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Shitstain wants to move the Gitmo terrorists to...

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Focking unreal. Would love to hear from the folks that live in this area to see how the feel about this idea of Murtha's.

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Do you have a link to that?


I have a link regarding these scum: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/23/world/mi...23yemen.html?hp


Focktard gets releases from Guantanimo, now is right back in action as a terror boss of al Qaeda

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Murtha says these guys are not a threat. So, there you go Obama, move them to PA! Problem solved :shocking:



Hey Shitstain, why not just invite them to your house if you think they are not a threat.





WASHINGTON – A released Guantanamo Bay terror detainee has reemerged as an al-Qaida commander in Yemen, highlighting the dilemma facing President Barack Obama in shaping plans to close the detention facility and decide the fates of U.S. captives.


A U.S. counterterror official confirmed Friday that Said Ali al-Shihri, who was jailed in Guantanamo for six years after his capture in Pakistan, has resurfaced as a leader of a Yemeni branch of al-Qaida.


"By Allah, imprisonment only increased our persistence in our principles for which we went out, did jihad for, and were imprisoned for," he said in a video posted on a militant-leaning Web site Friday. It was the second time this week a reference to al-Shihri has shown up on the Web site. He was mentioned in an online magazine on Jan. 19 with a reference to his prisoner number at Guantanamo, 372.


Al-Shihri was released by the U.S. in 2007 to the Saudi government for rehabilitation. But this week a publication posted on a militant-leaning Web site said he is now the top deputy in "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula," a Yemeni offshoot of the terror group headed by Osama bin Laden. The group has been implicated in several attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Yemen's capital Sana.


The announcement from the militant site came the same day that President Barack Obama signed an executive order directing the closure of the jail at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year.


A key question facing Obama's new administration is what to do with the 245 prisoners still confined at Guantanamo. That means finding new detention facilities for hard-core prisoners while trying to determine which detainees are harmless enough to release.


According to the Pentagon at least 18 former Guantanamo detainees have "returned to the fight" and another 43 are suspected of resuming terrorist activities. Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell declined to provide the identity of the former detainees or what their terrorist activities were.

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They should move them into the Steelers locker room, cheap shots against defenseless innocents gives them common ground :shocking:

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Focktard gets releases from Guantanimo, now is right back in action as a terror boss of al Qaeda



Which is exactly why sh!tstain wants to close down Guantanimo. Duh.

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wait a minute, first of all who is sh1tstain?

second, the man who was released and became a leader was released in 2007, which obviously means someone isn't doing their job.

obama closing the facility doesn't mean he's releasing those inside.

furthermore, it doesn't seem that the tatics used to get information or stop terrorism is working if the man they released went right back into power.

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wait a minute, first of all who is sh1tstain?


Dont get yourself worked up over this, RP is a retarded troll who has no friends. He saw Bush get picked on time and time again, so he is going to spin any little thing that Obama does in a negative way.

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Dont get yourself worked up over this, RP is a retarded troll who has no friends. He saw Bush get picked on time and time again, so he is going to spin any little thing that Obama does in a negative way.


So exactly why should nobody question this idea???


You consider Gitmo a little thing?

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but clearly there are problems and abuses going on there.

obama isn't saying release all the terrorists!

he's saying, let's not torture people, that is wrong.

fighting terrorism effectively and justly is the issue.

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Dont get yourself worked up over this, RP is a retarded troll who has no friends. He saw Bush get picked on time and time again, so he is going to spin any little thing that Obama does in a negative way.


Hey Moron, the thread is about John Murtha. Has nothing to do with Obama.

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well, maybe you should've used the name murtha instead.

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Hey Moron, the thread is about John Murtha. Has nothing to do with Obama.


Then how come you bolded obama's name in the article you posted?


A key question facing Obama's new administration is what to do with the 245 prisoners still confined at Guantanamo. That means finding new detention facilities for hard-core prisoners while trying to determine which detainees are harmless enough to release.

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So exactly why should nobody question this idea???


You consider Gitmo a little thing?


I am unsure whether closing it would be a good or bad thing at this current time, i havent heard enough info yet. So i am neither opposed nor for it.

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I am unsure whether closing it would be a good or bad thing at this current time, i havent heard enough info yet. So i am neither opposed nor for it.


so you just wanted to piss and moan about rp, or you smelled just a hint of someone questioning Obama and it made your puzzay tighten up?

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so you just wanted to piss and moan about rp, or you smelled just a hint of someone questioning Obama and it made your puzzay tighten up?


I am a republican, so the first part, I wanted to piss and moan about RP

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I am unsure whether closing it would be a good or bad thing at this current time, i havent heard enough info yet. So i am neither opposed nor for it.


It may have been nice to actually have a plan for what to do with these terrorists before signing the executive order to close Gitmo. Says a lot about what were are in for.


Murtha is a fool though and it is a borderline tragedy that he holds any position in government.

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It may have been nice to actually have a plan for what to do with these terrorists before signing the executive order to close Gitmo. Says a lot about what were are in for.


Murtha is a fool though and it is a borderline tragedy that he holds any position in government.


Thanks for the insight, spermbank.

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Then how come you bolded obama's name in the article you posted?


Because what Shitstain wants to do is move them into minimum security prisons


Focking Morpn.

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Put them in fedral prison on life sentences among the general population. See if we have any civic minded inmates willing to perform a public service.

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I've read Murtha's comments. As usual delbieratly being misquoted. I don't know how/why this always happens to him:




One of the first Democrats in Congress to address the not-in-my-backyard issue directly was Representative John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania, who told reporters this week that terrorism suspects would be no more dangerous in a secure Pennsylvania prison than they were in Cuba.


“There are thousands of dangerous prisoners being held securely behind bars in supermax prisons across the United States,” Mr. Murtha said Friday. He noted, however, that there was no supermax facility in his district.

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Voltaire, the NYTs did a great job editing Murtha's comments. I watched video of him being asked questions. After he made the comment that their are thousands of dangerous ciminals in our prisons already he was asked if he would welcome them in his district.


That is when he said there was only minimum security prisons in his district. He was asked again if he would welcome them in his district and he said certainly he would.


Now, either that means he would put them in minimum security prisons, or just move them in next door to all the rednecks and racists that comprise his district.

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Glen Beck said it best the other day. We should all contribute public funds to build the facility right in Murtha's district and just see how willing he is to have them there. Unreal.....

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