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Lance Dunbar

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I know he has a hammy issue but should be back this week or next, not sure if you guys had seem him in preseason.... but he was a flat out stud. Reports are coming out that Murray could miss just this next game but... Randle should be the play in Dallas this week but going forward my guess is Dunbar still being Murrays best back up. Dudes little but plays big

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Randle is starting this week. But if Murray is going to be out for an extended period of time and Dunbar is healthy, he is the guy to own. Would like to hear Dallas homers and watchers weigh in on this though.

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Randle is starting this week. But if Murray is going to be out for an extended period of time and Dunbar is healthy, he is the guy to own. Would like to hear Dallas homers and watchers weigh in on this though.

What have you done for me lately.. if Randle has a nice game against the Eagles, which is entirely (sigh) possible, they'll keep giving him the rock.

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Sorry, should have warned you Murray owners that he would get hurt this week. I drafted and carried Dunbar all year in a league that I own Murray in. I had to cut Dunbar this week because I needed the roster spot due to byes and the Julio Jones injury. Couldn't cut Julio due to it being a keeper league. I told myself as soon as I cut Dunbar that THIS would be the week that Murray would get hurt. Sure enough, just as I expected, Murray goes down. My apologies, should have told you guys before the game that Murray would get hurt this week. It was inevitable. :dunno:

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Sorry, should have warned you Murray owners that he would get hurt this week. I drafted and carried Dunbar all year in a league that I own Murray in. I had to cut Dunbar this week because I needed the roster spot due to byes and the Julio Jones injury. Couldn't cut Julio due to it being a keeper league. I told myself as soon as I cut Dunbar that THIS would be the week that Murray would get hurt. Sure enough, just as I expected, Murray goes down. My apologies, should have told you guys before the game that Murray would get hurt this week. It was inevitable. :dunno:


Same exact situation for me. Been holding dunbar and had to cut due to Julio injury. Hoping he flys under the radar since I have #1 waiver and don't plan on using it for him.

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Dallas homer here...


Yes, Dunbar was great in preseason, outplayed everyone besides Demarco, and listed as the #2. But the thinking was that he could be a poor man's Sproles. But his lack of health and Dallas' inability to stick to a strategy meant it never materialized.


Early in the season, had Murray went down, Tanner would have been the guy to actually get the carries. But Randle is more talented and once he started getting his assignments right, he would be the backup. Finally the last couple of weeks Randle has been activated.


I think it'll be a situation where Dallas turns into a heavy passing team. IF Dunbar is 100% healthy..Maybe Randle gets 12 carries and is out if there on obvious passing downs. Dunbar gets 4-5 carries and maybe the 4-5 catches Murray was getting.


As to who the better play is? I guess Randle if Dallas is winning. Dunbar if in catchup mode. So....no clue. I'll be starting Randle this week in Murray's place, but with trepidation.

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I dropped Bunbar in several leagues last week when his hammy issue surfaced. i just don't trust hamstring issues to not re-surface. And then of course, as I expected, Demarco Murray finally went down. I don't trust him either. I'm staying away from the Dal RB situation (for now) until Dunbar is cleared to play and has one good game under his belt to prove it.


RBs on my waiver list this week are Ogbannaya and Tolbert. That's about all there is in the leagues I'm in. But I'm pretty good at the RB position right now in most of my leagues so depending on the league, I'll have to think about the merits of even putting a bid in. Oh yea, in my only non-ppr league, jacobs is still available. I almost forgot about him.

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Everyone else is going to be going after Dunbar and Randle, so go after Tanner just in case. I still don't have high hopes of the Boys sticking to any kind of a run game while Murray is out.


The only league that I owned Murray I was already 1-4 and my team wasn't looking very good. With Shorts, Graham, Vereen, Spiller and White all in that league.... yeah my season was doomed.

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i'm gonna pat myself on the back for this prediction during preseason. anticipated tanner as the #2 out of the gate, but called randle taking over the primary backup spot fairly quickly. the real issue for him is pass protection, which can be a killer for a young back in a pass-heavy mix.


dunbar will probably never be the primary backup, but he should be somewhat productive once he gets back in the flow. a lot of people were talking about a sproles-type role for him, but that remains to be seen.


in other words, i have no useful info to add. just bored.

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Randle is starting this week. But if Murray is going to be out for an extended period of time and Dunbar is healthy, he is the guy to own. Would like to hear Dallas homers and watchers weigh in on this though.

I live in Dallas... this is correct. randle for sure THIS week. They love Dunbar

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Any idea who would start if Dunbar is able to play this? Did Randle secure the job until Murray returns? I have Dunbar on my bench and need to either part ways due to injury / byes this week. But if he might have the chance to play / start is he worth a flex spot?

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Dunbar is 185 lbs. - do not fall in love with him. He will show signs of flash now and then - but if you think this kid can handle getting the ball 15-20 times a game you are kidding yourself. Tanner is on the way out - his blunder last week might of been the nail in the coffin for him. Randle will still be the guy with Dunbar spelling him from time to time.

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Randle is starting this week. But if Murray is going to be out for an extended period of time and Dunbar is healthy, he is the guy to own. Would like to hear Dallas homers and watchers weigh in on this though.


Randle did pretty good on his1st start with Murray being out, but if Dunbar would have been healthy, he probably wouldn't have got the chance. So I'd say don't get your hopes up on any, it's not like Dallas is a run 1st type of offense nowadays.

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he didn't practice at all last week, which is not a good sign. if he doesn't go tomorrow, then his role for sunday is probably going to be minor. if he misses thur, he'll probably scratch.


edit: check that--garrett said that dunbar will play this week. probably looking at changeup and package play.

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Ya I drafted Murray and he has been playing really good so far, I know in preseason all they talked about was Dunbar so I drafted him late for the hand cuff.. I hung on to him when he got hurt hoping he would be fine if and when Murray went down... well it didn't work out that way, so I grabbed randle. Now I have 3 Dallas RB's !!! Not dropping Murray of course but don't know what to do with the other 2... guess I will hold off till after this week. hate it

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Any idea who would start if Dunbar is able to play this? Did Randle secure the job until Murray returns? I have Dunbar on my bench and need to either part ways due to injury / byes this week. But if he might have the chance to play / start is he worth a flex spot?


other than emergencies, dunbar will never be the every down back. he's the change of pace guy--think of an even smaller version of reggie bush or young felix. they don't want dunbar to put on the weight necessary to run inside, because that will cut down on his quickness and ability to play in space.


if randle got hurt next week, tanner would be the srarter, and dunbar would still be the change of pace guy.

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