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Filthy Fernadez

**Official Week 12 F.U. thread...........

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First Fock You out to Mike Smith from all the Turner/Snelling owners. You royally focked up today and while we're kicking our computers, we're laughing at your misfortune. You rushed this guy back so he could look ineffective today and now you're probably going to lose the guy for a couple more weeks. Congrats u doosh.


Second Fock You out to Bernard Scott. This was another chance to shine and instead you got sand in your labia, leaving the game. SUCK IT UP GOD DAMN IT!!!!!


Third Fock You out to whoever the fock is calling plays out in Houston. You had the Colts on the focking ropes and now the pushing near the goal line, about to take the lead. YOU FOCKING MORON.

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FU RHODDY WHITE. You suck. You are garbage. So is your QB - either one today.


FU Turner - see above.


FU to Warner for sleeping on a cawk last night and having a sore neck. Leinart to Boldin? FML.

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Hasselbeck to TJ combination. Horrible.

I benched Jay Cutler and Miles Austin for you losers, so the FU goes to ME.

Get used to the bench Hass and Housh. You wont see my starting lineup again.

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Bernard Scott for being a poosay and Marvin Lewis for not giving him red zone touches.


Carolina for squandering the talent of Deangelo.


McNabb for sucking once again.

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The entire Falcons organization, and every player on their roster.


Cedric Benson for missing matchups against the freaking Raiders and Browns while I'm fighting for playoff position.


Kurt Warner for being old and fragile.


And a pre-emptive FU to Matt Leinart for destroying Fitz's production this week.

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Another FOCK YOU out to Houston O.C. You focking cost me big time today you fock. Probably won't make the playoffs now. Thanks a focking pantload, you azzclown.


**edit: Schaub garbage TD helps (along with SJax TD) but this FOCK YOU stands.

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FU to Brent Celek - Dropped balls and running bad routes. Might as well give a big FU to McNabb AND Vick for throwing bad passes to him each in today's game. Most recent one should have been a TD but was thrown too wide. :lol:

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FU to Carson Palmer. 110yds against the f'n Browns? Are you kidding me? You f'n lick meat.


FU Kurt Warner. Thanks to your 'sore neck' (probably more like a sore jaw), I had to start Carson Palmer. Could have got as many points out of Carson Daly.


FU Jason Witten and your game time decision BS. Go suck someone.

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FU to Carson Palmer. 110yds against the f'n Browns? Are you kidding me? You f'n lick meat.


FU Kurt Warner. Thanks to your 'sore neck' (probably more like a sore jaw), I had to start Carson Palmer. Could have got as many points out of Carson Daly.


FU Jason Witten and your game time decision BS. Go suck someone.



I have stated this many times before. Witten has listed as starting on nfl.com on Wednesday. He was a go one day before the game. Your statement is incorrect.

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Oh yeah and an enormous F.U. to me for trading away Brady for McNabb early in the season when the Pats offense looked pretty bad. That decision pretty much sealed my fate this year. Slim chance of making the playoffs now that McNabb will likely lead me to another loss today.

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As my opponents started the Jets D, a quadruple FU... one for each pick... to Jake Delhomme for singlehandedly keeping him in the game! :lol:


If that's the case, I also want to give another FU to the Houston O-line and Matt Schaub for keeping my opponent in the game. 2 INT's (one a pick-6) and a fumble by the Schaub :lol:

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FU Carson Palmer...10 points against the Browns WTF


FU Fred Jackson for not telling me to start you


FU Bengals DST...20+ points combined in weeks 9-10 against Baltimore and Pitt on my bench. 8 combined points against OAK and CLE in weeks 11-12 in my starting lineup. WTF


FU Andre Johnson for dropping an easy TD. 11 points going against a rookie CB...not acceptable dude

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FU Bengals DST...20+ points combined in weeks 9-10 against Baltimore and Pitt on my bench. 8 combined points against OAK and CLE in weeks 11-12 in my starting lineup. WTF


FU Andre Johnson for dropping an easy TD. 11 points going against a rookie CB...not acceptable dude


You mind throwing those twice as I'd like to second these two?


Bengals DEF sucked azz last week and this week.


And AJ......as a Schaub owner I needed those points man. :lol:

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FU Housh



FU ADP.. Fumbles, then you don't see the field second series.. I am prepared for your worst game as a pro today..

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F U Matt Shaub choke artist played way too conservitave second half no killer instinct. Also F U Cardinals for waiting till just before gametime to announce Warner was out. Now Im stuck with Boldin luckey if he gets 5 points with that slug Leinhart at QB.

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FU Roethlisberger. My most consistent WRs are Ward and Holmes. I have no idea what Dennis Dixon will do and I need a win to make my playoffs. :doublethumbsup:

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FU to Lovie Smith. Not only did you throw 6 straight times on that drive, but you didn't even have Forte in for a single play there. You're a dooshnozzle, way to destroy any value Forte could have had in a PPR league. Fock you! :doublethumbsup:


ETA: Well, you throw it 17 times, run it 4 times and you can't be surprised when Cutler throws another red zone pick. Fock you Lovie, you jackass.

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FU Titans and Vince Young...im a Bironas owner


4th and 8 at the 35, should be a 52 yard field goal attempt for Bironas and they decide to go for it. They get it. Then with 8 seconds left Vince decides to run around like a retard until the clock expires preventing any chance at points and what would have been an easy 30-something yard FG. Thanks alot

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An FU to psunate77 for being a AP hater...week, after week, after week, after week.......along with his buddies that think Favre is killing him! :wall:



Yeah, his 8.4 points over the last 2 weeks is stud like..

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I'm really more heartbroken than angry. What I feel like saying to my players is not so much "F.U." as "Why have you done this to me? Have I hurt you in some way?" However, before someone else says it, I will acknowledge that I need to man it up, pull it together, and give some of these guys a blast of masculine rage.


F.U. Hasselbeck. I clogged my roster while you were injured, waiting for you to come back and be the elite QB the Fantasy sites said you were. Instead, I've fallen from 6-1 to 6-6 because you can't outscore my kicker. You needed a late surge to pass for 100 yds against St Louis? Buddy, it's about time to put the cleats in a display case in your den and join your brother and sister on TV.


F.U. Chad Johnson. Yeah, Johnson. I'm not going to go along with your gimmicky name change anymore. You don't deserve it. Do you have one mouth and two hands, or two mouths and one hand? It must be the latter, the way you talk all week and then disappear on Sunday. Against the Browns too.


F.U. Andre Johnson. If you'd hung onto that certain TD, you wouldn't have lost, Kubiak's job wouldn't be on the line, and I wouldn't have written off my game before 3pm. Go room with Slaton; you're two peas in a pod.

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As my opponents started the Jets D, a quadruple FU... one for each pick... to Jake Delhomme for singlehandedly keeping him in the game! :overhead:


And I know its not fair, but FU to Malcolm Floyd for not being able to get that last yard and find the end zone... That's 13 points I can really use right about now...

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FOCK YOU a little $20 league i play in :bench: When Garrard gets 43 points when he was 25-36 for 307 yards and 0 TDs :overhead: It makes the scrub QBs just as dam good as Peyton, Brees and Brady :unsure:


other week Cutler got 36 pts for a 200 yard game with 5 INTS <_<

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FOCK YOU a little $20 league i play in :bench: When Garrard gets 43 points when he was 25-36 for 307 yards and 0 TDs :overhead: It makes the scrub QBs just as dam good as Peyton, Brees and Brady :unsure:


other week Cutler got 36 pts for a 200 yard game with 5 INTS <_<

dont play in goofy leagues that use crazy scoring bonuses for yard totals and other qualifiers. There is something to be said for a nice calm standard league.

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dont play in goofy leagues that use crazy scoring bonuses for yard totals and other qualifiers. There is something to be said for a nice calm standard league.



yea i agree and they want me to play in a $100 league with same dam scoring system :pointstosky: After this year with these ridiculous scoring crap i said im OUT dont want the spot :doublethumbsup:

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I would also like so send out a huge FU to Vincent Jackson. 5 catches in the last 3 weeks? I think it's safe to call him exactly what he is, a #3/borderline #2 WR. This was your big 'bouncback' week against the pitiful Chefs remember? Go F yourself. You are now benched in favor of whatever scrub I can find on waivers.


Oh, once again, FU Carson Palmer and your 110yds against the Browns.

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FOCK YOU a little $20 league i play in :nono: When Garrard gets 43 points when he was 25-36 for 307 yards and 0 TDs :doublethumbsup: It makes the scrub QBs just as dam good as Peyton, Brees and Brady :overhead:


other week Cutler got 36 pts for a 200 yard game with 5 INTS :pointstosky:

What the hell kind of league is that?


A big FU to me for not trading Cedric Benson for Chris Johnson when I had the chance. I'm gonna regret that one big time in the playoffs.

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What the hell kind of league is that?


A big FU to me for not trading Cedric Benson for Chris Johnson when I had the chance. I'm gonna regret that one big time in the playoffs.

CJ will be money in the playoffs........dude is on a mission and will play 100% the entire season. big time fu for not getting him

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What the hell kind of league is that?


A big FU to me for not trading Cedric Benson for Chris Johnson when I had the chance. I'm gonna regret that one big time in the playoffs.



its a dam BUSH LEAGUE :pointstosky:



yea i would probably be throwing some SH!T if i turned down that trade :doublethumbsup:

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F.U. to Turner/Falcons - for making me start you instead of Fred Jackson, who I picked up specifically to start this week thinking you'd be inactive again.


F.U. to Jennings for teasing me in Week 11 and making me think I'd been smart to keep starting you all year.


F.U. to P. Manning and Schaub, my 2 starting QB's, for your 5 combined turnovers which may make the difference in my tight must win game this week. Solid weeks by both, other than the god damn turnovers!!!


And F.U. to Brett Farve. I don't own you, nor did I play against you. I just hate you.

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CJ will be money in the playoffs........dude is on a mission and will play 100% the entire season. big time fu for not getting him

Yep. The trade was on the table during CJ's bye week and I was playing the CJ owner that week. I turned it down because I would have gotten an almost guaranteed loss that week and Tennessee was coming off that 59-0 thrashing against New England and I wasn't sure what Tennessee's offense was gonna be looking like moving forward. Big, big mistake. If I had made that trade I would literally be running away with my league right now behind a 1-2-3 combo of CJ, MJD, and Gore :wall: :cry:

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FU Replay(even though u were right)


Steve Smith td-overturned

Tomlinson td at the 1 -replay could not overturn

Schaub to AJ- overturned

3 possible tds down the pooper


Balt D - 2 points vs pitt's back ups

wayne 6 points

smith 0 points

Boldin average

Forte-same as always but i have no rb3

DE Williams---been a while since last td


Gates was the only player who did poop 4 me

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I would also like so send out a huge FU to Vincent Jackson. 5 catches in the last 3 weeks? I think it's safe to call him exactly what he is, a #3/borderline #2 WR. This was your big 'bouncback' week against the pitiful Chefs remember? Go F yourself. You are now benched in favor of whatever scrub I can find on waivers.


Oh, once again, FU Carson Palmer and your 110yds against the Browns.


Still an FU to Rhoddy White - FU you bastard for getting a TD that I didn't see to win the game. It still doesn't make up for the fact that you suck azz and can't get over a bill - you either get 200 or jack it seems.


FU Ochosucko - You are Marshawn Lynch bench status. First off, you worked out incredibly for the offseason, but forgot you played with Palmer - can't ever get 100 yards, can't ever get the red zone looks, are worthless, and oh yeah, did I mention you're rotated with Laverneus FOCKING Coles?! Just awful. I used to think you'd get back to WR1 status.


VJax - Did someone in my big money league trade Vjax for AJ? Christ. Just end the world. I love how SD can put up 30+ points and Vjax has what - 4 this week? FYL dude. Just FYL. 2 weeks in a row they score 30 plus and you are NOWHERE. It's cool though, let all your other receivers go big.



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FU goes out to Turner & the Falcons for bringing this guy back too early.

FU goes out to me for starting Turner & leaving ________ on the bench! (all my RBs scored more, pick one)

FU goes out to Houston for letting Indy back into the game!

FU goes out to my oppnt. this week who has 122 pts. with 2 to go.....his highest pt. total so far this yr. has been 113! Figures he'd produce against me.....just been one of those yrs!

FU goes out to Stover......I can't seem to find a PK worth a schit!


side bar - A special holiday edition F U goes out to the douche bag at Wal-Mart this past Friday for trying to sneak in line for a PC, only to get called out by Yours Truely & being made to go to the end of the line! I hope you had to settle for pen & paper....azzhat!

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Matt Hasselbeck can go bang himself....just over 100 yds passing? Seriously???


Cincy DST can bugger each other...2 straight weeks of crap performances; and I left GB on my bench.....

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FU Andre Johnson for dropping an easy TD. 11 points going against a rookie CB...not acceptable dude


Since I have Schaub as well, this doubly focked me. Probably the difference between winning and losing this week.


I would also like to add another FU to Nick Folk. The missed FG was a 5 point swing.

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