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This political madness has to stop - Woman kicked in the head by a guy

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Its just a sad commentary about fantasy land boards where they think things like this are ok. Phillybear is the worst. He's just a horrible human being for saying the stuff he does. I don't get why people act so differntly on fantasy land than they do from real life. Why say sh1t like, i wish i had a sock full of pennies.


I hope you get colon AIDS and eyeball cancer, you insensitive faggut.

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We really need three pages to determine it's focked up to step on a lady's head? :unsure:


This is the same forearm where some "Christians" were arguing that Jesus would've been pro- capital punishment. Not much surprises me here anymore. :cheers:

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I'm not going to go and re-read this namby pamby thread, but has it already been discussed this hardened criminal has a rap sheet a mile long and is constantly in trouble with the law. I hope they prosecute this broad to the fullest extent of the law for trying to kill a political candidate. Shenanigans. Complete and utter shenanigans. Focking delusional broads. She's psychotic. You can't just try to push your way through a crowd to touch a public figure. Try doing that to a musician or athlete, and see what kind of beat down you get.


Also, she claims she received a concussion. I had no idea you could sustain one by having a foot stomp on your shoulder blade. Revolting. Completely and utterly revolting. I hate this wormy woman even more that fockrag that complained about the Jets players for acting that she was hot. Fock, fockity fock.

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I'm not going to go and re-read this namby pamby thread, but has it already been discussed this hardened criminal has a rap sheet a mile long and is constantly in trouble with the law.

I wish someone here could link this info for me. I can't find it.

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I wish someone here could link this info for me. I can't find it.


The man on the radio said it so it has to be true.

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"When medics heard she was from MoveOn.org they declined to check for any signs of brain damage, citing the futility of the test."


"Hopefully the vital parts of the brain were undamaged. The Raise Taxes Reflex Center, Bleeding Heart Lobe and the Victim Gland are very well developed in MoveOn.org activists."


Liberal Brain



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"When medics heard she was from MoveOn.org they declined to check for any signs of brain damage, citing the futility of the test."


"Hopefully the vital parts of the brain were undamaged. The Raise Taxes Reflex Center, Bleeding Heart Lobe and the Victim Gland are very well developed in MoveOn.org activists."


Liberal Brain




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The entire situation was ridiculous on both sides. That being said, I found it telling when the pot-bellied head-stomper/stepper wouldnt even show his his face in an interview. Nut up f@ggot. :rolleyes:


Her behavior was pretty silly, but there was no need to stand on her face after she was already subdued. Of course she exaggerated the situation when talking about it afterwards.


This country is one giant circus and you have clowns filing out of tiny cars from the left and the right.

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