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Do you think barry bonds used roids to break the record?

Is bonds a cheater  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think?

    • Hell yes he is a cheating fock
    • Hell no he just gets a bad rap
    • Yes, but so are most other players

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I say he is a cheating fock.

I do not think it is even debateable. A juicer fo' sho'!

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No doubt. I can't imagine anyone would vote "no", but some people probably will.


I'm not going to pretend to know how rampant it is. Could be a small percentage. Could be nearly everybody. :rolleyes:

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Yes, but so were most other players at that time. He hasn't lost any of the weight or muscle that he put on over the years, and if you don't think MLB is making him piss in a cup weekly you are kidding yourself. So maybe he is just a maniac in the weight room now, who knows, but Giambi, Sosa, and McGuire all look like they have been on the Atkins diet for about 10 years now, whereas 3-4 years ago, they were huge.

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No doubt. I can't imagine anyone would vote "no", but some people probably will.

None yet :blink:

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I think people accuse him of steroids because he's not personable and because he's black.

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I think people accuse him of steroids because he's not personable and because he's black.


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he is 1 of the better players of this generation and in the best of all time list....


but hes 1 of the weaker players of all time..he had enough MVPs titles..but he couldnt win the big one..and despite his trek to 600 hrs and 400 steals..his ego wouldnt let him watch sosa-mcgwire in peace...


he couldve outed them..saying hes doing it clean and out of respect for his dad and godfather, he couldnt do the same they were doing..


he was never well liked but that wouldve helped a ton...and it wouldve put the cheaters to shame..people wouldve applauded the chase..


instead..he had no answer except..if they cheat, so will i..this drug is undetectable..theres NO WAY anyone will know..


griffey talked about the stuff..had the stuff right there and said no..i wont be THAT guy..so you risj the injury that comes with age..his integrity is worth more..i root for griff despite him never being on the team i cheer for..


bonds can eat a richard..

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Years ago all the Bonds fans said there's no way he did steroids. Then, when the evidence made it painfully obvious that he did, they changed their tune to so what, other did too. Pretty funny actually.

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I know a lot of people like to compare his rookie, or early playing days, stature and his current stature. This doesn't do much for me to prove he did steroids. If I had 20 years or so to work out I could be as big as a fvckin' house too.

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I know a lot of people like to compare his rookie, or early playing days, stature and his current stature. This doesn't do much for me to prove he did steroids. If I had 20 years or so to work out I could be as big as a fvckin' house too.

Did you open the link or just reply?

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