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***Official Week 17 Eagles vs. Cowboys thread***

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Dallas' ability to run the ball pretty much dictated the game. Conversely, their ability to keep Romo upright and negate the rush off the ends pretty much sealed the fate of the Eagles.


On the other side of the ball, the Eagles offensive gameplan flat out sucked. As I said before, Westbrook's inclusion into the offense threw everything off. If he was the player of old, with that burst, this would not be an issue. It's pretty evident that he's not, and that McCoy is the best they have at tailback right now.


IMO, McCoy needs to start next weekend. I think if you get McCoy in a one-on-one situation with any Dallas LB, he'll win.


Dallas outplayed and outcoached the Eagles in every facet of the game today. Methinks Reid will not let that happen again. He better not if he wants the game to even remotely be close next Sunday.


And "playoff" McNabb has to show up next Sunday as well.



The Boys better find a Texas sized lasoo for Celek next week. They didn't have a clue today, at key times when the game was still close.

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Your post is the perfect description of the word loser.


Considering my post was about McNabb, I tend to agree.

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The Boys better find a Texas sized lasoo for Celek next week. They didn't have a clue today, at key times when the game was still close.


Yea, like when McNabb over threw DeSean Jackson on what should have been a TD and when he threw the ball behind a wide open Jeremy Maclin for what otherwise would have been another key play. I guess you give McNabb a free pass on those miscues though. And how bout that snap he fumbled away?


Celek just had 7 grabs for 96 yards in a game in which the Eagles put up zero points. It's gonna take more than Brent Celek for the Eagles to win next week. McNabb is gonna have to show up.

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Was up at a restaurant on Collins after the game, down the street from the DeathStar. The place was packed with Cowboy fans. The real ones who actually go to the games, not the internet sock puppets. It's funny, for the first time ever I sensed that most of them had a strong dose of reality. That next week wasn't going to be a picnic.


No Super Bowl talk, no bandwagon hopping, it's like they've been disappointed for too long and they won't believe it until they see it. I don't think they quite trust this yet, from a fans viewpoint.


Anyhow, blowout or not today they are going to have their hands full next week. One of the tough things to do in football is to beat a team two weeks in a row, the last week of the season and the first playoff game. I've been to two of these as a Raider fan, both were wins. Against Denver in 1993, and up in Oakland against the Jets in 2001 (NY was the Raiders first game that year, but got postponed to week 17 because of 9/11.) Both games were the back end of home and home for the Nation, and both were blowouts. I think Dallas will have their hands full, though the short week will help them more.

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Today's performance really doesn't mean anything in terms of what will happen next week. The Eagles are very capable of winning next week. They are a good enough team to accomplish that. As far as today goes though, they were awful in a big game. The path to the Super Bowl would have been so much easier had they locked up the #2 seed. They didn't show up today.


Now as a result, should they beat Dallas next week, it will be fun as an Eagles fan to hoot and holler and be able to hold it over Dallas fans head's, but it won't mean anything if they don't win the following week and then the week after that - both of which they would have to accomplish on the road. I hope they pull it off, but they really f*cked themselves today.

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Yea, like when McNabb over threw DeSean Jackson on what should have been a TD and when he threw the ball behind a wide open Jeremy Maclin for what otherwise would have been another key play. I guess you give McNabb a free pass on those miscues though. And how bout that snap he fumbled away?


Celek just had 7 grabs for 96 yards in a game in which the Eagles put up zero points. It's gonna take more than Brent Celek for the Eagles to win next week. McNabb is gonna have to show up.



No doubt, that remains a given. But if they're making those plays in the red zone, instead of dropping third and long passes or fumbling snaps at the five yd line, Celek is going to be gold at the goal line. Let's assume they won't give the game away again next week by dropping those passes and fumbling snaps.


LJ Smith used to make a living down there, and Brent Celek has hands I ain't seen on a tight end since Dave Casper. Well, maybe besides Dallas Clark. There's NOBODY on the Dallas defense which can guard him with any efficiency. Certainly not Carpenter and definitely not Hamlin.


Dallas has been a team lately which has been real tough to stop once they get a head of steam going. One or two plays go differently in the first half, and this game could've had an entirely different make-up.


Just sayin.

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The Boys better find a Texas sized lasoo for Celek next week. They didn't have a clue today, at key times when the game was still close.

Son, I've seen damn near every Cowboys' game since 1975 - I'm as real as a "Real" fan as it gets. Doesn't mean I go to the games in person. Yea, been twice this year and plenty over the years - but one doesn't have to be there for them to be a legit fan. Celek? Yes, he was good. But maybe Philly is the one who should figure out a way to stop our defensive line, penetrate our offensive line, jenkins, Romo, Witten, Crayton, Austin, and J. Ratliff - cuz all of those guys/people contributed to a total Eagles' ass whipping. Celek contributed to an offensive performance of zero points.... Ever consider that Dallas game planned and said Philly's TE could have his catches here and there long as the speedsters didn't burn us deep, or for a score?

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In big games I base the outcome on 3 things:


1. Homefield-edge Dallas

2. QB-edge Philly

3. Coaching Staff-edge Philly


This is a giant game for Romo. I just have no faith in him.

How bout now?

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Dallas vs. Philadelphia


2009 week 9

McNabb 16/30 for 227 1 TD 2 Ints.

McCoy 13 for 54 & 5 for 61 0 TDs

Maclin 3 for 44 0 TDs

D Jackson 2 for 29 0 TDs



2009 week 17

McNabb 20/36 for 227 0 TDs 0 Ints.

Westbrook 5 for 17 & 4 for 20 0 TDs

Maclin 3 for 47 0 TDs

D Jackson 3 for 47 0 TDs



McNabb and the Eagles skill position players can't get it done against Dallas D.


How's that going to change in a week?

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Dallas vs. Philadelphia


2009 week 9

McNabb 16/30 for 227 1 TD 2 Ints.

McCoy 13 for 54 & 5 for 61 0 TDs

Maclin 3 for 44 0 TDs

D Jackson 2 for 29 0 TDs



2009 week 17

McNabb 20/36 for 227 0 TDs 0 Ints.

Westbrook 5 for 17 & 4 for 20 0 TDs

Maclin 3 for 47 0 TDs

D Jackson 3 for 47 0 TDs



McNabb and the Eagles skill position players can't get it done against Dallas D.


How's that going to change in a week?

as long as you have speedsters/play-makers like philly has, it can change. they missed on a wide open jackson, had some drops, and a botched snap. yes, we deserve credit for some of that and we had our own farts. romo missed ogletree just as bad as mcnabb missed jackson, the no-call offensive int was crap, the bullshiat holding call on gerode, and the defelected red-zone int - calls and events pretty much evened out. but philly is still very dangerous - but i like our chances.

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I wish i had a chance to get in this thread earlier to respond to this clown. Now everyone will just say hindsight is 20/20. Luckily, other people refuted ghost a few times.


So how is it that both teams are even on special teams, even though the Eagles have Jackson returning punts? He's the pro bowl return guy for the NFC. How can that not be an advantage? Additionally, Dallas in on their second placekicker of the season. Folk got cut in favor of a guy who couldn't kick in Washington. The Eagles have David Akers, whom I believe was voted to the Pro Bowl.


Care to rethink that one again?


Prior to this game, mcbriar had 37 punts inside the 20 and only TWO were touchbacks. This man is a machine. This whole season, the cowboys special team "defense" has been great. Buehler set the cowboys touchback record. Hard to get a big play return when you start 5 yards deep in your own end zone. FG kicking is no doubt an eagles advantage, but i think you give jackson too much credit. Explosive, elusive, exciting all describe Jackson, but i would take the cowboys punt team 9 times out of 10 over jackson.


Do you care to rethink that one again?



Philly 45

Dallas 42


Offense all over the field. Dallas will lose because the PK will miss 2 FGs during the game.


Other than the giants, no team has put up more than 21 points on the cowboys. But of course, philly was bound to not only break that streak, but more than double it. Again, its clear you know nothing about the cowboys.


The last time the Cowboys faced an opponent three times was 1998 and they beat Arizona in both regular season matchups, that was when 'Zona was in the NFC East.


But when the Cowboys faced 'Zona in the postseason, they lost 20-7 in the NFC wild card game at home.


Again, you show your lack of knowledge.


See, i dont try to breakdown the eagles as much because i don't know them well enough. But, i definitely know them better than you know the cowboys. Throughout this thread, your lack of knowledge is obvious.

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Romo - 23/37 280 yds, 2 tds, 1 int


I'm not one to toot my own horn, but this was pretty good.


Actual stats


24/34 311 yds, 2tds, 1 int

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Gotta hand it to the Cowboys, they dominated the game in every facet. They seem to have the Eagles number this year as they pretty much dominated both games (even though the first one was close). They have all the momentum and, really, should whoop the Eagles again on Saturday.


Big Ups Cowboys fans, your team is playing very, very well.

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Son, I've seen damn near every Cowboys' game since 1975 - I'm as real as a "Real" fan as it gets. Doesn't mean I go to the games in person. Yea, been twice this year and plenty over the years - but one doesn't have to be there for them to be a legit fan. Celek? Yes, he was good. But maybe Philly is the one who should figure out a way to stop our defensive line, penetrate our offensive line, jenkins, Romo, Witten, Crayton, Austin, and J. Ratliff - cuz all of those guys/people contributed to a total Eagles' ass whipping. Celek contributed to an offensive performance of zero points.... Ever consider that Dallas game planned and said Philly's TE could have his catches here and there long as the speedsters didn't burn us deep, or for a score?



SON??? If this is the case you must be a true certified blue-hair... Wasn't really asking for fan resumes, but since you brought it up I watched the Hail Mary game as a kid. What was thrown onto the field as Drew Pearson made the catch? Better than that, I remember watching the 26-3 ass kicking George Allen gave the Boys in the playoffs during Miami's perfect season. I'm no Cowboys fan but I respect the fact you most certainly are and also have 20,000 plus posts on this board. OK?


But I AM going to revisit your post when Celek torches the Cowboys asses in the red zone next week. Of COURSE you're going to game plan around a guy you have no answer for. :bandana:


And like I said, a couple plays here and there early in the game and it is an entirely different matter. The Boys recent success has them jumping out to early leads and rolling. I'd like to see how Romes reacts in pressure situations come these playoffs. It's really the only true way he'll get that monkey off his back here in Big D. As a local fan, you should know what I'm saying.

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SON??? If this is the case you must be a true certified blue-hair... Wasn't really asking for fan resumes, but since you brought it up I watched the Hail Mary game as a kid. What was thrown onto the field as Drew Pearson made the catch? Better than that, I remember watching the 26-3 ass kicking George Allen gave the Boys in the playoffs during Miami's perfect season. I'm no Cowboys fan but I respect the fact you most certainly are and also have 20,000 plus posts on this board. OK?


But I AM going to revisit your post when Celek torches the Cowboys asses in the red zone next week. Of COURSE you're going to game plan around a guy you have no answer for. :doublethumbsup:


And like I said, a couple plays here and there early in the game and it is an entirely different matter. The Boys recent success has them jumping out to early leads and rolling. I'd like to see how Romes reacts in pressure situations come these playoffs. It's really the only true way he'll get that monkey off his back here in Big D. As a local fan, you should know what I'm saying.

i couldnt agree more. the Cowboys are playing hot right now. thats what you want going into the playoffs. BUT, Romo and the Cowboys have everything to prove from here on out.


im not for a second writing off the eagles. i dont see as many dropped passes or bobbled snaps by philly. and this team is always dangerous.


the thing i keep coming back too is: the Cowboys ran the ball down the eagles throats, and their defense kept philly off balance. can philly overcome this Saturday night? maybe, but i'm seeing Dallas getting the playoff monkey off their backs. ball control, and pressure on mcnabb.

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But I AM going to revisit your post when Celek torches the Cowboys asses in the red zone next week. Of COURSE you're going to game plan around a guy you have no answer for. :doublethumbsup:


we were talking about this yesterday at halftime.


back in the late 90s/early 00s, dallas had one of the best scoring defenses in the league. teams would routinely rack up 400+yds of offense between the 20s, but only score 13 points. since dallas had no offense, they lost a lot of games 13-10, 9-7, and so forth. what makes this work is properly identifying scoring threats, and dealing with those scoring threats. here's a truth of NFL defensive schemes these days--it is almost impossible to take away everything, especially against an offense as good as philadelphia's.


if you go back and look at the drive chart, you'll note that philadelphia's field position was consistently bad. so what does this mean for the scheme? it means that all game long, their scoring threats were limited almost exclusively to the wideouts and the screen game--quite simply, celek is not a viable scoring threat between the 20s. as with the riunning game, he becomes one as field position improves. so scheme-wise, dallas surrendered big chinks of yardage to celek in the middle of the field in order to avoid big scoring plays. they had the luxury of doing this because they completely shut down the run game and the screen game--philadelphia's drive-sustaining weapons.


personally, i think the cowboys schemed exactly right--stop the run game and stop the big plays. you'll note that celek had a huge percentage of mcnabb's passing yardage. if dallas wasn't consistently shutting down the run, this would be dangerous, but his yardage was meaningless because philadelphia couldn't accomplish anything with it. he can gash the defense all day, but unless he can put them in the red zone, none of that matters.


once inside the red zone (which philadelphia seldom was), he becomes a significant scoring threat, but the WRs recede in importance because of field compression. at that point, i think you will see the cowboys scheming primarily for celek.

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And like I said, a couple plays here and there early in the game and it is an entirely different matter. The Boys recent success has them jumping out to early leads and rolling. I'd like to see how Romes reacts in pressure situations come these playoffs. It's really the only true way he'll get that monkey off his back here in Big D. As a local fan, you should know what I'm saying.


This is pretty dumb. You can say this about 75% of nfl games. Every game is a couple of breaks from being a "an entirely different matter."


And as far as the rest of it, haters will never be happy. Win in december. Win a playoff game. Win a pressure game with a come back. Win 2 playoff games. Thats not enough, win the super bowl. Wait, still not, put up mvp type stats. Well, still not enough. He has to lead the cowboys from a 21 point deficit with 6 minutes left to a victory.


Are you seriously blaming him for playing good at the beginning of a game? Ridiculous.

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This is pretty dumb. You can say this about 75% of nfl games. Every game is a couple of breaks from being a "an entirely different matter."


And as far as the rest of it, haters will never be happy. Win in december. Win a playoff game. Win a pressure game with a come back. Win 2 playoff games. Thats not enough, win the super bowl. Wait, still not, put up mvp type stats. Well, still not enough. He has to lead the cowboys from a 21 point deficit with 6 minutes left to a victory.


Are you seriously blaming him for playing good at the beginning of a game? Ridiculous.

yeah and romo has to win 7 rings and walk on water and cure cancer to get respect from haters.

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This is pretty dumb. You can say this about 75% of nfl games. Every game is a couple of breaks from being a "an entirely different matter."


And as far as the rest of it, haters will never be happy. Win in december. Win a playoff game. Win a pressure game with a come back. Win 2 playoff games. Thats not enough, win the super bowl. Wait, still not, put up mvp type stats. Well, still not enough. He has to lead the cowboys from a 21 point deficit with 6 minutes left to a victory.


Are you seriously blaming him for playing good at the beginning of a game? Ridiculous.


First of all, I wasn't referring to 75% of nfl games, but yesterday's Dallas Philly game at the DeathStar.


As for Romo, hey look buddy, I'm just sayin... I've been hearing it here in DFW for years. On the nightly news, at work, on sports talk radio, in the papers, at Christmas... etc. I'm only saying what is being expected of this guy from his own fans. I'm personally a big Romo guy, as I appreciate where this team would be without him. I REMEMBER where they were before 2006. Anthony Wright, Clint Stoerner, Ryan Leaf, Quincy Carter, Chad Hutchinson, The Vin Man, Bledsoe. This team was wandering the desert, looking for a glass of water at quarterback. That's ALL people talked of, who is the next guy to replace Aikman?


So along comes Romo, who's just a guy out of Eastern Illinois, and their QB nightmares are over. I mean, how often does THAT happen? Everything this guy does is gravy if I'm a Cowboy fan. But all they want to talk about is him botching a snap with a slickdowned football. Or his record in December. Some fans know it didn't matter about the snap as Hasselback would've taken the Hawks right back down the field anyhow. Or they know how much of the December woes were just as much the fault of the defense.


But that's how it is here in Dallas. And Romes has handled ALL of it with professionalism and class. The Jessica crap, the T.O. controversies, tools like Ed Werter snaking around Valley Ranch, the guy's got class.


And the thing is, he ain't half bad as a Quarterback either.

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yeah and romo has to win 7 rings and walk on water and cure cancer to get respect from haters.



You better pull up your trousers and back away from the guy... Most of those haters live in DFW.

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I could see the Eagles offense having big trouble this week with Jamaal Jackson out and Ratliff having such a good year. If the Cowboys get pressure up the middle, that will force McNabb to scramble, and if he is limited by his hamstring then he will be in big trouble. If the Eagles can't throw the ball, they won't be able to run the ball, because they are not a team who will just line up and pound you with the run. Their passing game sets up their running game.


On defense, the Eagles need to address three things from the first Cowboy game. The razorback, the WR screen to Ogletree, and the delayed draw. All three of these were effective in helping the Cowboys move the ball. Remember, Austin had no catches until the big TD in the 4th quarter.


This game will really depend on how well the Eagles play early because if they get behind in a hostile environment, I think they will have a hard time coming back in light of their injury situation.


Either Dallas wins big, or the Eagles win a close one.


Dallas 34-10 if the Eagles get behind early, Eagles 27-23 if the Eagles don't fall behind in the first half.

I thought I did pretty good on this prediction.


Thoughts from last week's game:

-Eagles defense is really feeling the effects of three off-season events: The death of Jim Johnson, Dawkins leaving in free agency, and Stewart Bradley going out for the season. Their run defense is soft as Dallas lineman are tying up the smaller Philly lineman and linebackers, and the Philly safeties don't support the run defense the way Dawkins did. The Philly linebackers or safeties are not covering Witten adequately, and haven't been able to cover TE's all year. Finally the lack of blitzes in the first half gave Romo plenty of time to be comfortable and accurate with his throws. On offense, once again, Andy Reid abandoned any attempts to try to run the ball with Westbrook, McCoy, or Weaver. This made the Eagles offense one dimensional which the Cowboys were able to handle thanks to good coverage, and a few misses by McNabb. The Eagles line actually gave McNabb enough time to throw most of the game, the Eagles just weren't able to take advantage.


Thoughts on this weeks game:

-The Eagles are going to need to get off to a better start both offensively and defensively. On offense they are going to probably need one, if not two, big TD plays from Jackson and/or Maclin, because the Dallas defense is not going to give up many long drives. On defense, they are going to have to be risky and blitz a lot more. This could help stop the pass and the run, but could give up more big plays. The Eagles have to risk it because right now if they sit back, Dallas will pick them apart the way they did last week.


Thoughts on the Coaches:

-I think both coaches should be shot for playing their starting QB's in the last 5 minutes of a 24-0 game. Reid could say he was trying to find some rhythm, but what good is rhythm when you are playing against a prevent defense. As for Phillips playing Romo, when he already had a sore back, what was the point? You may be able to justify it if all he was doing was handing off the ball, but the Cowboys were still throwing the ball. If Romo had gotten hurt, and it ultimately cost the Cowboys this weeks game, Phillips would have definitely been run out of town.


-While I think overall the Cowboys have more talent this year, they have also outcoached the Eagles in both games this year.


Prediction for this week:

-While it would not surprise me to see the Eagles win this week, I do think the Cowboys match up very well with the Eagles and will win 24-14.


-Interesting stats going into the game: Andy Reid 7-0 in Opening playoff games, Wade Phillips 0-4 record in playoff games, Donovan McNabb 9-6 in the playoffs, Tony Romo 0-2 in the playoffs. What that says to me is Reid knows what buttons to push to get his team ready in the playoffs and Wade Phillips has not figured that out yet. Despite that, I stick with my above prediction based on the matchups of the two teams.

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I thought I did pretty good on this prediction.


Thoughts from last week's game:

-Eagles defense is really feeling the effects of three off-season events: The death of Jim Johnson, Dawkins leaving in free agency, and Stewart Bradley going out for the season. Their run defense is soft as Dallas lineman are tying up the smaller Philly lineman and linebackers, and the Philly safeties don't support the run defense the way Dawkins did. The Philly linebackers or safeties are not covering Witten adequately, and haven't been able to cover TE's all year. Finally the lack of blitzes in the first half gave Romo plenty of time to be comfortable and accurate with his throws. On offense, once again, Andy Reid abandoned any attempts to try to run the ball with Westbrook, McCoy, or Weaver. This made the Eagles offense one dimensional which the Cowboys were able to handle thanks to good coverage, and a few misses by McNabb. The Eagles line actually gave McNabb enough time to throw most of the game, the Eagles just weren't able to take advantage.


Thoughts on this weeks game:

-The Eagles are going to need to get off to a better start both offensively and defensively. On offense they are going to probably need one, if not two, big TD plays from Jackson and/or Maclin, because the Dallas defense is not going to give up many long drives. On defense, they are going to have to be risky and blitz a lot more. This could help stop the pass and the run, but could give up more big plays. The Eagles have to risk it because right now if they sit back, Dallas will pick them apart the way they did last week.


Thoughts on the Coaches:

-I think both coaches should be shot for playing their starting QB's in the last 5 minutes of a 24-0 game. Reid could say he was trying to find some rhythm, but what good is rhythm when you are playing against a prevent defense. As for Phillips playing Romo, when he already had a sore back, what was the point? You may be able to justify it if all he was doing was handing off the ball, but the Cowboys were still throwing the ball. If Romo had gotten hurt, and it ultimately cost the Cowboys this weeks game, Phillips would have definitely been run out of town.


-While I think overall the Cowboys have more talent this year, they have also outcoached the Eagles in both games this year.


Prediction for this week:

-While it would not surprise me to see the Eagles win this week, I do think the Cowboys match up very well with the Eagles and will win 24-14.


-Interesting stats going into the game: Andy Reid 7-0 in Opening playoff games, Wade Phillips 0-4 record in playoff games, Donovan McNabb 9-6 in the playoffs, Tony Romo 0-2 in the playoffs. What that says to me is Reid knows what buttons to push to get his team ready in the playoffs and Wade Phillips has not figured that out yet. Despite that, I stick with my above prediction based on the matchups of the two teams.

Good thoughts - I agree. Few notes of to add:


* Dallas was obviously the more physical team, just flat out dominated both lines of scrimmages. But I think a huge key to slowing down Philly's explosive offense, was our kicking game. Jackson never had a chance to return a kickoff and the few punts he got were just spectacular in pinning him back. This is a really big and overlooked key to what happened Sunday. The Iggs live and die on the big play - when they have to create offense or drives, they struggle.


* Rick "Goose" Gosselin was just on a local radio show. Was saying look for Vick to be not only active this week, but a significant part of the offense maybe. Said Philly has no chance to run the ball on Dallas, but Vick could add an element we've not seen - and more importantly, slow down our pass rush. No idea if this has any teeth, but we will see.


* For the 1st time in seems like forever, Dallas finally figured out to fill and rush McNabb from up the middle in addtion to the outside. #5 has killed us over and over again over the years by stepping up in the pocket and either running or finding somebody downfield. We need to continue this.


* We have to eleminate the penalties. You can not give back 1st downs or chunks of yards against the Iggs - specially now.


* Yes, Reid is hugely successful in 1st round games, and Wade has pretty much sucked. And yes it is hard to beat a team 3 times in a year. That being said, of the 19 times that scenerio has presented itself - teams who had been up 2 going into the third game, they won that game 12 of the 19 times. Reid, although prolly his most explosive offensive unit he's had, prolly also his weakest defense he's had in this situation, and for sure very young. Wade, no question his best and hottest team he's ever had heading into this situation.


Dallas is not only not a fraid of Philly anymore, they can't wait to get their hands back on them. They are not walking around cocky, but have a tremendous amount of confidence in each other and what they can bring............ We need to take care of business, and I think we will - we also need to make sure we don't put the game in our kickers hands, or foot so-to-speak.


Philly - 17


Dallas - 24

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Fun facts about the eagles



They're the only team left that hasn't beaten a play-off team. You want to know what I think it is? That team has no leaders left, they're all gone, makes you wonder why everyone thinks they'll win instead of us.


Dallas 31 eagles 13

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Good thoughts - I agree. Few notes of to add:


* Dallas was obviously the more physical team, just flat out dominated both lines of scrimmages. But I think a huge key to slowing down Philly's explosive offense, was our kicking game. Jackson never had a chance to return a kickoff and the few punts he got were just spectacular in pinning him back. This is a really big and overlooked key to what happened Sunday. The Iggs live and die on the big play - when they have to create offense or drives, they struggle.


* Rick "Goose" Gosselin was just on a local radio show. Was saying look for Vick to be not only active this week, but a significant part of the offense maybe. Said Philly has no chance to run the ball on Dallas, but Vick could add an element we've not seen - and more importantly, slow down our pass rush. No idea if this has any teeth, but we will see.


* For the 1st time in seems like forever, Dallas finally figured out to fill and rush McNabb from up the middle in addtion to the outside. #5 has killed us over and over again over the years by stepping up in the pocket and either running or finding somebody downfield. We need to continue this.


* We have to eleminate the penalties. You can not give back 1st downs or chunks of yards against the Iggs - specially now.


* Yes, Reid is hugely successful in 1st round games, and Wade has pretty much sucked. And yes it is hard to beat a team 3 times in a year. That being said, of the 19 times that scenerio has presented itself - teams who had been up 2 going into the third game, they won that game 12 of the 19 times. Reid, although prolly his most explosive offensive unit he's had, prolly also his weakest defense he's had in this situation, and for sure very young. Wade, no question his best and hottest team he's ever had heading into this situation.


Dallas is not only not a fraid of Philly anymore, they can't wait to get their hands back on them. They are not walking around cocky, but have a tremendous amount of confidence in each other and what they can bring............ We need to take care of business, and I think we will - we also need to make sure we don't put the game in our kickers hands, or foot so-to-speak.


Philly - 17


Dallas - 24

I agree that if Vick plays, it will really help the Eagle's offense. During their 6 game win streak, Reid appeared more willing to run the ball on first and second down, knowing that if the Eagles got to third and short, he could put Vick in and pick up the first down without necessarily throwing the ball. This gave the Eagles offense more balance and thus made it less predictable. Vick also was a tremendous asset in the red zone.


I think the rush up the middle was definitely a reflection of the Eagles starting center being out. Dallas also benefitted from getting an early lead, thus allowing their rushers to pin their ears back and not worry about the run.


Jackson only returns punts. Demps usually returns kickoffs but he has been out injured the last few games. Yes, The Cowboy coverage was excellent and the touchbacks prevented the Eagles from even attempting a return.


You mentioned the youth of the Eagles. I was not aware until today that coming into this season, the Eagles were the second youngest team in the NFL. While that bodes well for the future, it does mean that the Eagles have some young kids in there that can make mistakes due to inexperience.


One final beef about Reid. I thought settling for a 53 yard field goal attempt on the first drive of the second half was way to conservative considering the Eagles were down 17-0. They would have had a 4th and 3 to make, and the chances of making that were probably as good as Akers making the 53 yarder. Go for it, Andy!

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i think the vick point is very well made.


an interesting this is going to be how reid responds to the cowboys pass rush. as i pointed out earlier, the cowboys rush was not extremely productive at getting to mcnabb, but what they did do is to contain him. i suspect that reid gameplanned around a kamikaze blitz package, and was surprised at the controlled pass rush dallas sent. had the eagles expected this, they might have worked more on long-developing routes with 7-step drops.


so how do reid and phillips adjust their schemes this week? does reid try to extend plays, counting on the cowboys to rush like last week, and do the cowboys stick with what worked? does phillips switch to a more aggressive rush package? does reid go hyperaggressive? and the same when dallas has the ball...are the eagles going to blitz like the eagles, and how is garrett going to prepare?


i love scheme matchups like this.



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I wish i had a chance to get in this thread earlier to respond to this clown. Now everyone will just say hindsight is 20/20. Luckily, other people refuted ghost a few times.

Prior to this game, mcbriar had 37 punts inside the 20 and only TWO were touchbacks. This man is a machine. This whole season, the cowboys special team "defense" has been great. Buehler set the cowboys touchback record. Hard to get a big play return when you start 5 yards deep in your own end zone. FG kicking is no doubt an eagles advantage, but i think you give jackson too much credit. Explosive, elusive, exciting all describe Jackson, but i would take the cowboys punt team 9 times out of 10 over jackson.


Do you care to rethink that one again?

Other than the giants, no team has put up more than 21 points on the cowboys. But of course, philly was bound to not only break that streak, but more than double it. Again, its clear you know nothing about the cowboys.

Again, you show your lack of knowledge.


See, i dont try to breakdown the eagles as much because i don't know them well enough. But, i definitely know them better than you know the cowboys. Throughout this thread, your lack of knowledge is obvious.

I show my lack of knowledge because I gave a prediction of what I thought the final score would be?


How does it feel to be perfection?



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I wish i had a chance to get in this thread earlier to respond to this clown. Now everyone will just say hindsight is 20/20. Luckily, other people refuted ghost a few times.

Prior to this game, mcbriar had 37 punts inside the 20 and only TWO were touchbacks. This man is a machine. This whole season, the cowboys special team "defense" has been great. Buehler set the cowboys touchback record. Hard to get a big play return when you start 5 yards deep in your own end zone. FG kicking is no doubt an eagles advantage, but i think you give jackson too much credit. Explosive, elusive, exciting all describe Jackson, but i would take the cowboys punt team 9 times out of 10 over jackson.


Do you care to rethink that one again?

Other than the giants, no team has put up more than 21 points on the cowboys. But of course, philly was bound to not only break that streak, but more than double it. Again, its clear you know nothing about the cowboys.

Again, you show your lack of knowledge.


See, i dont try to breakdown the eagles as much because i don't know them well enough. But, i definitely know them better than you know the cowboys. Throughout this thread, your lack of knowledge is obvious.


Now it's real easy to jump into a debate/arguement and rail against the team who lost on Sunday, and to sit there in judgement over stuff that was posted before the outcome.


Don't seem to recall you participating in any debate, talking any trash, posting any insight.


After all, a brilliant fan like yourself could have really offered all of us some deep knowledge of the Dallas Cowboys.


Instead you decided to take some pot shots at me, all of which are really, really weak.


Seriously, though, your one post did provide alot of value.

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* Ghosty leaving wuld be bs - hope doesn't happen no matter what happens.

* I really am not sure Philly game planning makes much different, less you believe they are better. They missed some plays, McNabb's faults showed 2day, but Dallas is to be credited for that I think. He did what all expected what Romo to do, choke so-to-speak.

* Does Romo move up at all and get the props he deserves now? How bout our D - kept SD to 21, NO under 20 and shut out this "most explosive offensive unit in the league"?

* Some talk show host said 2day, Romo & Reid would be amazing - I agree.


Sh!t, I ain't leavin' if they lose. I just won't be posting anymore.


I've won alot in my FF league thanks to some of the stats provided, including the preseason consensus positional rankings. The formula I have it integrated into is money, and has been ever since I've been using it. :bandana:

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Sh!t, I ain't leavin' if they lose. I just won't be posting anymore.


I've won alot in my FF league thanks to some of the stats provided, including the preseason consensus positional rankings. The formula I have it integrated into is money, and has been ever since I've been using it. :bandana:

two things..........this thread is last week's game........it is dead


second, you will not be posting..........after saturday........get your posts in now while you can.......

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Sh!t, I ain't leavin' if they lose. I just won't be posting anymore.


and i'm still pissed off about that. now if my team wins, we'll lose one of the most knowledgeable posters on the damn board (even if you do have bad taste in teams).



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Fun facts about the eagles

They're the only team left that hasn't beaten a play-off team. You want to know what I think it is? That team has no leaders left, they're all gone, makes you wonder why everyone thinks they'll win instead of us.


Dallas 31 eagles 13


The Eagles are 7-0 under Andy Reid in the first round of the playoffs. The Cowboys haven't won a playoff game since.... hmm... 199sumthin....


Donovan McNabb shows up this week (and I get on McNabb's case plenty often, but I do think he'll have a good game this Saturday) - Eagles win 24-21 :blink:


Based on some comments made by Sean McDermott, I expect the Eagles to blitz a lot more than they had last week. I wouldn't be surprised if Romo ends up tossing a couple of costly interceptions. :lol:

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