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Kornheiser is an idiot

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I mean, who really wants to listen to this guy? He absolutely blows. Does anyone think he's funny? At this point, bring back Dierdorf...at least his info is insightful.

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That comparison of Grossman to Manning was rediculous. There is no comparison.


I really like Kornheiser on PTI, but he really is out of place in the booth.

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Yea he's awful! At this point I'd prefer to have Dennis Miller back, he didn't know shyt but at least he was funny!

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Yea he's awful! At this point I'd prefer to have Dennis Miller back, he didn't know shyt but at least he was funny!

yea the way Miller would sound like he knew about football was alot better to listen too lol

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I like Tony, and I think this entire crew will be on point all year. I like that Tony stays away from stupid sports cliches and that he was instrumental in getting Thiesman kicked off the MNF squad.

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he said "the bears must be fuming, I would be upset if I was the Bears" regarding the onside attempt


and Jaws comes back saying "wtf ;) Korn Muncher"

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kornheiser is really funny on pti, but on MNF his broadcasting sounds so forced and corny.


I don't know if ESPN tells him what to say, but he sounds completely different on PTI

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I really like Kornheiser on PTI, but he really is out of place in the booth.

That's becasue it's too hard to script out a MNF broadcast like he can for PTI.

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That's becasue it's too hard to script out a MNF broadcast like he can for PTI.

just like how his buddy sounded on that nba show, it comes down to what and where did tony and mike come from , there pti show is good but other that they suck,

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Yea he's awful! At this point I'd prefer to have Dennis Miller back, he didn't know shyt but at least he was funny!



Urban legend. His ENTIRE act is trying to prove he has a big vocabulary. :sleep:

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I rather listen to him than Theisman or J Buck.


I'd rather get a finger cut off instead of my balls........... but I would be much happier avoiding both.

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Urban legend. His ENTIRE act is trying to prove he has a big vocabulary. :music_guitarred:


Just because he HAS a big vocabulary doesn't mean he's a one trick pony. I think he's pretty "real" and unlike Theismann, he doesn't get facts blatantly wrong during the broadcast. The real answer is that a 3 man booth is tough to pull off. I think MNF would be better off either going with Tony OR Jaws, but not both. But in the end, as long as neither of them are making completely assanine comments, they are already ahead of 90% of the broadcasting crews.

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I mean, who really wants to listen to this guy? He absolutely blows. Does anyone think he's funny? At this point, bring back Dierdorf...at least his info is insightful.



You sir are an idiot. Do you even live in this country? Tony Kornheiser was great last year in knocking Theisman off of his high horse. Kornheiser would actually tell Theismann that he was an idiot. That is what I am looking for from Kornheiser again this year. Don't be afraid to say what everyone else is thinking. If a player looks awful, Mr. Tony will say he looks awful.

People like you probably don't even attend your fantasy football drafts. Give me a break. :P

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I rather listen to him than Theisman or J Buck.

amen brotha. those 2 should be banned from tv... along with "I read a book on football last week and I sound like a robot" Bryant Gumbel.

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he said "the bears must be fuming, I would be upset if I was the Bears" regarding the onside attempt


and Jaws comes back saying "wtf :overhead: Korn Muncher"


That was actually funny! You can see where he was coming from at least, though. If you stopped to think about it, it IS rather underhanded to pull an onside kick attempt at that point. Tony looked at it as a pride thing, where Jaws just turned the entire MNF preseason game into a practice with his comments on the situation. I think Tony comes out ahead, because he's actually trying to add gravity to the situation... which Jaws then totally destroyed, basically saying "why the hell is anyone watching this entirely unimportant game, the teams are just practicing!"


kornheiser is really funny on pti, but on MNF his broadcasting sounds so forced and corny.


I don't know if ESPN tells him what to say, but he sounds completely different on PTI


I think he's supposed to be a bit corny, and it kinda works in a very Madden-esque way. I think he works out rather well as long as you don't go in thinking everything he says is supposed to be a masterful comment on the game. He's certainly the one who does the best at being funny on the crew, and I think it would be really boring if he tried to play it more straight like the other guys do. He's not perfect, but someone has to interject one-liners and say funny things, might as well be him.


I rather listen to him than Theisman or J Buck.


You get a big AMEN for that.


You sir are an idiot. Do you even live in this country? Tony Kornheiser was great last year in knocking Theisman off of his high horse. Kornheiser would actually tell Theismann that he was an idiot. That is what I am looking for from Kornheiser again this year. Don't be afraid to say what everyone else is thinking. If a player looks awful, Mr. Tony will say he looks awful.

People like you probably don't even attend your fantasy football drafts. Give me a break. :lol:


Agreed - brutal honesty is definitely one of his strong suits. I like it too. Too often announcers are inclined to be too cautious with their comments... but football is a man's sport, and Tony is a man's commentator. We don't need a guy that glosses over things to make every player look great. I really relish that he calls it exactly like he sees it instead of trying to dress everything up to avoid saying anything bad about anyone.


I especially liked the comment about the kid being better than last year's MNF guests! (which I think was from Tony). It's comments like those that you can't get from anyone else, and I love that you can tell he's making a totally biting remark but passing it off as humor. Quite brilliant, really.

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That was actually funny! You can see where he was coming from at least, though. If you stopped to think about it, it IS rather underhanded to pull an onside kick attempt at that point. Tony looked at it as a pride thing, where Jaws just turned the entire MNF preseason game into a practice with his comments on the situation. I think Tony comes out ahead, because he's actually trying to add gravity to the situation... which Jaws then totally destroyed, basically saying "why the hell is anyone watching this entirely unimportant game, the teams are just practicing!"

That's one reason why he sucks. He tries to generate gravity. It's a preseason game. We know it's a preseason game. 90% of the posters here know more about football than Kornheiser does anyway. That's another reason why he sucks. Who wants to listen to someone comment on a subject who knows less than you about it.


He's not perfect, but someone has to interject one-liners and say funny things, might as well be him.


Also, you are wrong about this. We don't need people making jokes in the booth. It comes off forced and contrived and thus not funny at all. I want people to tell me things about the game that I can't plainly see myself. Tell me something I don't know. They should replace Tony K with D¡ck Vermeil.

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It would be almost tolerable if he knew to shut up when the action starts on the field. I don't want to hear his voice once the ball is snapped, but it's there anyway, annoying the piss out of me.

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It would be almost tolerable if he knew to shut up when the action starts on the field. I don't want to hear his voice once the ball is snapped, but it's there anyway, annoying the piss out of me.


It's called a mute button my friend.

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Korny isn't great but he is tolerable and he did own Jaws in the first quarter last night.

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I love Mr. Tony and his off-beat comments. He and Jaws get along great and I find myself laughing out loud during some of his goofy comments.


Just take it for what it's worth! If all he did was breakdown tackles and techniques, people would be crying that he wasn't silly enough. He's in a No Win situation because one half will expect him to always be what he isn't.


He's just a funny guy who has sports takes. Expect no earth shaking football analysis, that's not why he's in the booth.



These three guys are great together!!!




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How about Tony throwing out the "midget" comment during his terrible Manning/Grossman analysis. I'm surprised that we are not hearing more about this poor choice of words.

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That's one reason why he sucks. He tries to generate gravity. It's a preseason game. We know it's a preseason game. 90% of the posters here know more about football than Kornheiser does anyway. That's another reason why he sucks. Who wants to listen to someone comment on a subject who knows less than you about it.

Also, you are wrong about this. We don't need people making jokes in the booth. It comes off forced and contrived and thus not funny at all. I want people to tell me things about the game that I can't plainly see myself. Tell me something I don't know. They should replace Tony K with D¡ck Vermeil.


You apparently missed the point of football. Football is entertainment, first and foremost. If it wasn't entertainment, it wouldn't have the national following it does, nor would its players make millions upon millions of dollars. There's a reason the press follows around guys like TO all the time, and reports every little thing about their lives, and let me tell you: it isn't so you can hear more about the game. It's so the masses of people can get their entertainment fix and hear about the guys who put on the show. Maybe you would like to hear all dry commentary about the mechanics of football, but you are in the minority in that regard, as evidenced everywhere in America by the way football is covered and sold to the public. As such, Kornheiser is an integral part of the crew, since he adds to the entertainment value that is now the defining aspect of football. Most watchers expect to be entertained when they watch football, and Kornheiser goes a long way toward achieving that, and that's why he's on the team and quite likely to remain so. Granted the game itself has some intrinsic entertainment value, but Kornheiser brings things to the table that you can't get from the game or from straight-laced commentary, and that means he helps the program appeal to a broader audience, as opposed to just hardcore fans who would watch it even without any commentary at all. Believe it or not, most fans don't fall into the category of uber-fan, and Tony's job is to try to make the show interesting for those masses of casual fans so they'll all keep watching. I think he does it admirably.

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After Jaws compared Manning's and Grossman's stats from their respective first full NFL seasons, Kornheiser asked: "So, does that mean you'll be taking Rex Grossman ahead of Peyton Manning on your fantasy team?" and I reflexively blurted out, "You idiot!" Now my 2-year-old son has learned a new word, which he delighted in repeating last night, much to my wife's dismay. (Yes, it could be worse, and I'm sure it will be soon enough.)


That stupid comment is indicative of what's wrong with Kornheiser -- he seems to think he must be contrary and stir up the pot, but he doesn't seem to be smart enough to come up with good contrary opinions. Whether you liked Theismann or not, last year Kornheiser oftentimes got on his case simply to get on his case. It seemed forced and sometimes harsh, which is why their relationship seemed strained. I want a broadcaster to call it as he sees it on the field regarding the players and coaches, but I'm not sure I want him to set up an antagonistic relationship with the other guys in the booth. That just makes things uncomfortable.


I don't hate Kornheiser, but I'm not impressed with his intelligence, football-related or otherwise, nor with his sense of humor. I hope he goes away next year in favor of someone who can bring more enlightenment on the game and less antagonism in the booth.

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The mute button is the best thing about watching MNF or any football game where I don't like the announcers.

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Believe it or not, most fans don't fall into the category of uber-fan, and Tony's job is to try to make the show interesting for those masses of casual fans so they'll all keep watching. I think he does it admirably.

Point taken, but even from that perspective he fails. He's not funny. A guy like Al Michaels is funny because when he makes a joke it's off the cuff and not contrived. Tony K is shoe horning jokes in and they aren't funny at all. Trust me. I have the best sense of humor on this board.

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It's called a mute button my friend.

Not a solution -- I actually like hearing what Jaws has to say. It's that annoying gnat Kornheiser that gets to me. Now, if my mute button could filter our Kornheiser, then we'd be in agreement.


Although I used to mute MNF with Madden and sync to the Sirius broadcast of the game. Works great if you don't pause the game at any time. Might give that a shot this year.

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Guest _my_2_cents_
yea the way Miller would sound like he knew about football was alot better to listen too lol


no doubt - Miller's 4 hours of memorizing stats and playing it off like it ewas crap he just happened to know was more palpable than the crap that Kornholer spews.


Every time he talks it's like he's arguing with someone. It's unlistenable. He was the worst choice ever. Hell, give me Gumbel over that crap. :shocking:

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Tony is ok, Just keep Theisman OUT of the booth. He was terrible and i couldnt handle listening to the guy. he is a decent interview but that is it, terrible in the booth.


i agree that Tony is way better on PTI, i love that show, just ok on MNF. they should bring da Coach (to replace Tony) and leave the other 2, that would be a good group.


I am ok with how it is now, atleast i can listen without my ears bleeding. (caugh: theisman: caugh)

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After Jaws compared Manning's and Grossman's stats from their respective first full NFL seasons, Kornheiser asked: "So, does that mean you'll be taking Rex Grossman ahead of Peyton Manning on your fantasy team?" and I reflexively blurted out, "You idiot!" Now my 2-year-old son has learned a new word, which he delighted in repeating last night, much to my wife's dismay. (Yes, it could be worse, and I'm sure it will be soon enough.)


That stupid comment is indicative of what's wrong with Kornheiser -- he seems to think he must be contrary and stir up the pot, but he doesn't seem to be smart enough to come up with good contrary opinions. Whether you liked Theismann or not, last year Kornheiser oftentimes got on his case simply to get on his case. It seemed forced and sometimes harsh, which is why their relationship seemed strained. I want a broadcaster to call it as he sees it on the field regarding the players and coaches, but I'm not sure I want him to set up an antagonistic relationship with the other guys in the booth. That just makes things uncomfortable.


I don't hate Kornheiser, but I'm not impressed with his intelligence, football-related or otherwise, nor with his sense of humor. I hope he goes away next year in favor of someone who can bring more enlightenment on the game and less antagonism in the booth.


?? I'm assuming Kornheiser was being sarcastic? Why did his comment bother you so much? What was idiotic about it?

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You sir are an idiot. Do you even live in this country? Tony Kornheiser was great last year in knocking Theisman off of his high horse. Kornheiser would actually tell Theismann that he was an idiot. That is what I am looking for from Kornheiser again this year. Don't be afraid to say what everyone else is thinking. If a player looks awful, Mr. Tony will say he looks awful.

People like you probably don't even attend your fantasy football drafts. Give me a break. :cheers:



I love Tony, but he did chicken out last night when they asked about Vick's future in the NFL. He ended up saying he was "on the fence"; the only feasible explanation for that answer is that he was sitting in the booth with Tirico, who started to wax reminiscent about Vick & the excitement Vick brought to the game even as a freshman at VaTech.


Drives me nuts, it's become the biggest touchstone issue about race - Vick has plenty of company in the dogfighting community, most of which are bubba-tooth white trash rednecks, but none of these talking heads will call him the trash that he is because they don't want the Sharpton coalition on their front porch. I figured Tony would be the guy to lambaste him...disappointed!!!

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