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Drafting Sunday in the #3 spot. No PPR, 6 points for TD, 1pt/10 yds ruch and rec.


LJ OR SHAUN??????????????

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Tough choice for different reasons. I'd go with SA. He's reasonably healthy again and should bounce back on a decent team. LJ is a talented head case on a bad team.

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I'd take Addai, LJ, or Gore all over SA. If I had to choose I think I'd still take LJ. It looks like he's really close to signing now. After that I'd rank them Addai, Gore, SA.

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I'd take Addai, LJ, or Gore all over SA. If I had to choose I think I'd still take LJ. It looks like he's really close to signing now. After that I'd rank them Addai, Gore, SA.


This is my advice to a tee.

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This is my advice to a tee.


Agree with the above...LJ..SA is aging and still not 100% on that foot....LJ will have something to prove with Priest around running his mouth....simple decision here LJ

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I would take Gore or Addai over LJ or SA. I dont have either LJ or SA in my top 5 in fact.

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Wow I guess I am a bit suprised by this. I was thinking Addai last week but I talked myself out of him for the #3 spot. I am having a hard time justifying him at #3 when I think how often Manning likes to throw in the redzone. If it were a PPR league it would be Addai all day, but it seems that alot of you like Addai over LJ even with my scoring sysytem.


So far it seems you guys have it fairly even between Addai and LJ with Gore ahead of S.A.


More opinions please, drafting Sunday!!

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Addai or Gore over either of them. Even if LJ does play a full season there's a good chance they're going to run him into the ground again. I watched that game last night and their offense was horrendous meaning LJ will have to BE the offense which, in turn, means he's probably not going to last half the season.


As for Alexander, I just don't trust him at this point.



Here's mine, please help: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...howtopic=280163

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So if I am looking at this correctly, I have 6 votes for LJ and 5 for either Gore, SA, or Addai.


Damn Damn Damn

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I would take Gore, if you don't like Gore that is fine. LJ is angry. i don't think he is a head case at all. The guy blew up the NFL and wants more money. That happens all the time. I don't think LJ wears down this year. He only has 1 1/2 seasons under his belt. I know the team is not as good but he was fine and put up great #'s when Huard was in. I would be scared of Croyle starting and this is why i take Gore becuase the situation is more stable and they will probably put up similar #'s. SA is not high on my draft board.


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If it's a PPR I'd take Gore or Addai at #3. If not, I still might take Gore before LJ or SA. The 49ers are going to surprise some teams this year, on both sides of the ball. They could be running the clock out in many games.

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For my cheatsheet, i've taken my rankings, and the rankings from 19 other sites including FFtoday, put them all into a spreadsheet and averaged them together to find out what the general consensus rankings among all fantasy football sites are for this coming season... When it comes to the Rb's, here's what I have and would be my advice to you..


Tomlinson (1.00)

Jackson (2.05)

Johnson (3.68)

Gore (4.11)


Alexander (6.26)

Addai (6.58)

Westbrook (6.89)



This tells me that either LJ or Gore should be your pick here, and that those 2 are a solid distance above your other options.. If you are considering Alexander, then you should also look at Addai or Westbrook because they should put up similar numbers



please see mine


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In that order, take the highest that falls to you.


As far as Manning likes to throw in the redzone, he also wants to score everytime in the redzone, so if the coverage is right, he will not hesitate to change the paly to give Addai the rock if he thinks that is his best chance to score.


No to LJ.

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I absolutely love Addai this year. Then Gore, LJ... not high on SA at all.


I'm voting for Gore. Addai is going to have problems because the colts lost their LT and will probably have a superbowl hangover. LJ may or may not do great, and I don't have full faith in SA coming back. He's almost 30 if not already.


Nolan said that Gore would start taking goal line work, and the entire team (especially the offense) is on the upswing.

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If I was in your shoes I would take Gore then Addai, SA and LJ. I also have the same pick in a draft this Sunday but I'm in a keeper league and Gore and Addai are gone so it is between LJ and SA and I'm going SA, worst comes to worst they will probably have real similar stats at the end of the year. Good luck

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