL channel will start broadcasting their own games this year, bad for the evil ESPN empire! Soon, they will only have that boring steroid summer league left.




ESPN reminds me eerily of MTV: GREAT at first, then they gradually bring in these idiot film-school grads to try to turn it into a "real" network which leads to the inevitable decline we are seeing right before our eyes. Even their football coverage blows half the time. WTF was that I saw a few nights ago where that asshat Sean Salisbury was sitting across from HIMSELF debating topics? Pure garbage. "Fact or Fiction?" How about reporting the GD sports news instead of trying to turn your sportscasters into celebrities?


I get 99% of my sports news online these days, thanks to ESPN/Sportscenter.


And as for MLB, there is one reason and one reason only that it's in the sucktastic shape it is in today: Bud Selig.

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Let me guess: you guys only like action movies too, right?


Baseball's awesome, I'll watch any game over a pre-season NFL game. I'm sure there's nobody in the NFL doing steroids either :dunno:

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I'm sure there's nobody in the NFL doing steroids either :banana:


I'm sure that it didn't take a threat from Congress to get the NFL to introduce a steroid policy. :banana:

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I'm sure that it didn't take a threat from Congress to get the NFL to introduce a steroid policy. :(


The NFL's steroid policy is a joke, but at least it's a joke for every player.


If not for steroids, we might very well be watching the exploits of Ken Dorsey (shudder) every Sunday afternoon.

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well, before this topic spirals off into multiple tangents (might be too late), here's my last 2 cents...


1) I USED TO LOVE BEISBOL. For all the reasons above, i dont now. When i was a kid, I used to tape This Week In Beisbol and watch it every day until the next week when the new one came out.


2) I really dont care if all of the NFL is on steroids. Its all those beisbol purists that get their panties in a bunch that are making a big deal over steroids.


3) The mere fact that is such a thing as a beisbol purist annoys the hell out of me. Bunch of rich, stuffy conservatives who are afraid of change


4)Agreed, ESPN is a bastardized version of its former self, but its still the only TV option. I really miss the days of the big show with Dan & Keith, the original Chris Berman, The plays of the week (when they were cool). NOTE to ESPN, NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT THE HUMAN INTEREST CRAP. If we wanted that, we would watch one of the other 155 channles telling the same stories.


5) I have nothing against people who like beisbol. i just wont associate with them from Mid June until end of November (when the friggin world series ends now).


My passionate hate for beisbol runs true and deep and long live the greatest sport in the world...football

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let's just face it....football is better than baseball...especially fantasy wise.



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3) The mere fact that is such a thing as a beisbol purist annoys the hell out of me. Bunch of rich, stuffy conservatives who are afraid of change



Now Now, I'm a conservative...and I absolutely hate baseball. Let's, as you stated, try to stay on topic.

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now, now i hate baseball just as much as anyone(mainly because the season is way to long) but sc is in no way unwatchable. A lot of nfl talk now about trainging camp and fantasy talk(even tho it sucks)

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sorry brad...i get a little fired up about beisbol.


Yeah, I can also get pretty fired up over my deep dark hatred for baseball. Luckily, the majority of my friends and family feel the same way...we have one buddy who is a big White Sox fan, though. He was pretty excited over their world series win, and it angered him that we honestly didn't give a sh*t. We just kept asking what the world series was. It really pissed him off ...ahh yes good times, good times.

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Baseball is the greatest sport ever. It has taken its lumps over the past 10 years and there is a lot I would change about it, but I still love the game better than any other. Nascar is not a sport. Also, I am not a conservative. I think the Democratic party is not liberal enough. Politics have nothing to do with what sport you like.

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Baseball is the greatest sport ever. It has taken its lumps over the past 10 years and there is a lot I would change about it, but I still love the game better than any other. Nascar is not a sport. Also, I am not a conservative. I think the Democratic party is not liberal enough. Politics have nothing to do with what sport you like.


You are a liberal, I am conservative

You like baseball, I hate it...


You are the anti-Brad.

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