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It always amazes me

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It always amazes me when the Psuedo-libertarian Republicans challenge us liberals Democrats to think for ourselves. Totally ignoring the lock-step ,talking point idiots on their side who have subcontracted their thought process to Rush, Beck, Hannity and the RNC. Democrats do think for themselves or health care reform would already be a fait accompli. This obviously is not a rubberstamp Congress. And liberal Democrats take different views on many issues from abortion to zenophobia. Unlike their litmus-test party.

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if you'd stop and think for once you wouldn't have put this rubbish on a hook



Truth bites doesn't it.

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It always amazes me when the Psuedo-libertarian Republicans challenge us liberals Democrats to think for ourselves. Totally ignoring the lock-step ,talking point idiots on their side who have subcontracted their thought process to Rush, Beck, Hannity and the RNC. Democrats do think for themselves or health care reform would already be a fait accompli. This obviously is not a rubberstamp Congress. And liberal Democrats take different views on many issues from abortion to zenophobia. Unlike their litmus-test party.



you should get your ass kicked for talking like that.

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It always amazes me when the Psuedo-libertarian Republicans challenge us liberals Democrats to think for ourselves. Totally ignoring the lock-step ,talking point idiots on their side who have subcontracted their thought process to Rush, Beck, Hannity and the RNC. Democrats do think for themselves or health care reform would already be a fait accompli. This obviously is not a rubberstamp Congress. And liberal Democrats take different views on many issues from abortion to zenophobia. Unlike their litmus-test party.



The only reason this isn't a rubber stamp Congress is because the Blue Dog Democrats want to stay in Congress and aren't as radical as Pelosi and company. They agree more with moderate conservatives on a fiscal issues than the spending liberals. That's why health care reform is going to fail. They want to keep their cushy job in Washington. If you truly believe any politician, left or right, cares about anything else, you are ignorant in the ways of politics.

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The only reason this isn't a rubber stamp Congress is because the Blue Dog Democrats want to stay in Congress and aren't as radical as Pelosi and company. They agree more with moderate conservatives on a fiscal issues than the spending liberals. That's why health care reform is going to fail. They want to keep their cushy job in Washington. If you truly believe any politician, left or right, cares about anything else, you are ignorant in the ways of politics.





More concerned with their lifestyle then Obama's legacy..


All about self preservation.

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The only reason this isn't a rubber stamp Congress is because the Blue Dog Democrats want to stay in Congress and aren't as radical as Pelosi and company. They agree more with moderate conservatives on a fiscal issues than the spending liberals. That's why health care reform is going to fail. They want to keep their cushy job in Washington. If you truly believe any politician, left or right, cares about anything else, you are ignorant in the ways of politics.


I couldn't agree more. I'm fully aware that politicians put their fingers to the wind when voting. I'm mostly referring to the far right wingers hurling remarks that liberals don't think for themselves and walk lock step and tow the party line. I haven't seen or heard a single Republican counter proposal to anything that I could even contemplate. The party of no says it all.

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I couldn't agree more. I'm fully aware that politicians put their fingers to the wind when voting. I'm mostly referring to the far right wingers hurling remarks that liberals don't think for themselves and walk lock step and tow the party line. I haven't seen or heard a single Republican counter proposal to anything that I could even contemplate. The party of no says it all.



The Democrats have for years acused the Republicans of walking lock step with the party. It's party politics. When one side is in power and the other is trying to get it back, they accuse the other of towing the party line. When Bush had the House and Senate, the democrats went nuclear. Now that the Dems have all the power, the Pubs are going nuclear. The nasty secret in Washington today is; they both love that the country is divided. To them, the bitterness is sweet. Each party has gone so far to the extreme to make their base happy, that they lie to the moderates and hope they believe them. Theres no middle ground anymore as far as the politicians are concerned. And it weakens both parties, but they don't care. It's a fawking game to them. They spend more time in think tank war rooms to decide the best way to defeat each other, rather than coming up with ways to better serve their constituents.


I've had to dig to find out what the Republicans are offering. I'll give you an example of what's wrong with the media today. When Bush had both Houses, he would come out and promote his policies, and the Dems would come out and stand on Capitol Hill that day and denounce whatever policy Bush was promoting and offer an alternative. And CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox would all be there to cover it. Today, now that the Dems are in the White House and own both Houses, the Pubs are coming out to denounce the Dem policies and offering an alternative. Thing is, nobody is there to cover it. It makes it on C-Span, but nobody watches C-Span except die hard political geeks. If you want to know what the Dems are doing, turn on the regular news outlets. If you want to know what the Pubs are doing, turn on Fox. The are the only ones covering it. That is why Hannity, Beck, Rush and the others are doing so well. Just ask them. "Would you wan't the media covering Republicans the way they do the Democrats?" Fawk no!

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I couldn't agree more. I'm fully aware that politicians put their fingers to the wind when voting. I'm mostly referring to the far right wingers hurling remarks that liberals don't think for themselves and walk lock step and tow the party line. I haven't seen or heard a single Republican counter proposal to anything that I could even contemplate. The party of no says it all.

I presume you are referring to health care. I acknowledge that the topic is worth discussing, but why the rush? If we are talking about 1/7 of the economy, shouldn't we take the time to get it right? People object to things like: blind acceptance of a 1000+ page bill, and overt actions to stymie public debate on the topic including establishment of an email site to file "suspicious" objections (a patently un-liberal position, it would seem).

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I presume you are referring to health care. I acknowledge that the topic is worth discussing, but why the rush? If we are talking about 1/7 of the economy, shouldn't we take the time to get it right? People object to things like: blind acceptance of a 1000+ page bill, and overt actions to stymie public debate on the topic including establishment of an email site to file "suspicious" objections (a patently un-liberal position, it would seem).



/thread :music_guitarred:

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It always amazes me when the Psuedo-libertarian Republicans challenge us liberals Democrats to think for ourselves. Totally ignoring the lock-step ,talking point idiots on their side who have subcontracted their thought process to Rush, Beck, Hannity and the RNC. Democrats do think for themselves or health care reform would already be a fait accompli. This obviously is not a rubberstamp Congress. And liberal Democrats take different views on many issues from abortion to zenophobia. Unlike their litmus-test party.


I certainly hope you're not referring to me. :rolleyes:

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I presume you are referring to health care. I acknowledge that the topic is worth discussing, but why the rush? If we are talking about 1/7 of the economy, shouldn't we take the time to get it right? People object to things like: blind acceptance of a 1000+ page bill, and overt actions to stymie public debate on the topic including establishment of an email site to file "suspicious" objections (a patently un-liberal position, it would seem).


This is what is astounding about Obama wanting to rush this turd through.........NONE of it will be implemented intill 2013. Coincidentally, that is just after Obama is up for re-election.


If it's such a crisis that needs to be passed NOW, why do we have to wait until 2013 to reap the benefits of the Genius Obama?

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