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1st place

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I can't wait until next week when Tiki and Jacobs run for 200+ yards and Michael Strahan eats Westbrook for lunch.


By the way, I do agree that South Jersey should be the 51st state... just extra baggage we are carrying and a bunch of traitor Eagles fans.

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Houston Texans....you wanna brag about that win?


:thumbsdown: Eagles fans may as well brag now, it's 1 of their 5 wins for the season.

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After next weeks games the Giants, Cowboys, and Eagles will all be 1-1. And the Skins will either be 1-1 or 0-2. I do not see the Cowboys or Giants losing next week.


Play your Giant players next week. Not that you would take him out but keep Owens in anyway. He'll probably score twice next week.

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congrads to the birds, they beat up on a crappy team - but they still did what they needed to do. philly has a chance to really get off to a fast start bcoz of the way the schedule is set up - they will certainly have the advantage in the early weeks.


my boys blew chunks. even with some terrible calls, we still threw away a game we could have won. it's just now starting to make the airways, but there is speculation that something happened to bledsoe. he hurt his back sometime in the early 2nd and it showed.


but congrads to jax - nice win.

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didn't know the NFC East was finished playing yet. Minn at Washington???


It's the only time Philly will be able to say this, why rain on their parade.

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congrads to the birds, they beat up on a crappy team - but they still did what they needed to do. philly has a chance to really get off to a fast start bcoz of the way the schedule is set up - they will certainly have the advantage in the early weeks.

I like how others dismiss the win because they played Houston. Houston is greatly improved over last year, and although they only won 2 games it doesn't mean they should be overlooked. Except for the fast start by the Texans the Eagles dominated the rest of the game, exactly what they should and did, do. Sure they had some missteps, but hopefully those can be corrected (first game jitters, away and all that).


my boys blew chunks. even with some terrible calls, we still threw away a game we could have won. it's just now starting to make the airways, but there is speculation that something happened to bledsoe. he hurt his back sometime in the early 2nd and it showed.

Although the cameras didn't show it, Buck/Aikman was saying that Bledsoe was on the ground flat on his back trying to do some stretching. They speculated he either hurt something to was tigtening up for some reason. They also mentioned it was highly unusual for him to have to be throwing warm-ups when he was off the field.


How well did Romo do in the preseason BTW?

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congrads to the birds, they beat up on a crappy team - but they still did what they needed to do. philly has a chance to really get off to a fast start bcoz of the way the schedule is set up - they will certainly have the advantage in the early weeks.


my boys blew chunks. even with some terrible calls, we still threw away a game we could have won. it's just now starting to make the airways, but there is speculation that something happened to bledsoe. he hurt his back sometime in the early 2nd and it showed.


but congrads to jax - nice win.


A sane and logical Cowboys fan! I agree with you (imagine that... an Eagles and Cowboys fan agreeing on anything!) that this is what the Eagles must do to even be in contention for the playoffs. The last 6 weeks of their schedule is absolutely brutal. I think we'll see what the Eagles are capable of starting next week (NYG), Week 5 (DAL), and Week 8 (JAX). By that point, we'll probably accurately see how good this team actually is. Beating the Texans was impressive and necessary, but not indicative of what they can do against top teams.


Anyone saying the Ealges will only win 5 hasn't looked to closely at their schedule.

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:dunno: but, let's not get too carried away. 1 game, blah, blah, blah...but, I'd reather be 1-0 than 0-1.


And, for all you G-men and Boys fans, they were BOTH win-able games and perhaps games that your teams SHOULD have won (especially the G-men at home). You've got to be pretty disappointed today. :dunno: :thumbsdown:

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I like how others dismiss the win because they played Houston.

nobody (least not me) is dismissing the win, you strolled into houston and basically beat up on rice. but it's not the igs fault they got to play them. but i still think they're good and will be tough even against better teams...and by the way, this "dismissing" stuff is the same sort of thing that went on around here when some teams played well in the preseason.


How well did Romo do in the preseason BTW?

he looked really solid - but it was the preseason of course.

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:dunno: but, let's not get too carried away. 1 game, blah, blah, blah...but, I'd reather be 1-0 than 0-1.


And, for all you G-men and Boys fans, they were BOTH win-able games and perhaps games that your teams SHOULD have won (especially the G-men at home). You've got to be pretty disappointed today. :P ;)


Agreed. Nice win yesterday, and it was one that they were supposed to win. Besides the 1st quarter, the team looked good. Very impressed with the playcalling, the fact that McNabb spread the ball around to 7 different people, the offensive line was dominant, and the defense played well.


Doing what they're supposed to shouldn't be congratulated, but definitely applauded, considering Reid's record on opening day.


Dallas and the Giants have chinks in their armor. The Giants defense isn't all that great, and the Dallas line has got some holes (not to mention Leftwich kinda lit up the secondary yesterday).


Big game this Sunday. I really can see a shootout at the Linc. I think it comes down to which QB will make the biggest mistake. Manning is not ready for prime time as of yet. Barber still scares me, and Burress could have his way in the secondary. However, Westbrook OWNS the Giants. He's healthy, the team is relatively healthy, and should be a great one this Sunday. :(


Lito likely to miss this weeks game. I knew it was a mistake for the Eagles to let Matt Ware go.


Andy Reid termed Lito Sheppard's ankle injury as "fairly significant" and indicated that the Eagles' starting cornerback will likely miss Sunday's home opener against the NFC East rival Giants. Reid said that it is not a high ankle sprain and it is not the same ankle Sheppard had surgically repaired last season.


"We're going to take it week to week, but this week isn't looking good," Reid said."It's not a high ankle sprain. It's on the inside of his ankle and it is fairly significant."


Considering the team entered the season with four cornerbacks -- not including the Bruce Perry experiment -- the head coach hinted that the team will likely make a roster move.


Roderick Hood figures to start against Eli Manning and Co. on Sunday. Free agent Joselio Hanson, who signed with the team in the spring and earned a roster spot, steps into the role of nickel cornerback. Both Hood and Hanson were solid in relief Sunday as Houston was held without a touchdown the rest of the day.

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nobody (least not me) is dismissing the win

By others I meant other than you. You at least acknowledge the Eagles did what they had to do. Others just dismissed it as well the Texans suck. Which they don't, or at least shouldn't. We'll see how they rebound.

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Houston Texans....you wanna brag about that win?




That's what they call a WIN - a VICTREEE!!!!! Openin' the season wit a BANG!


Don't be a hater - come on, gimme a cheer:


E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Allow me - :pointstosky:


Not going to last long when the GIANTS come to town :banana:


I must admit I am quite scared by Shockey's bleach-job. Other than that, :sleep:

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one thing's for sure - i'm pulling for the vikes like a muthafocker 2nite! :dunno:


Brad Childress still making contributions to the Eagles, first Hank Baskett - now beating the Skins in a nail biter.


:cheers: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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That's right baby! First place! 2-0 after pounding Eli with that deer in the headlights look he had sun night. Wait till he gets a load of what we are bringing on Sunday!!


It's going to stay this way...


improved defense+healthy Mcnabb+ two quality WR's+plus 4th place schedule = 1st place in 2006!

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Sounds to me like Philly fans are making a statement about their expectations if they are celebrating after one win over the worst team in the league. Most other fans hold off until they've actually accomplished something before they go patting themselves on the back. I guess it's an attitude you're forced to adapt when you're a fan of a team that never has, and never will, win a superbowl. :blink:

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Sounds to me like Philly fans are making a statement about their expectations if they are celebrating after one win over the worst team in the league. Most other fans hold off until they've actually accomplished something before they go patting themselves on the back. I guess it's an attitude you're forced to adapt when you're a fan of a team that never has, and never will, win a superbowl. :(


That's right. Expectations = 19-0 baby, and we're off to a GREAT start! Unlike every other NFC East team. :dunno:

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That's right. Expectations = 19-0 baby, and we're off to a GREAT start! Unlike every other NFC East team. :dunno:


Lots of luck with that. :(

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philly has houston, green bay & san fran in 3 of its first 4 games - there is no reason for them not to get off to a flying start. and even though the rest of the division lost, i don't think it spells doom for any of them. dallas went on the road and lost to a team that went 12-4 last year. washington lost to a very solid (and underrated) vikings team. and course the giants took the colts deep into the 4th - the division is still way up for grabs - but for sure the iggles probable start gives them an edge.

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Not going to last long when the GIANTS come to town :thumbsdown:



So. I bet in your closet hangs the following Jerseys: Manning and Pennington, An old Patrick Ewing and a new Vince Carter, a Jeter and a Reyes, Mike Bossy and a Broduer!!! And you wear whichever is winning at the current moment. Wash the Pennington jersey now, cause wearing that the past 2 days you've mage it smell like a hoagie!!


Jus playin bro!

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Should we cancel the season and give first place automatically to the Eagles?

Nah, they want to dominate the schedule.

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Sounds to me like Philly fans are making a statement about their expectations if they are celebrating after one win over the worst team in the league. Most other fans hold off until they've actually accomplished something before they go patting themselves on the back. I guess it's an attitude you're forced to adapt when you're a fan of a team that never has, and never will, win a superbowl. ;)


D0uche. Most of us are excited because the team played well, both lines played well, Stallworth and McNabb appear to be developing a connection, and Reid ran the effin' football.


Didn't know there was a penalty for being happy about a victory. No one's beating their chest here, no one's really being serious, actually.


I think we're all in agreement that you're a focking dope, a hater, who should just go away. Now go away. :wub:



philly has houston, green bay & san fran in 3 of its first 4 games - there is no reason for them not to get off to a flying start. and even though the rest of the division lost, i don't think it spells doom for any of them. dallas went on the road and lost to a team that went 12-4 last year. washington lost to a very solid (and underrated) vikings team. and course the giants took the colts deep into the 4th - the division is still way up for grabs - but for sure the iggles probable start gives them an edge.





When the schedule first came out, I couldn't believe the luck of the draw for the first half of the season, then I was :D at the second half. I believe they have 3 straight divisional games all on the road. And that's after they play Indy in the Dome and Carolina at home. :ninja:


IMO, the Eagles need to go 6-2 before they hit the bye week. Anything less and they have no shot at the playoffs.


You can only play who's on the schedule. The Houston win was a good start, but hardly is anyone thinking they're the best team at this point.

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It's hard to get too pumped about a win over the Texans, however there were some very encouraging signs.


1. McNabb-back and healthy

2. Stallworth-tremendous upgade to the WRs

3. Buckhalter-healthy and looks like the big change-of-pace RB everybody's been calling for

4. D-line rotation-if they can stop Tiki it will be a long day for Eli

5. M. McCoy-seemed to be everywhere (again it's the Texans)

6. Reid-actually called a sane run/pass ratio (Marty?)

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When the schedule first came out, I couldn't believe the luck of the draw for the first half of the season, then I was :shocking: at the second half. I believe they have 3 straight divisional games all on the road. And that's after they play Indy in the Dome and Carolina at home. :dunno:


Each team in the NFC East have tough schedules with difficult stretches in them. Look at how the Giants start the season:


vs Colts Loss at home

@ Phila

@ Seattle


vs Washington

@ Atlanta

@ Dallas


As they already dropped their home opener and have 4 of their next 5 games on the road, the Giants will be lucky to start out 3-3. That is just a brutal first 6 games, and I would personally rather have my team start out with an easy schedule and get momentum rolling in the beginning of the season. Rather than having to scramble for wins, while hoping other teams lose, to keep their playoff hopes alive.

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