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About joneo

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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    winning fantasy football

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  1. Relegating education to the states and getting rid of big government. Better for education when there is less bureaucracy.
  2. joneo

    Great stock to buy NOW!!

    $127 and climbing. Seriously, it spiked right after the inauguration!
  3. joneo

    Great stock to buy NOW!!

    Kleenex's parent company, Kimberly-Clark Corp., is reportedly projecting record growth for the next 4 years. Time to buy!!
  4. Why would you put yourself before God's will? God has put President Trump where he wants him. Ephesians 2:7-10 Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it.
  5. joneo

    Mr. Baseball RIP

    RIP Bob! Thanks for the laughs! https://sports.yahoo.com/bob-uecker-longtime-voice-of-the-brewers-and-a-star-of-major-league-dies-at-90-155016333.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABOSiRjZbhQ9MqTImgGmVJ9Gh5v7uSaOQlCmk8rTPV6U423AkgfkVpybS7uwrbFJ7m8Ni-5cVsALaghfo8gl8HDgiGGYfOcQ7A0PhIAeKhCSHYTMIQ7u6Cqkha0AzlXolWq5vjLQOYoXT3NJ1TvCwPU6qCvyVxSaSXoIMQZNjxA_
  6. joneo

    Maga Media Takeover, Oligarchy now

    You can't spell hysterical without hysteria.
  7. The Gulf of Liberal Tears.
  8. You need an alias to spew your hatred. sad
  9. Hate. That's all ya got. Seek help.
  10. joneo

    Ten Dead And Thirty Injured Last Night In New Orleans

    I'm fine with registration. If a turd steals it, I haveca chance of getting it back. Insurance can reimburse me if I don't get it back.
  11. joneo

    Ten Dead And Thirty Injured Last Night In New Orleans

    I'm not against banning all trucks. Just the automatic ones. Stickshifts are ok for transportation but NOBODY needs an automatic! And we need more driver education! Maybe hire more social workers to get the job done right.
  12. joneo

    Ten Dead And Thirty Injured Last Night In New Orleans

    We need to ban trucks because they kill people.
  13. joneo

    RIP Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy lived long enough to see Biden take over as Worst President Ever.
  14. joneo

    RIP Ricky

    Ricky Henderson. https://www.ksbw.com/article/oakland-as-all-time-steals-ricky-henderson-dead-65/63255193