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Tarheel Boy

Looking back on your draft...

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Zero Tollerance got me thinking in my other thread about value players. Just taking a quick glance at our league's draft there are two players that were picked low that were of tremendous value by year's end.


1. Vincent Jackson - 147th player chosen, but finished in the top 20 of our WRs

2. Kevin Walter - 154th player chosen, but finished 19th among WRs in our league.


I'm talking strictly draft picks. Players like Bryant and Cassel were more than likely FA pickups in your league unless you had a very deep draft.

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I got great value in one 12 team 16 round draft with Slayton in the 11th and Warner in the 12th.


In the other league, 12 team, 18 round draft, I got great value with Slayton again in the 11th, and the best value ever from DWIII in the 13th.

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$200 12 team auction league with 17 roster spots:


Matt Forte $9 (my 4th RB who turned out to be my stud)

DeAngelo Williams $1 :music_guitarred:

Michael Turner $29

Aaron Rodgers $5 (team had Favre,Rodgers and Eli and I acquired Rodgers around Week 4)

Vincent Jackson $2

Tony Gonzalez $7 (acquired by my team in mid season)

Roddy White $11

Steve Slaton $2

Pierre Thomas $1

Chris Johnson $1 :pointstosky:

Clinton Portis $54 (LT $105 and AP $98)

Thomas Jones $17

Greg Jennings $21

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My draft was horrible, but I find myself in the Week 17 Championship game. The way I figure, eleven choices were completely blown. Yuk! Only six players remain on my championship roster. Addai - First round, Ocho Cinco - 3rd, Selvin Young - 5th


What saved me was drafting Brees in the second round, Rhodes in the 15th round, and someone dropped Deangello Williams early in season when Carolina was a complete timeshare and DeWill struggled even to get carries. This pickup saved my season!! Sammy Morris, Lance Moore, and Shaincoe were also solid pickups.

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This was my original roster that ended up losing in the semis:


Eli, Vince Young, Matt Ryan - B+ (2 out of 3)

Westbrook, Forte, Deangelo Wiliams, Ronnie Brown, Tim Hightower (A+ but couldnt make enough deals to shore up other positions)

Edwards, Wayne, Vincent Jackson, Rande El - C- (The achiles heal of the team with Jackson the ony solid pick based on draft value)

Vernon Davis, Donald Lee (D - finaly traded Ronnie Brown & Lee for Gates and after that Lee outproduced gates)


Ks & DTs - whatever


Overall, some excellent picks, but a lack of good trades and a couple of notable busts brought me down.


Goat Horns: Edwards, Gates, Young, Davis, Wayne


Props: Ryan, Forte, Deangelo, Jackson

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Addai was my #1, easily the biggest bust I have ever taken, but it got better

  • Jacobs in the 3rd
  • Megatron in the 4th

Those 2 guys were stalwarts even though they were drafted as my RB2 and WR2

  • Forte in the 6th (horrible trade after Week 1 for Holt)
  • CJ3 in the 11th

My best RBs

  • Eddie Royal in the 13th
  • DeSean Jackson in the 14th (later traded for Eli)

Braylon in the 2nd was such a killer for me, I was lucky these two made up for it


Started out 2-4, finished regular season 9-5 to nab the 4th/last playoff spot


Did nothing once I got there, but at least I got my entry fee back

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I drafted KWarner to back up TBrady and that worked until week 16.


I stayted away from Cowboys and that worked.


I took BJacobs and that worked out.


I grabbed Pierre Thomas to back up RBush and that worked out well.


But JAddai not so much. BEdwards not so much.



I finished 4th in a 10 team league.

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12 team re draft---championship this weekend

forte 5th round ( traded in week 7 for wayne )

d williams 6th round

cutler round 7 ( traded week 4 for Gore )

the gore trade didnt help or hurt me ....the trade for wayne helped as he had 2 solid games week 15 and 16 helped me get to the championship. been starting sjax and williams thru the playoffs........willaims to me was the best value ranked #2 in my league in points.

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T Jones, Turner and Chris Johnson were increadible values for me. Bowe also earned his keep going late in the draft. Can't complain with Cutler in the 9th or Tenn D/ST as a FA pickup after week 1.

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My value picks:

Gonzo 76th player taken (6th TE taken) - #1 TE

Mason 124th - 21st WR

Warner 165th - 5th QB

K. Faulk 213th - 29th RB.....has been a good flex with the right match-ups 2nd half of the year

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I got CJ3 in the 8th round of a 12-team, 1 keeper re-draft league. Looking back at the draft, he was the last decent RB taken in the draft that wasn't a WW pick-up like Choice or Thomas.


I also got Warner in the 9th and the Titans D in the 12th.


Those three picks helped carry me all year long. :music_guitarred:

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The only player I still have my team that I drafted is Darren McFadden, and he certainly wasn't a value.

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