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"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

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Because you cut off what she said immediately after that little quote (and was conveniently downplayed in the article and in every Fox report.


Read the article! I posted the first paragraph of the article, I cut nothing off. The sad part is that you are stupid enough to believe it really doesn't matter. Her complete exchange does not change anything. The incompetence of her department is responsible for the deaths of 4 American Employees and the government lied to hide this from the American people. Now she is trying to cover up the "cover up" and you believe her. :lol: Transparency!

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Read the article! I posted the first paragraph of the article, I cut nothing off. The sad part is that you are stupid enough to believe it really doesn't matter. Her complete exchange does not change anything. The incompetence of her department is responsible for the deaths of 4 American Employees and the government lied to hide this from the American people. Now she is trying to cover up the "cover up" and you believe her. :lol: Transparency!


Ummm. Bullshit. The "article" was from Faux News and was the reason that I said it was not accurate. They cut out the important last sentence, just like you conviently left it out.


Read post #15 in this thread. This was your quote that I responded to:


This is from the article, please give me your link to how it "really" went down. :dunno:

At that point, Clinton began to raise her voice.


"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans," she said.


"I understand," Johnson said.


Clinton continued to speak, raising her voice and gesturing: "Was it because of a protest or is it because of guys out for a walk one night and they decide they go kill some Americans?


"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

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Ummm. Bullshit. The "article" was from Faux News and was the reason that I said it was not accurate. They cut out the important last sentence, just like you conviently left it out.


Read post #15 in this thread. This was your quote that I responded to:


:lol: I know you are trying to make this about the article rather than the reality that 4 American Employees died because our government is inept and they are doing a poor job of covering it up.


So you believe that they are so stupid they believed that it was "the film" that caused this attack? You are trying too hard to justify what these clowns are doing? It is both sad and pathetic.

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:lol: I know you are trying to make this about the article rather than the reality that 4 American Employees died because our government is inept and they are doing a poor job of covering it up.


So you believe that they are so stupid they believed that it was "the film" that caused this attack? You are trying too hard to justify what these clowns are doing? It is both sad and pathetic.

Apparently, you did not read anything that I wrote, so I will boil it down for you:

1. There were some major fock-ups in this one and 4 people died (probably) unnecessarily.

2. We need to focus on making sure that it does not happen again, rather than scoring points on TV

3. The Republicans in the committee are looking to discredit Clinton to minimize her impact in a 2016 Presidential race

4. The Democrats in the committee are looking for a job and want to kiss Clinton's ass to get one

5. We have some procedural things that need to be done to fix stuff. We can't just fire incompetent people in gubmint because of the way that the laws are written and we don't have enough protection for our embassies because of the funding from Congress. Fix those things in addition to what is wrong at the State Department

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Because you cut off what she said immediately after that little quote (and was conveniently downplayed in the article and in every Fox report.


JOHNSON: And the American people could have known that within days, and they didn`t know that.


CLINTON: With all due respect, the fact is, we had four dead Americans ...


JOHNSON: I understand.


CLINTON: Was it because of the protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night they decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.


Republicans looking to score points and Dems looking to kiss Hillary's ass. No changes will be made.


So, it's our job to find out what happened.......just don't ask Hil any questions that might shed light on what happened. :rolleyes:


Oh, and it was HER JOB to make sure it didn't happen the first time. Too bad she ignored pleas for more security.

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So, it's our job to find out what happened.......just don't ask Hil any questions that might shed light on what happened. :rolleyes:


Oh, and it was HER JOB to make sure it didn't happen the first time. Too bad she ignored pleas for more security.


I guess you missed the part where she took responsibility, explained what happened and what she is suggesting to be done to fix it.

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I guess you missed the part where she took responsibility, explained what happened and what she is suggesting to be done to fix it.


Yep, I missed her saying they died because she refused to provide the security they begged for.


Link? :music_guitarred:

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I can tell the board Republicans are real upset about how we lost 4 Americans in Benghazi by all the celebratory emoticons they keep posting about it. :overhead:

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At least she didn't have to read her emotional thoughts about being there when the caskets arrived. Oh wait she did read that, wonder if it instructed her to fake cry too.

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At least she didn't have to read her emotional thoughts about being there when the caskets arrived. Oh wait she did read that, wonder if it instructed her to fake cry too.


You and Phurfur know all about fake crying.

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The smell of your wifes twat brings real tears. :(


You are a short, fat, stupid little drama queen. :thumbsup:

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I can tell the board Republicans are real upset about how we lost 4 Americans in Benghazi by all the celebratory emoticons they keep posting about it.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

We lost the election, our fake outrage at the fake scandal is exposed as farce, and Hillary embarassed our sorry retarded asses on National TV after we plotted for months to do that to her. No, no wait I mean ... Oh the poor dead worthless queer ambassador died

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The Republicans on that committee are an embarassment to both human decency and the US Senate. Low end hack scumminess at it's least dignified in exploiting deaths like that for political purposes. They totally disgust me. Have they no shame? :thumbsdown:


Even now all this time later every time I think about it, it just makes me so :mad:


Hopefully now this is over it's the last we hear about Benghazi. It makes me want to vote for Hillary for POTUS out of spite. I want to tell these a$$holes in no uncertain terms to fock off.

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I want to tell these a$$holes in no uncertain terms to fock off.

Hasn't that been Obama's Benghazi strategy from day 1? :dunno:

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The Republicans on that committee are an embarassment to both human decency and the US Senate. Low end hack scumminess at it's least dignified in exploiting deaths like that for political purposes. They totally disgust me. Have they no shame? :thumbsdown:


Even now all this time later every time I think about it, it just makes me so :mad:


Hopefully now this is over it's the last we hear about Benghazi. It makes me want to vote for Hillary for POTUS out of spite. I want to tell these a$$holes in no uncertain terms to fock off.

you are such a clueless uninformed hack

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The Republicans on that committee are an embarassment to both human decency and the US Senate.

Exactly. How dare they actually ask Hil questions about why she denied security to our Ambassador, and then blamed her ineptitude on a youtube video. :rolleyes:

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 :cry:  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

We lost the election, our fake outrage at the fake scandal is exposed as farce, and Hillary embarassed our sorry retarded asses on National TV after we plotted for months to do that to her. No, no wait I mean ... Oh the poor dead worthless queer ambassador died


Nailed it.

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you are such a clueless uninformed hack


Amazingly, this totally worthless topic is finally interesting. I'm actually enjoying reading about it after all, it's amazing how that worked out. I don't know - am I the only one laughing about this? :lol:

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Amazingly, this totally worthless topic is finally interesting. I'm actually enjoying reading about it after all, it's amazing how that worked out. I don't know - am I the only one laughing about this? :lol:

Does this make you laugh more then when you play elmo in the tickle me game with your students ?


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Does this make you laugh more then when you play elmo in the tickle me game with your students ?


Not all my picture cards are laminated and fighting the kids for an unlaminated picture card he grabbed and won't cough up often gets them torn. I've had many torn cards or legs/arms ripped off of stuffed toys. Tickling a kids gets them to release the card/toy undamaged.


Now that you've decided to get all personal though, and become an a$$hole, maybe I'll remind the Geek Club that you admitted to having gay sex in the past. Oh that's right- it wasn't gay sex since you were on the recieving end of the blowjob.

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Now that you've decided to get all personal though, and become an a$hole, maybe I'll remind the geek Club that you admitted to having gay sex in the past. Oh that's right- it wasn't gay sex since you were on the recieving end of the blowjob.


And the picture becomes a whole lot clearer.



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Link ? :dunno:

Fortunatly for you, the Geek Club search engine doesn't go back that far. It ends in 2006. Unfortunaly for you, Chronic Husker hasn't updated his signature for 7+ years so anybody can still see it.

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drobeski lost this thread.

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Fortunatly for you, the Geek Club search engine doesn't go back that far. It ends in 2006. Unfortunaly for you, Chronic Husker hasn't updated his signature for 7+ years so anybody can still see it.

Oh man, it does say that. Drobers, why would you think thats not gay? Becauae it is really really gay.


Now was he being serious or was it a joke? I have admitted to gay shlts many times in a joking manner and would be sad to see those comments taken litteraly.


Plus i didnt know he had a pemus until after second base. :banana:

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Fortunatly for you, the Geek Club search engine doesn't go back that far. It ends in 2006. Unfortunaly for you, Chronic Husker hasn't updated his signature for 7+ years so anybody can still see it.


Wow, that's pretty shocking. I had no idea drobeski was gay. I guess he's one of those guys who acts a certain way to cover up his homosexuality.


That actually makes a lot of sense, now that I think about it. :doh:

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Wow, that's pretty shocking. I had no idea drobeski was gay. I guess he's one of those guys who acts a certain way to cover up his homosexuality.


That actually makes a lot of sense, now that I think about it. :doh:

Should i get a volvo to seal the deal ?

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Wow, that's pretty shocking. I had no idea drobeski was gay. I guess he's one of those guys who acts a certain way to cover up his homosexuality.


He's pretty much FFT's very own Ted Faggard.

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Should i get a volvo to seal the deal ?


Volvos are a little too classy to go around sucking cack at highway rest stops. You should probably go with a Fiat

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Volvos are a little too classy to go around sucking cack at highway rest stops. You should probably go with a Fiatat


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