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Anybody ever have sleep Apnea?

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Suxor. I've talked to a few friends who have it and it sounds pretty likely that I do to. It's definitely messing me up. I'm not so much thrilled to


1) Get hooked up and monitored for an entire night.

2) Dress up like a fighter pilot every night thereafter.


But, it's getting to where I don't have much choice. Sux. :mad:

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My doctor last week strongly urged me to go for an overnight observation. I average about 2 hours of sleep per night, and have been for about 15 years now.


Sometimes I feel a bit tired. :mad:

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Are you a "large" person? Because if so why not just lose the weight?



I'm definitely thinking of dropping some lbs. I just don't know if that'll do it - or do it quickly enough.

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Suxor. I've talked to a few friends who have it and it sounds pretty likely that I do to. It's definitely messing me up. I'm not so much thrilled to


1) Get hooked up and monitored for an entire night.

2) Dress up like a fighter pilot every night thereafter.


But, it's getting to where I don't have much choice. Sux. :mad:


Had it a few years ago. The sleep study I did wasn't bad. I was able to do it from home. They gave a me a little box to wear with sensors I attached to a finger, my chest, and up my nose (not too far). The next day I brought the box back and they d/l'ed the data to a computer for analysis and diagnosed me with mild to moderate sleep apnea. I now have a CPAP machine. I used it for about six months but really haven't been for the last couple of years. Dunno what changed if anything but I'm sleeping much better. Still have the machine in the closet and if I have trouble sleeping I'll bring it out.

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Is that the one where you constantly wake up naked in your kitchen covered in wax paper and maraschino cherry juice?


I've got that. It's not so bad actually.

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Is that the one where you constantly wake up naked in your kitchen covered in wax paper and maraschino cherry juice?


I've got that. It's not so bad actually.

winnah!!! :lol: :dunno: :doh:

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I average about 2 hours of sleep per night, and have been for about 15 years now.


Sometimes I feel a bit tired. :banana:


That explains a lot, Sunshine. :banana:

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Bunch of fatties in here


And drunks. Alcohol contributes to the condition as well :cry:

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And drunks. Alcohol contributes to the condition as well :cry:



Correct. My recent former roomate was about 40 lbs overweight and liked to drink. I could hear him snoring through 2 walls! I would suggest dropping a few and limit alcohol intake. Perhaps try those Breath Rights? Those things look like such a joke to me, but what do I know.


Best of luck to you though...

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A guy I work with will go on stretches where he is up for 50 hours or more at a time without being able to sleep. He is on some pretty heavy meds for it.

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A guy I work with will go on stretches where he is up for 50 hours or more at a time without being able to sleep. He is on some pretty heavy meds for it.



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Really suxor b/c today's our in-house christmas party with booze and everything. I was planning on :banana: & :cheers: , but now, I'm pretty sure one :cheers: would make me :sleep: .




Dammitt. :angry:

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Give him a cup of coffee and you would swear he was snowed up. He can't handle any kind of stimulant well.

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You may just need to sleep with a snore guard. It is a upper and lower soft mouth piece luted together alot of dentist can provide you with this. I work in a dental lab and make many of these and It seems to work in alot of cases.

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You may just need to sleep with a snore guard. It is a upper and lower soft mouth piece luted together alot of dentist can provide you with this. I work in a dental lab and make many of these and It seems to work in alot of cases.



already supposed to wear a mouth guard to keep me from grinding. Geebus, first I have to dress up like a boxer, now a fighter pilot.


...and that one time when I had to dress up like a sheep... :cheers:

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These fat-people-only diseases are part of what's wrong with America.





too bad this ain't one of them.

not everyone who has sleep apnea is overweight. Thin people develop the disorder too.
Mayo clinic.com


Central sleep apnea, occurs when your brain fails to transmit signals to your breathing muscles. You may awaken with shortness of breath or headaches. The most common cause of central sleep apnea is heart disease.

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not everyone who has sleep apnea is overweight. Thin people develop the disorder too



True statement. We had two guys put out of the service, on medicals, for this very thing.

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one of the many unexpected side effects of my stroke. :lol: the overnight study is nothing and you'll only go on a machine if you have severe enough level towearrant it. my cpap machine is wisper quite and the nose cup style mask I have is very comfortable. I got used to it almost immediately as it helps so much it's incredible. don't delay, nor worry about it you'll get such a better nights sleep, it's worth every bit of the minimal hassle. :doublethumbsup:

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