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About joneo

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    FF Geek

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    winning fantasy football

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  1. joneo

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    Why are you being a gerentophobic? The ageism you are displaying is really sad. You should be more inclusive.
  2. joneo

    Trump Fist Photo

    So I went to 3 different bars today and got 3 people walk up to me and shook my hand while commenting how much they liked my shirt. Not a single liberal.
  3. joneo

    Trump Fist Photo

    Got my shirt today. I can't wait for the first liberal to approach me..
  4. joneo

    Suck it Tax Cheats

    Did Sharpton finally pay his taxes?
  5. yes, I heard that. Did you hear they looked at every President's liniage and discovered Trup is the only President whose ancestors didn't own slaves?
  6. Byrd. Biden was his co.rade but Hillary gave the eulogy.
  7. Did I say "no public schools"?? No, I did not. I said " the public school SYSTEM sucks" The system allows a pedophilia attitude and needs to be scrapped. Throwing good money towards that needs to be stopped.
  8. How about it's time to realize the public school system sucks! People discovered this during the Covid sham and realized their kids can succeed being taught at home. But teachers "give us more money so we can be better"...lol. Fock the public school system.
  9. "We can't talk about an on-going investigation"..... This is all the White House and secret service will say....forever. Inspector Clouseau could have solved this in 5 minutes. Probably only 3 minutes if Mr. Magoo was leading him around the crime scene.
  10. joneo

    June 27 Presidential debate

    Are you 12 years old?
  11. joneo

    June 27 Presidential debate

    So Biden severely lost to a crap flinging chimpanzee. Doesn't say much for his abilities.
  12. So, you're saying investments have risks? I didn't know that.
  13. Wiffle's post looks like Biden himself wrote it. It's gibberish. So, I googled. Wow, a finance investor received money. Shocker.