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I accepted an offer to work at the Bellagio

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Does anyone have experience with writing a letter of resignation?


I am looking for a little help.......


I don’t want to burn any bridges, something short and sweet.









Not just hey you,  

I quit!  

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Doing what?

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You may wish to start it with something like this....


Dear Nappy Haired Ho's:...........

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I have found that the traditional approach is the best way to address it.


Dear [boss' name],


After much thought and heartache, I have decided to pursue other opportunities. So, take this job and shove it up your a$$, you gutless turd! I never liked you. I never liked working for you. You were overpaid and yet you were cheap with paying those that worked for you.


I wish you and the team all the best in your future endeavors (as long as the endeavors entail you jumping off a bridge). Thank you (for ruining the last several years of my life).


Sincerely (as sincere as the heart attack that I wish upon you),



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Doing what?



working in the Accounting/fin department





Why do you ask?

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I have found that the traditional approach is the best way to address it.


Dear [boss' name],


After much thought and heartache, I have decided to pursue other opportunities. So, take this job and shove it up your a$$, you gutless turd! I never liked you. I never liked working for you. You were overpaid and yet you were cheap with paying those that worked for you.


I wish you and the team all the best in your future endeavors (as long as the endeavors entail you jumping off a bridge). Thank you (for ruining the last several years of my life).


Sincerely (as sincere as the heart attack that I wish upon you),





finish with :


p.s. I pissed in your coffee at least 4 times.

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working in the Accounting/fin department

Why do you ask?



I was wondering when I was out there last month how many IT jobs there are in vegas. There must be a pantload, every casion uses computers and networks.

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I have used this over and over:




April 12, 2007


Mr. Boss

XXX, Inc.


Indianapolis, IN 4XXXX




It is with great reluctance I submit my resignation, effective April 11, 2007.


I have accepted a position with another company, an opportunity to further my current career goals. This decision has nothing to do with the exceptional opportunity you have provided me here. You have been more than fair with me, and I genuinely appreciate all your support.


If I may be of any assistance in the hiring process or training of my replacement, please know that I will gladly make myself available to this effort during the next two weeks.


I have certainly enjoyed working at XXXX, and will miss my associations here. It is my hope that we will stay in touch as I begin this new chapter in my life.


I wish the company continued success, and I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your team.






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I was wondering when I was out there last month how many IT jobs there are in vegas. There must be a pantload, every casion uses computers and networks.



Yes, I have a friend that is the head of the IT department for a casino group that is always looking for techs and such.



I have used this over and over:

April 12, 2007


Mr. Boss

XXX, Inc.


Indianapolis, IN 4XXXX




It is with great reluctance I submit my resignation, effective April 11, 2007.


I have accepted a position with another company, an opportunity to further my current career goals. This decision has nothing to do with the exceptional opportunity you have provided me here. You have been more than fair with me, and I genuinely appreciate all your support.


If I may be of any assistance in the hiring process or training of my replacement, please know that I will gladly make myself available to this effort during the next two weeks.


I have certainly enjoyed working at XXXX, and will miss my associations here. It is my hope that we will stay in touch as I begin this new chapter in my life.


I wish the company continued success, and I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your team.







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Dear Assnozzles,


I had sex with your wives.




Mr. Breeze

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I have used this over and over:

April 12, 2007


Mr. Boss

XXX, Inc.


Indianapolis, IN 4XXXX




It is with great reluctance I submit my resignation, effective April 25, 2007.


I wish the company continued success, and I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your team.





Fixored the date and removed all that touchy feely gheyness in the middle.

By the way, always tell them "effective (2 weeks out)".

Whether they want you to stay or not (in sales, it's always "not") you've officially given them the customary 2 weeks notice and they'll pay you for the 2 weeks even if they tell you to pack your sh!t and go.


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Dear Sir/Madame,


It is with deep regrets that I tender my resignation effective immediately. I have decided to pursue another opportunity which will provide me a faster internet connection, which will help me waste time on a FF message bored more effectively.


Don't view this as the loss of an employee, but rather as the opportunity to hire somebody who actually works.




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Dear Sir/Madame,


It is with deep regrets that I tender my resignation effective immediately. I have decided to pursue another opportunity which will provide me a faster internet connection, which will help me waste time on a FF message bored more effectively.


Don't view this as the loss of an employee, but rather as the opportunity to hire somebody who actually works.







:banana: that made me laugh!



I had thought about asking during my interview if I would have internet access at my new job....!

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Fixored the date and removed all that touchy feely gheyness in the middle.


I disagree. I had a good relationship with my boss and did not want to burn bridges. They deserved more than a simple sentence. Honestly, I do go out of my way to keep in touch with former employers in the event I need a favor or found that my new "dream job" sucks ass, I know it would be easier to crawl back.

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I just wanted to say Grats and wish you the best there in Vegas!


Have fun man.





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Dear Sir,


(Hock up a thick, green, sticky phlegm and spit on page)


(Fold paper, insert into envelope, put on his desk).

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