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Dirtiest Player in NFL list, no surprise who was voted #1

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... Rounding out the list were Warren Sapp of the Raiders (5 percent), Kyle Turley of the Chiefs (4 percent), Hines Ward of the Steelers (4 percent), Sean Taylor of the Redskins (3 percent), John Lynch of the Broncos (3 percent), Kevin Mawae of the Titans (3 percent) and Olin Kreutz of the Bears (2 percent).



I always tought he was considered one of the most respected, stand-up guys in the NFL :dunno:

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A recent addition to that list should be Hayesworth.... Maybe the vote took place pre-incident and before other media discoveries.

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John Lynch does NOT belong on that list. Neither does Hines Ward.


HTF would you know? They were voted there by the players themselves and you know better than them? :blink:

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Just some of the sissy DB's in the league. They're probably sick of Hines going 100% each and every play.

I've seen every one of his games. No way he should be on the list of "dirty players".

Dirty. :blink:

Why? Because he goes 100% each play and/or blocks your ass on every down?

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Just some of the sissy DB's in the league. They're probably sick of Hines going 100% each and every play.

I've seen every one of his games. No way he should be on the list of "dirty players".

Dirty. :blink:

Why? Because he goes 100% each play and/or blocks your ass on every down?

prolly because he blocks in the back on occasion. :lol:

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Just some of the sissy DB's in the league. They're probably sick of Hines going 100% each and every play.

I've seen every one of his games. No way he should be on the list of "dirty players".

Dirty. :rolleyes:

Why? Because he goes 100% each play and/or blocks your ass on every down?


Since you play in the NFL, you must know exactly how he plays.

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For the second time in three years, Patriots safety Rodney Harrison tops Sports Illustrated's list of dirtiest players in the NFL.



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Do I take perverse pride in this?" Harrison told the Boston media. "All I can say is as many guys as say I'm a dirty player, just as many come up and tell me they admire how I play, the hard work, the commitment, the toughness. That's the pride you're looking for. I take pride in that.


"But dirty? I don't think you guys can look in my eyes and say I'm a dirty player."


:rolleyes: 23% voted you the dirtiest, almost 4 times more than any other player. Pretty good chance you're a dirty player there, Mr. Harrison.

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I do agree with the Post which say you don't play in the NFL so your judgement is worthless. I played soccer growing up and some of the most respected stand up guys played dirty, the fact is they didn't get caught by the officials often because they mastered the art. So only the guys playing them would really know. You can be a nice guy and play dirty.

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Since you play in the NFL, you must know exactly how he plays.



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HTF would you know? They were voted there by the players themselves and you know better than them? :blink:




My Opinion Dumb Ass!!!


Don't roll your eyes at me.

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:blink: 23% voted you the dirtiest, almost 4 times more than any other player. Pretty good chance you're a dirty player there, Mr. Harrison.

Nobody said he was the brightest player :cry:

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John Lynch, Joey Porter, Rodney Harrison here's what they all have in common..


1) Bad Dudes!

2) Never a problem off the field

3) All came back from devastating injuries quick, Lynch's neck, Joey's gunshot..like I said Bad Dude!, and Rodney's knee this year

4) Team Leaders

5) World Champions


Rodney Harrison the dirtiest player in football? Senseless. But I'm not suprised he's on it.


The fact is he does all sorts of things after the play and sneaky little things. But as far as trying to intentionally injure people I don't think Harrison does it and I don't think Lynch does it either and I've never seen Joey Porter play cheap?


Safeties are put in the most difficult position on the field.. They have to cover a huge distance at full speed, make a split second decision. Either they play the ball, play the body, or make some sort of tackle or adjustmetn. If they choose body they have to time it perfect and then BLAM! blow up the receiver. Any Pro Bowl, Hall of Fame caliber safety like a Rodney Harrison or a John Lynch hits a few guys late because they just don't time everything perfect. If Ronnie Lott played nowadays they'd fine him all the time. It's a different game then before, and Rodney was the first guy of his caliber to play under those stricter rules. Dirty plays are 3 steps, 4 steps, hitting after the whistle, stepping on guys heads, spitting in faces. Rodney, Lynch, Porter and the rest of these guys, they just play harder then everyone else.


That's my take on the poll. Interesting but more on reputation then any real criteria. I believe that overall he plays a sneaky dirty type game, but not with the intent to hurt or harm anyone and overall his play is superior out there. I mean it's football. I don't know about you guys but just playing in the yard with friends it would turn cheap?


Here is Rodney in his own words ``As many guys that say I'm a dirty player, just as many guys walk up to me and say they admire the way I play and my hard work, commitment, toughness, everything. I think I'm fair with other players out there, after 13 years of [various] injuries, that different things can happen to you. I'm more willing to protect a player than take him out. If I have a chance to blow a guy's knee, I'm going to hit him up top instead of blowing his knees out. So, dirty? I wouldn't call myself dirty. But I would call myself an old-school, hard-nosed football player that respects the game."


Lee Evans who faces Harrison this week said Harrison has never done anything dirty to him, but he has ``seen him at work in some of his dirty moments. Some things are just little and subtle, as far as making a tackle and doing something a little after, like getting up and pushing your face into the ground or kicking you in the back or something. Just little sly things that he tries to get away with.


Evans was asked what advice former Bills receiver Eric Moulds gave him before facing Harrison.


``You can see it on film. They say, `If you look at him, he will try to do some things to you. Just be cautious and be wary." Evans continue "You've got to respect him because he plays hard. He plays with a lot of intensity. ou can tell that the [defensive backs] over there in New England, they respect him a lot. They want to play for him. He's kind of the leader of that group. He is a good dude, personally. That's just kind of how he is. He's just a player who plays with a lot of intensity and people follow that. He just demands a lot of respect."


Hey I just thought about it, are the majority of people on this list from players that have won SuperBowls or more importantly been huge cogs in SuperBowls?


Is this the whining because they beat us in the SuperBowl list?

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Hey I just thought about it, are the majority of people on this list from players that have won SuperBowls or more importantly been huge cogs in SuperBowls?

Nah, they're on the list because they're dirty.

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Nah, they're on the list because they're dirty.


Like Pig Pen Dirty, or Sanchez Dirty?

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I know I'm not the only one on these boards that played in the trenches. Those of you that did KNOW that there is a lot of cleating, rabbit punching, kicking, poking, clawing, twisting, gonad crushing, etc, that goes on and is never seen.


Seriously, some of the dirtiest bastards I ever played with were absolute model citizens and choir boys off the field. Weird.


So no, if you arent out there you dont really know.

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Rodney Harrison the dirtiest player in football? Senseless.


Nearly 1 person in 4 says he's not only dirty, but THE single dirtiest player in the game. The next person came in at 6%. I don't think you can chalk that up completely to jealousy or anything else. I don't play the game, but 23% when there are roughly 1700 players in the NFL to choose from kind of removes all doubt that he's a dirty player.

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I know I'm not the only one on these boards that played in the trenches. Those of you that did KNOW that there is a lot of cleating, rabbit punching, kicking, poking, clawing, twisting, gonad crushing, etc, that goes on and is never seen.


Seriously, some of the dirtiest bastards I ever played with were absolute model citizens and choir boys off the field. Weird.


So no, if you arent out there you dont really know.



If that is the case, which I do not doubt, wouldn't there be more linemen in this poll???

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where is roy "horse collar" williams at? :mad:



Was not illegal until to's punk ass got hurt. not illegal = not dirty. :banana:

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I think players who voted in this poll are confused with dirty vs hard play. Lynch, Ward, Harrison, Porter all play intense, all out football. Porter may be a loud mouth punk, but he plays clean.

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I think players who voted in this poll are confused with dirty vs hard play. Lynch, Ward, Harrison, Porter all play intense, all out football. Porter may be a loud mouth punk, but he plays clean.


Gotta Luv Bush is dead on here!


None of those players are dirty.

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I always tought he was considered one of the most respected, stand-up guys in the NFL :banana:


Not only is Ward dirty, he's a bad sport too.


:blink: 23% voted you the dirtiest, almost 4 times more than any other player. Pretty good chance you're a dirty player there, Mr. Harrison.


Yep. He's a total douchebag to pretend otherwise.


Nah, they're on the list because they're dirty.


<_< BirdBradyBobbyOrr saying those players aren't dirty is like someone saying BirdBradyBobbyOrr isn't clueless.

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Harrison has played 8 games in the last two years. They're just voting for his rep as much as anything. Be sure and post it when he cleats a helmetless player in the head. :banana:

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The white guy safety for the Browns, what's his name Russell?


I think he is one dirty SOB, from what I've seen he loves to put a lot of extra mustard on his tackles. I remember the hit he put on Chad, and I beleive it was Moss who caught a TD pass on him and he gave him a hard shove after the play but clearly could've pulled up but went ahead and hit him.

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HTF would you know? They were voted there by the players themselves and you know better than them? :thumbsdown:






There's a fine line between aggressive and dirty.


To me, dirty is intentionally going out and trying to intentionally injure another player. Aggressive is playing to the whistle, and sometimes playing past the whistle, in order to impose your will onto others, break them down, and dominate them. Injury can come from aggressiveness, but it's not intentional.


Dirty is leg whipping an opponent in the belly or across the legs. Dirty is rolling up under the knees of an opponent. Dirty is a cut block outside the tackle box.


If you take a look at the list, with the exception of Sean Taylor and Kyle Turley, all the players are pretty accomplished players. Turley sucks, and Taylor will become a great player (once he harnesses that aggression), but I think it's wrong to use the term "dirty", especially from some panty waist journalist.




Nearly 1 person in 4 says he's not only dirty, but THE single dirtiest player in the game. The next person came in at 6%. I don't think you can chalk that up completely to jealousy or anything else. I don't play the game, but 23% when there are roughly 1700 players in the NFL to choose from kind of removes all doubt that he's a dirty player.


Harrison's a great player, and I think the thing that makes him great is his aggressiveness. Now is he great because he tends to play alot after the whistle? No. Is he great because he's not afraid to go helmet to helmet on someone across the middle? No.


What makes him great (besides his play) is his ability to get into the opposing player's head, because they know his reputation. It's taken him alot of years to build that reputation. 8 games in 2 years and he's still at the top of the heap in this particular pole.


"It's better to be feared than to be respected."

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John Lynch does NOT belong on that list. Neither does Hines Ward.


Ummm...by many player's counts...yes they both do.


Lynch is one of the dirtier guys I have watched...known for his big hits...the problem is, many of his big hits come after a player is already wrapped up by another defender. Then he comes in for the finishing blow.


Gotta Luv Bush is dead on here!


None of those players are dirty.


Yes...dead on...because a few ignorant posters on a fantasy football board know what the players were thinking when they voted that.



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Ummm...by many player's counts...yes they both do.


Lynch is one of the dirtier guys I have watched...known for his big hits...the problem is, many of his big hits come after a player is already wrapped up by another defender. Then he comes in for the finishing blow.



Absolutely. Lynch loves to hit guys on the ground, or are in the midst of being taken to the ground.


He's the typical pile on guy. Personally, I think he's overrated and has been over his career.

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Absolutely. Lynch loves to hit guys on the ground, or are in the midst of being taken to the ground.


He's the typical pile on guy. Personally, I think he's overrated and has been over his career.


I agree that he is overrated now. Though earlier in his career he most certainly was a very good player. Maybe he has slowed down a bit....who knows...but certainly not as good as people want to make him out to be.

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:doublethumbsup: BirdBradyBobbyOrr saying those players aren't dirty is like someone saying BirdBradyBobbyOrr isn't clueless.


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I agree that he is overrated now. Though earlier in his career he most certainly was a very good player. Maybe he has slowed down a bit....who knows...but certainly not as good as people want to make him out to be.


I think that while he played in Tampa, he was only needed as a finisher, and wasn't really needed as a playmaker. There were just too many other good players on that defense.


Great defenses typically work that way, where there's usually one guy on the defense that looks good at the expense of the other 10.


I can guarantee that if you put him on a younger defense not loaded with stars, he'd be above average, but not the huge name that alot of folks in the media make him out to be (and his color helps him, too).


When it comes to safeties, Ed Reed is the best safety to play in the NFL since Ronnie Lott. Polamalu runs a very close second, and Sean Taylor has a chance to be a great one (if he can clean up his act and grow up).

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My Opinion Dumb Ass!!!


Don't roll your eyes at me.


You're asserting that you know better than NFL players who is dirty and who is not in the NFL. And I'm the dumbass. :o

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When it comes to safeties, Ed Reed is the best safety to play in the NFL since Ronnie Lott. Polamalu runs a very close second, and Sean Taylor has a chance to be a great one (if he can clean up his act and grow up).


Agree on that...

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