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Hey Parrot, Wiffle and some others

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This letter has been being passed around lately and I don't know if it's b.s. or not. I tried doing some serious debunking but didn't see much out there that says it isn't true. Does any of this ring true do you think and does it concern you at all? Usually, these types of emails are full of it, so perhaps you have already checked this out. Let me know if you know this to be b.s. or not.


"Obama..Please read...Very enlightening



This is a must read for all Americans. The person who wrote this really did

their homework. Too bad the mainstream media won't do that for us. This is

not a political slant, but a REAL person doing research on an individual who

may soon be in charge of our country. Just read it and make your own




This election has me very worried. So many things to consider. About a year

ago I would have voted for Obama. I have changed my mind three times since

then. I watch all the news channels, jumping from one to another. I must say

this drives my husband crazy. But, I feel if you view MSNBC, CNN, and Fox

News, you might get some middle ground to work with. About six months ago, I

started thinking 'where did the money come from for Obama'. I have four

daughters who went to College, and we were middle class, and money was

tight. We (including my girls) worked hard and there were lots of student




I started looking into Barack Hussein Obama's life. Around 1979 Obama

started college at Occidental in California. He is very open about his two

years at Occidental, he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time,

but even though he had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his

studies. 'Barry' (that was the name he used all his life) during this time

had two roommates, Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, both from

Pakistan. During the summer of 1981, after his second year in college, he

made a 'round the world' trip. Stopping to see his mother in Indonesia, next

Hyderabad in India, three weeks in Karachi, Pakistan where he stayed with

his roommate's family, then off to Africa to visit his father's family. My

question - Where did he get the money for this trip? Neither I, nor any one

of my children, would have had money for a trip like this when they where in

college. When he came back, he started school at Columbia University in New

York. It is at this time he wants everyone to call him Barack - not Barry.

The name Barack is sometimes spelled Baraq, and Baraq is the name of the

winged horse of Mohammed by which Islam is to fill the world. Do you know

what the tuition is at Columbia? It's not cheap to say the least! Where did

he get money for tuition? Student Loans? Maybe. After Columbia, he went to

Chicago to work as a Community Organizer for $12,000 a year. Why Chicago?

Why not New York? He was already living in New York.



By 'chance' he met Antoin 'Tony' Rezko, born in Aleppo Syria, and a real

estate developer in Chicago. Rezko has been convicted of fraud and bribery

this year. Rezko, was named 'Entrepreneur of the Decade' by the

Arab-American Business and Professional Association'. About two years later,

Obama entered Harvard Law School. Do you have any idea what tuition is for

Harvard Law School? Where did he get the money for Law School? More student

loans? After Law school, he went back to Chicago. Rezko offered him a job,

which he turned down. But, he did take a job with Davis, Miner, Barnhill &

Galland. Guess what? They represented 'Rezar' which is Rezko's firm. Rezko

was one of Obama's first major financial contributors when he ran for office

in Chicago. In 2003, Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama which Chicago

Tribune reporter David Mendelland claims was instrumental in providing Obama

with 'seed money' for his U.S. Senate race. In 2005, Obama purchased a new

home in the Kenwoood District of Chicago for $1.65 million (less than asking

price). With ALL those Student Loans - Where did he get the money for the

property? On the same day; Rezko's wife, Rita, purchased the adjoining empty

lot for full price. The London Times reported that Nadhmi Auchi, an

Iraqi-born Billionaire loaned Rezko $3.5 million three weeks before Obama's

new home was purchased. Obama met Nadhmi Auchi many times with Rezko.



Now, we have Obama running for President. Valerie Jarrett, was Michele

Obama's boss. She is now Obama's chief advisor and he does not make any

major decisions without talking to her first. Where was Jarrett born? Ready

for this? Shiraz, Iran! Do we see a pattern here? Or am I going crazy?



On May 10, 2008 The Times reported, Robert Malley, advisor to Obama, was

'sacked' after the press found out he was having regular contacts with

'Hamas', which controls Gaza and is connected with Iran. This past week,

buried in the back part of the papers, Iraqi newspapers reported that during

Obama's visit to Iraq, he asked their leaders to do nothing about the war

until after he is elected, and he will 'Take care of things'.



Oh, and by the way, remember the college roommates that where born in

Pakistan? They are in charge of all those 'small' Internet campaign

contributions for Obama. Where is that money coming from? The poor and

middle class in this country? Or could it be from the Middle East?



And the final bit of news. On September 7, 2008, The Washington Times posted

a verbal slip that was made on 'This Week' with George Stephanapoulos. Obama

on talking about his religion said, 'My Muslim faith'. When questioned, 'he

made a mistake'. Some mistake!

All of the above information I got on line. If you would like to check it -

Wikipedia encyclopedia, Barack Obama; Tony Rezko; Valerie Jarrett: Daily

Times - Obama visited Pakistan in 1981; The Washington Times - September 7,

2008; The Times May 10, 2008.



Now the BIG question - If I found out all this information on my own, Why

haven't all of our 'intelligent' members of the press been reporting this?



A phrase that keeps ringing in my ear - 'Beware of the enemy from within'!!!



Marty and Christina Orcutt

30 Apache Dr.

Sedona AZ 86351



phone: 928-284-5051



My question is this, “Is Barack Obama a Trojan horse? He has said he will

talk directly with Iran with no conditions, He has put down our troops of

bombing women and children. Is he all the he pretends to be or is Osama Bin

Laden sponsoring him to defeat our country from within.



Are we having the wool pulled over our eyes by this first time senator. How

could a new person in town, someone with no real connections in Washington

pull in 92 million dollars in campaign funds which is more than all the

other Democratic contenders together? Hmmmmm."

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I worked as a fundraiser for barack. They keep track of how much we've raised, what our average is and all that. I raised on average $150 a day. The best fundraiser we have is this attractive half white half chinese chick who raises $950/day. We average two 1k checks a week. Two weeks ago we got a 10k check.


In all, we probably have about 25-30 people working. Lets say the average per person for the office is $200, and thats a conservative guess not counting the occasional 1k+ contribution we get. 25*200=5k. We fundraise 7 days a week. That means in one office in one week we raise about 35k. There are 5 offices i know of in california, but i'm guessing theres a total of about 10. Granted, we're based in berkeley which means with a stronger base, we probably have a higher average than most. If there are 10 offices in california that raise 25k a week, thats 250k a week. 1 million a month. I know thats small potatoes compared to 92 million, but we're just one arm, in one state, of the fundraising. We have people who go to street corners and canvass there and we have other people who go door to door to fund raise. No internet, dinners, or other events.


As for the earlier part, there are things called scholorships and grants. Those are plentiful for minorities. One of my bosses has 3 BS degrees, 2 masters, and a law degree from berkeley boalt. Her parents weren't rich at all and she was paying for all her own schooling after a few years. People do it all the time. Same thing about his trip. It just takes a different kind of person to be able to pull that off. I'm sure we all know people who went to europe, by themselves, barely knowing anyone there, and not having any money. But they make it work.

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I worked as a fundraiser for barack. They keep track of how much we've raised, what our average is and all that. I raised on average $150 a day. The best fundraiser we have is this attractive half white half chinese chick who raises $950/day. We average two 1k checks a week. Two weeks ago we got a 10k check.


In all, we probably have about 25-30 people working. Lets say the average per person for the office is $200, and thats a conservative guess not counting the occasional 1k+ contribution we get. 25*200=5k. We fundraise 7 days a week. That means in one office in one week we raise about 35k. There are 5 offices i know of in california, but i'm guessing theres a total of about 10. Granted, we're based in berkeley which means with a stronger base, we probably have a higher average than most. If there are 10 offices in california that raise 25k a week, thats 250k a week. 1 million a month. I know thats small potatoes compared to 92 million, but we're just one arm, in one state, of the fundraising. We have people who go to street corners and canvass there and we have other people who go door to door to fund raise. No internet, dinners, or other events.


As for the earlier part, there are things called scholorships and grants. Those are plentiful for minorities. One of my bosses has 3 BS degrees, 2 masters, and a law degree from berkeley boalt. Her parents weren't rich at all and she was paying for all her own schooling after a few years. People do it all the time. Same thing about his trip. It just takes a different kind of person to be able to pull that off. I'm sure we all know people who went to europe, by themselves, barely knowing anyone there, and not having any money. But they make it work.


Well, I guess we have a real authority here then! This is debunked! (not really though . . . ) - Bigmoni, in your efforts to reign in the millions for Obama, does anyone make the time or effort to investigate the legitimacy of the source of these funds? If your fact checking is as quality-sound as ACORN's then I suspect not. Could one person be calling all 10 of your separate offices in each state and donating $1K under different names, maybe the names of dead people, or the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys? Could that one person be a wealthy Saudi radical islamist student going to Cal Berkeley? If they can figure out how to kill 3000 people in the most highly orchestrated attack on US civilians, then they can figure out how to scam you and skirt campaign finance laws.


Obama vowed to take public funds and didn't. He lied. Why? It's obvious.

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bump for somebody to respond. (Of course..other than itsbigmoni telling us how much money he earned for Obama :overhead: )

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If they can figure out how to kill 3000 people in the most highly orchestrated attack on US civilians, then they can figure out how to scam you and skirt campaign finance laws.


Obama vowed to take public funds and didn't. He lied. Why? It's obvious.


Everyone criticizes the mdeia for being lax with BO. But if your insuation had some legitimacy to it, wouldn't you also have to criticize our inept intelligence agencies?


Our media does suck, not so much for their slanted views but for their distilling of actual information. They often resort to the lowest common denominator so that we all can understand what's going on.


But I trust the FBI/CIA. Smart motherfockers.


Just wondering why you don't feel the same way?

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First, you can certainly piece much of the information through numerous searches on the web – college, Rezko, etc.


As to the content, I’m sure most of it is based on “factual” events as either reported on in the news or as some people remember. However, you have no idea as to their motivation.


Here are a couple of links I found.


http://articles.latimes.com/2007/jan/29/local/me-oxy29 LA Times on Occidental College


http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2004417706_apyoungobama2ndldwritethru.html ://http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/ht...writethru.html Seattle Times with similar fodder


http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/14/us/politics/14rezko.html NY Times on Rezko relationship

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This is just internet smear slime. I wouldn't bother at all with it. It's just useful for rolling your eyes at how wacko some people are but that's about it.

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This is just internet smear slime. I wouldn't bother at all with it. It's just useful for rolling your eyes at how wacko some people are but that's about it.



So, are you saying he had no ties to Rezko? :wub:

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So, are you saying he had no ties to Rezko? :wub:


When I was in college, the Workers World Party had a booth set up in the student commons and were passing out free copies of their newspapers. I stopped to talk to them for a half hour, took one of their newspapers and even read a few articles after I left.


It's possible I've eaten in the same restaurant at the same time as one of them since then. Or maybe not, I don't know. I forgot what they look like.

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When I was in college, the Workers World Party had a booth set up in the student commons and were passing out free copies of their newspapers. I stopped to talk to them for a half hour, took one of their newspapers and even read a few articles after I left.


It's possible I've eaten in the same restaurant at the same time as one of them since then. Or maybe not, I don't know. I forgot what they look like.



So you're saying anyone can be accused of wrongdoing if they are in the same place as a crook? (I have no problem with someone reading literature about whatever, it's what they do with it. )

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This is just internet smear slime. I wouldn't bother at all with it. It's just useful for rolling your eyes at how wacko some people are but that's about it.




I like how the author of this e-mail claims he was going to vote for Obama, and then immediately reminds the readers that his name is Barack Hussein Obama (a favorite ploy of the right) and launches into a litany of smears that would make the McCain campaign blush. Its a completely transparent hatchet job.

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I like how the author of this e-mail claims he was going to vote for Obama, and then immediately reminds the readers that his name is Barack Hussein Obama (a favorite ploy of the right) and launches into a litany of smears that would make the McCain campaign blush. Its a completely transparent hatchet job.



Boy, the answers that I have received are ridiculous. I have asked somebody to dispute the facts. Nobody has. I have tried for three days now and cannot. If this is true, then this is a huge problem for him and his voters. Why are his supporters being so ignorant to this issue, along with his relationship with William Ayers? I would think you would defend it but nobody is doing that.

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I like how the author of this e-mail claims he was going to vote for Obama, and then immediately reminds the readers that his name is Barack Hussein Obama (a favorite ploy of the right) and launches into a litany of smears that would make the McCain campaign blush. Its a completely transparent hatchet job.


His name ISN'T Barack Hussein Obama? :unsure:

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Well, I guess we have a real authority here then! This is debunked! (not really though . . . ) - Bigmoni, in your efforts to reign in the millions for Obama, does anyone make the time or effort to investigate the legitimacy of the source of these funds? If your fact checking is as quality-sound as ACORN's then I suspect not. Could one person be calling all 10 of your separate offices in each state and donating $1K under different names, maybe the names of dead people, or the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys? Could that one person be a wealthy Saudi radical islamist student going to Cal Berkeley? If they can figure out how to kill 3000 people in the most highly orchestrated attack on US civilians, then they can figure out how to scam you and skirt campaign finance laws.


Obama vowed to take public funds and didn't. He lied. Why? It's obvious.



It wasn't about how much i raise, because i suck at it. And the way we do it is in person fundraising. I stand on a street corner with my barack shirt and a clipboard. I try to stop people walking by and get them to donate. It wasn't over the phone or anything like that. On the form they had to fill out their name, phone number, email, address, what their citizenship status is, and employer. I've gotten a few donations rejected (i find out about a week later) because of various things. Nobody by that name at that address, person already reached maximum, they used a business check, things like that. I'm pretty confident we have sound oversight. I'm also pretty confident that a few slip through the cracks. If McCain was praised worldwide, i'm sure he'd have the same problems. But since outside the states he has no support, he doesn't have to worry about that. They wont catch everyone, but i think we do an honest job to make sure everything is legit.


Boy, the answers that I have received are ridiculous. I have asked somebody to dispute the facts. Nobody has. I have tried for three days now and cannot. If this is true, then this is a huge problem for him and his voters. Why are his supporters being so ignorant to this issue, along with his relationship with William Ayers? I would think you would defend it but nobody is doing that.


So what facts do you want us to dispute? It seems like this guy just raises a lot of questions. Nobody is denying he has a relationship with rezko. Does having a relationship with him disqualify him for presidency? What other facts should we dispute? Asking a question like, how did he pay for his trip and college, is not a fact. There's nothing to debunk there.


You're acting like RP in a way. He makes a crazy statement, then says find a link to prove me wrong. So far, i think the only fact you want debunked is that he has relations with rezko. Well, theres nothing to debunk there, since he does have a relationship with him. So, what other facts do you want debunked?

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wow, you put up a pretty good argument there.

maybe obama really is a terrorist.

imagine that, a terrorist would make a better president than mccain. :shocking:

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bump for somebody to respond. (Of course..other than itsbigmoni telling us how much money he earned for Obama :rolleyes: )

You won't get a serious reply from an Obama supporter. They'll just tuck their heads back in their arses and swear they smell roses. They suffer so badly from BDS that they can see straight; thus, they can't see Obama for what he really is. And no I'm not a desperate McCain supporter as is the line now from Obama supporters when anything anti-Obama appears. In fact, my vote for McCain is truly a vote AGAINST Obama. Obama is dangerous. Beware!

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I like how the author of this e-mail claims he was going to vote for Obama, and then immediately reminds the readers that his name is Barack Hussein Obama

If the name fits wear it!

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wow, you put up a pretty good argument there.

maybe obama really is a terrorist.

imagine that, a terrorist would make a better president than mccain. :rolleyes:



if obama wasnt black, you wouldnt vote for him....

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if obama wasnt black, you wouldnt vote for him....


I'm not so sure about that. I think she'd vote for anyone who was going to give her more entitlements.

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It wasn't about how much i raise, because i suck at it. And the way we do it is in person fundraising. I stand on a street corner with my barack shirt and a clipboard. I try to stop people walking by and get them to donate. It wasn't over the phone or anything like that. On the form they had to fill out their name, phone number, email, address, what their citizenship status is, and employer. I've gotten a few donations rejected (i find out about a week later) because of various things. Nobody by that name at that address, person already reached maximum, they used a business check, things like that. I'm pretty confident we have sound oversight. I'm also pretty confident that a few slip through the cracks. If McCain was praised worldwide, i'm sure he'd have the same problems. But since outside the states he has no support, he doesn't have to worry about that. They wont catch everyone, but i think we do an honest job to make sure everything is legit.

So what facts do you want us to dispute? It seems like this guy just raises a lot of questions. Nobody is denying he has a relationship with rezko. Does having a relationship with him disqualify him for presidency? What other facts should we dispute? Asking a question like, how did he pay for his trip and college, is not a fact. There's nothing to debunk there.


You're acting like RP in a way. He makes a crazy statement, then says find a link to prove me wrong. So far, i think the only fact you want debunked is that he has relations with rezko. Well, theres nothing to debunk there, since he does have a relationship with him. So, what other facts do you want debunked?


So, let me get this straight. You are agreeing that everything in the letter is likely true and none of it bothers you?

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americans can be pretty rigid and unwilling to say names correctly and therefore it's easier just to americanize a foreign name. born barack obama, i'm pretty sure he called himself barry to fit in. meeting people of different cultures probably inspired him to be proud of his name and use it.


my boss refuses to pronounce the names of foreigners. we have a guy in our lab from thailand named "natawatt" and my boss said, "that's too confusing, i'm calling you pop." thus we've called him pop ever since. we have a guy from china named "jianzhong" and my boss renamed him johnson, a girl name "porntip" (pronounced pahn-tip) and he calls her bo.


if he had black american parents they woulda never called him anything but barack.



considering there are colleges known for being party schools i have no idea why this is an issue. some kids go to college and experiment with drugs or sleeping around or partying and just being free. for some people it's part of discovering who you are. h/k really. (peenie's way of saying who cares really)


pakistan connection

my daughter's roommate was not only from pakistan but she is shia muslim. you know why? because brown people (pakistan/indian) value education and are the predominate people of color in many institutions of higher learning.


traveling around the world

uh...you got me there. that one i must admit gives me serious pause. heck, i have a darn job and i haven't even been back to my hometown in nj let alone travel across continents. +1 jets24


paying for college

my daughter's tuition, room and board, fees and books etc. is more than my yearly salary. like everyone else who isn't rich, it's paid for with grants, scholarships, financial aid and loans.



umm.... +1 jets24


pakistani friends

listen, when you go to college you make friends, you network-that's not unusual. one of my co-worker's husband went to college and he and his 5 friends have a business together. i think it's common to call on friends for favors and simply to move up together in life.


muslim faith

i believe it could be possible that obama may be muslim. it doesn't bother me at all. i had a coworker that is lebanese and he claimed to be christian and i think he was just afraid to admit he was muslim due to fear of predjudice. it's possible that obama could be muslim. +1 jets24


therefore it really doesn't matter what rev. wright said because obama isn't christian and didn't believe anything that pastor had say anyway.

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So, let me get this straight. You are agreeing that everything in the letter is likely true and none of it bothers you?


What i am saying is there aren't many facts in that letter. I haven't re-read it, but isn't the only fact in there that he has connections to rezko? Everything else is just questions right? How did he pay for his trip, school, etc. If you want an explanation on how he paid for those things, thats just ridiculous. There are so many different possibilities it doesn't even make sense to speculate how he may have done it. If the letter had said, rezko paid for his school, then that'd be a "fact" and something we could try to disprove/prove, but he's just throwing questions out there.


Right now, i'm living off of like $700/month. There are a variety of factors that let me live comfortably with very little income. Everybody is different and lives under different circumstances. When he went pakistan, i bet he didn't pay for much, and on top of that, the exchange rate is very favorable. Pakistani culture is similar to my culture so i feel confident saying that when he was in pakistan, i bet he got free housing, food, rides, and all that kind of stuff. I doubt he paid for much when he went to kenya either. And have you never met anyone who took a euro trip even though they didn't have much money? People find ways to get by.

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traveling around the world

uh...you got me there. that one i must admit gives me serious pause. heck, i have a darn job and i haven't even been back to my hometown in nj let alone travel across continents. +1 jets24



muslim faith

i believe it could be possible that obama may be muslim. it doesn't bother me at all. i had a coworker that is lebanese and he claimed to be christian and i think he was just afraid to admit he was muslim due to fear of predjudice. it's possible that obama could be muslim. +1 jets24


therefore it really doesn't matter what rev. wright said because obama isn't christian and didn't believe anything that pastor had say anyway.


You lost me with these two comments. Some people are able to let go of their posessions. I know people who don't have cell phones, internet, any kind of tv, microwaves, and live in a hostel style apartment. They work odd jobs, join different groups, and just find ways to get by. Just because you haven't been back to NJ doesn't mean it should give you pause. You have a different life than barack, the biggest being you have a kid.


And what makes you think he could be a muslim? Thats just silly. Why would he conceal this all of his life? Is he on some kind of sleeper agent mission to become president then pronounce he's muslim? If that were the case, i don't think he would write a book about how he did drugs. He would've lived a squeeky clean life that wouldn't put any skeletons in his closet. He wouldn't have slacked off through most of his early school among other things. His wife isn't muslim. Also, if he was a dedicated muslim, he wouldn't smoke. I just don't see where people get the idea that he's muslim.

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i don't give a fck if he's muslim. I LIKE MUSLIM PEOPLE. i'm not crazy and think muslim = terrorist. i don't give a fck about his religion. i'm atheist.


besides itsbigmoni, if he's muslim that cancels out rev. wright.


re: his travels

a friend of mine went to boston university and his roommate was a saudi prince's son. the prince's son received 200K a month allowance. because the kid was so rich the prince would pay for trips for himself and all his friends. they traveled to italy, paris, peru, las vegas, california and new york.

i am in agreement with you in that there are a million and one possibilities in how one could afford to travel. however, he didn't just travel to one place he went many places and clearly you need a lot of money for that. i stand by my feeling that such travels (and not to traditional destinations like london, mexico or spain) that it is costly and unusual for a student let alone a working person make such a trip.

study abroad, maybe, but just "i'm going to visit mom in indonesia" and then "i'm going to visit dad in kenya" and by the way "i'm going to drop by india and pakistan" is a stretch.

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i don't give a fck if he's muslim. I LIKE MUSLIM PEOPLE. i'm not crazy and think muslim = terrorist. i don't give a fck about his religion. i'm atheist.


I'm muslim...Wanna fock? :pointstosky:

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Boy, the answers that I have received are ridiculous. I have asked somebody to dispute the facts. Nobody has. I have tried for three days now and cannot. If this is true, then this is a huge problem for him and his voters. Why are his supporters being so ignorant to this issue, along with his relationship with William Ayers? I would think you would defend it but nobody is doing that.

You're presenting unsubstantiated Internet smears as "facts", then you're claiming some sort of moral victory because no one has bothered to dispute your so-called "facts". Has it not occurred to you people haven't bothered because it's a waste of their time?


Jeebus. Not only are you a welsher, you're also screwed up in the head.

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i don't give a fck if he's muslim. I LIKE MUSLIM PEOPLE. i'm not crazy and think muslim = terrorist. i don't give a fck about his religion. i'm atheist.


besides itsbigmoni, if he's muslim that cancels out rev. wright.


re: his travels

a friend of mine went to boston university and his roommate was a saudi prince's son. the prince's son received 200K a month allowance. because the kid was so rich the prince would pay for trips for himself and all his friends. they traveled to italy, paris, peru, las vegas, california and new york.

i am in agreement with you in that there are a million and one possibilities in how one could afford to travel. however, he didn't just travel to one place he went many places and clearly you need a lot of money for that. i stand by my feeling that such travels (and not to traditional destinations like london, mexico or spain) that it is costly and unusual for a student let alone a working person make such a trip.

study abroad, maybe, but just "i'm going to visit mom in indonesia" and then "i'm going to visit dad in kenya" is a stretch.


I know you don't care he's muslim, but even just bringing it up is pointless. Theres nothing to point at that he's muslim. Thats like saying, i don't think john mccain is muslim, but if he was, i wouldn't care.


And about his trip, i would be shocked if his mom didn't give him some money in indonesia. And once he's at that location, he's not gonna be paying for much. Traditional places like London are gonna be WAY more expensive than pakistan and kenya. Its not like he was partying it up going out every night. He was spending time with families and they probably did family stuff. I just don't think its that crazy he tok that trip. If i could find a way to pay for the tickets, even i could afford to visit family i have in India, australia, and kenya. The more i think about it, i think its definitely possible that i could even pay for the tickets even though i'm a student working a minimum wage job.

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Right now, i'm living off of like $700/month. There are a variety of factors that let me live comfortably with very little income. Specifically, I live with my Mommie.



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Yea, i just commute 150 miles every day to school and work, then go another 150 miles home. That makes sense.

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sigh...itsbigmon, let me give you a lesson:

WE don't argue with one another. now, if you are correcting me that is fine, but take lesson from blacks and don corleone from the godfather, never take opposition with me publically again. :nono:

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You're presenting unsubstantiated Internet smears as "facts", then you're claiming some sort of moral victory because no one has bothered to dispute your so-called "facts". Has it not occurred to you people haven't bothered because it's a waste of their time?


Jeebus. Not only are you a welsher, you're also screwed up in the head.


They're not unsubstantiated dipwad. I claimed no moral victory whatsover. If people can't be bothered with the fact that Obama has known associations with criminals and refuses to comment about them, then if you call that a waste of time, I guess you are correct.

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They're not unsubstantiated dipwad. I claimed no moral victory whatsover. If people can't be bothered with the fact that Obama has known associations with criminals and refuses to comment about them, then if you call that a waste of time, I guess you are correct.

Unsubstantiated and baseless, welsher.


You poor folks are so desperate about Obama, you are seizing on anything and everything to try to attack him.


By all means, continue to do so if it makes you feel better about yourself.

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I'm afraid I can't dispute anything in the letter, specifically Obama's friendship with Tony Rezko, who bilked people out of millions of dollars. I also can't dispute the fact that they each bought houses together, next door, on the exact same day. Since I don't have anything to say about it, I will just continue to call you names.



It's ok. I understand this may be shattering your dream of the messiah. Sorry.

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i think having muslim friends or being muslim means obama would make a wonderful if not better president than mccain. our number two problem in this country is the iraq war and our relationship with middle eastern countries. his muslim background will be an asset not a detriment.

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sigh...itsbigmon, let me give you a lesson:

WE don't argue with one another. now, if you are correcting me that is fine, but take lesson from blacks and don corleone from the godfather, never take opposition with me publically again. :nono:


You know you're my favorite poster. I'll keep it out of public next time.


They're not unsubstantiated dipwad. I claimed no moral victory whatsover. If people can't be bothered with the fact that Obama has known associations with criminals and refuses to comment about them, then if you call that a waste of time, I guess you are correct.


First off, he has made comments about his connections. And second, please give me an example of fact in that letter besides the rezko connection. I don't know what you want us to respond to. Just copy and paste a fact, and then i'll do my best to respond.

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