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I've never been a guy to watch tv shows other than reruns of CSI or Law & Order. However, I am now hooked on Burn Notice. This show is great, I can't get enough. I think I have every episode DVR'd. Does anyone else watch this show.....it's the chit man! Michael Weston for President.

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Any thing on Cinamax after 10 PM :pointstosky:

:doh: Only after the little ones go to bed.

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:doh: Only after the little ones go to bed.



And the wife :pointstosky:

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"Mad Men" on AMC.......you can get it on demand.

It is absolutely impossible to stop watching. You should start from season 1.

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Criminal Minds



Two and a Half Men

New Adventures of Old Christine

The Mentalist

West Wing reruns


If I can catch them...I do like Burn Notice, The Closer, Rescue Me.

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i see a little bit of love for sunny around here, that is a show i cannot get enough of. it gets quoted to death around these parts

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Seinfeld. I have every season on dvd, but I still watch it anytime it's on tv.

I actually like watching the Millionaire Matchmaker.

Holmes on Homes

House Detective

A new favorite of mine is Cash Cab.


I flip around until I see something that I like.....Such as....

Pimp My Ride - MTV Cribs - Room Raiders - Parental Control - Rob and Big - Jackass - Viva La Bam.

Another new one called Tool Academy. Some of the girlfriends are hot on that show.



There are more but I can't list them all.

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Really the only 2 shows that I will watch no matter the episode or how many times I have seen it are MASH and The Family Guy.

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Seinfeld. I have every season on dvd, but I still watch it anytime it's on tv.

I actually like watching the Millionaire Matchmaker.

Holmes on Homes

House Detective

A new favorite of mine is Cash Cab.


I flip around until I see something that I like.....Such as....

Pimp My Ride - MTV Cribs - Room Raiders - Parental Control - Rob and Big - Jackass - Viva La Bam.

Another new one called Tool Academy. Some of the girlfriends are hot on that show.



There are more but I can't list them all.


I hope that's not what it sounds like.

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Top Five


1) Breaking Bad

2) Lost

3) Always Sunny

4) Venture Brothers

5) The Office




Season 2 premieres March 8 !

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Top Five


1) Breaking Bad

2) Lost

3) Always Sunny

4) Venture Brothers

5) The Office



i concur

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1. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

2. Family Guy

3. South Park

4. Curb Your Enthusiasm

5. Arrested Development

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Uhhhh ..... SPORTSCENTER? Anyone?


SportsCenter 6 years ago was great, now its ghey.

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"Mad Men" on AMC.......you can get it on demand.

It is absolutely impossible to stop watching. You should start from season 1.


Before the start of last season they had a pretty massive ad campaign and it worked on me. I started watching the show but it didn't do anything for me. Just about anything that takes place pre-1960's i have little interest for. Might be racist or something, but to me that show is about white people and their white problems. I just can't watch a show that doesn't have minority people in there or takes place in a time where racism was rampant. The main dude is a bad ass actor and i liked his character, but a lot of other characters pissed me off. Like his wife, she's a pretentious b1tch. That secretary with the big boobs is annoying as well. I liked that one chick, who was trying to break the glass ceiling. She wasn't that cute. Her story was fairly interesting.


Shows that i DVR are






30 rock


Daily show

colbert report

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